Unique Legend

Chapter 1

That night, I tearfully received a sealed box in my room.

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After strangely opening it on the spot, inside was actually a set of ordinary white sportswear. Note that these are completely normal clothes. When I picked them up, I didn’t feel a thing. There was even a brand from a certain place in that original world of mine on them. It was clear that these really are custom-made ordinary clothes.

The sportswear is designed pretty nicely…It can’t be that this is the randomly-distributed team sportswear that Liliya was talking about, right? Staring at the white sportswear, I began to feel afraid.

I hope I don’t get assigned to a weird place, or else I wouldn’t even know how I died!

“Yang Yang?”

Just when I was staring blankly at the sportswear, the sound of the door opening suddenly drifted over behind me along with a very familiar call. I immediately turned my head and sure enough, I saw my personal charms teacher standing in the back: “Mr. Andy?” Why is he here at this time?

The black robe Andy closed the door then walked over, smiling at me: “Did you receive the team sportswear already?”

“Nn.” I showed him the box in my hands.

“Ah, what a coincidence, I just saw the same-colored clothes too.” Andy’s expression looked delighted, but he didn’t tell me who he saw: “Looks like tomorrow will be very entertaining, but sadly I’ll have to watch the replay images.”

“Are you going out?” I saw that he didn’t seem to intend on changing out of his black robe and was even carrying a backpack, which didn’t look like he was going for a walk nearby.

“Yes, I happen to have a mission, but it’s only to investigate for a few days. I’ll be back soon.” Thinking for a while, Andy returned to his room and took out a book for me: “This is the rate at which I’m currently teaching you. You can take a look first. If you have any questions, you can ask them after I come back.”

I felt touched as I put the book away.

“Then that’ll be all for now. You guys have fun.” After saying that, he quickly disappeared at the stairs. Carrying the charms book, I held that clothing box between my fingers and went back to my room.

“Hey, Yang Yang, you’re back.”

The second someone who wasn’t supposed to be in my room raised her hand and greeted me, I suddenly the urge to automatically back away and give up the room to let her have her fun.

I saw that most troublesome Director Shan straightforwardly occupying my little living room as if it was her own home. All around her was a pile of food and souvenirs from today’s fair…Wait a minute! Why is there a Venus flytrap full of sharp teeth and twice as big as normal among the souvenirs; what did you bring it here to eat! “This is a screaming bug-eating flower. If you slap it, it’ll issue a very interesting scream. Do you want to hear it?” Director Shan noticed my gaze and brought that suspected-to-be-a-Venus-flytrap thing over. A bunch of sharp teeth swayed back and forth.

“No thank you.” I don’t want to hear a bunch of sharp teeth screaming at me.

Withdrawing my steps that want to run away, I braced myself and returned to the room, then took out drinks to entertain the uninvited, and who knows what she came to do, Director Shan.

No one would believe me if I said that one of the three most admired directors is now only in my room.

Seeing me completely uninterested in the bug-eating flower, Director Shan shrugged and randomly put that damn thing down. She cheerfully spread the food out on the table, as if this was her house: “I’m here to talk to you about that stinky brat of mine. How did you feel about him being your guide?”

Already aware that the so-called stinky brat Director Shan spoke of is Senior, I wasn’t as surprised as I was at first. I just sat down in front of the small table too. Honestly, I really will go hungry if there’s nothing much to eat for dinner. Since the other person is treating me, I don’t need to be too courteous with her: “Actually, how I feel about Senior is that, if only his mouth was as fast as his feet…” At least that way, I can decrease the chances of being hit…though it’s still possible that I won’t be able to dodge it.

“Aha, I feel the same way. That stinky brat is exactly the same as his master. They don’t even say hello before striking, so dishonorable.”

This was the first time I ever heard someone criticize Senior as dishonorable. Stunned, I didn’t know if I should answer. Just when I was caught in a dilemma, Director Shan had continued speaking on: “But it really is interesting. That stinky brat of mine actually hates troublesome things and getting together with a bunch of people. I was originally going to say that it’s fine if he refused to be a guide. I never thought that he would run off to the original world and actually agree to it on his own after coming back. Looks like it was fate for you two.”

I think it’s an ill fate.

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“Eh, Senior has seen me before?” Director Shan meant that Senior had gone to the original world to make sure. Then when did he come? Why don’t I remember it at all? But that said, if I could remember it, that black robe can’t be called a black robe anymore.

“Yeah, you didn’t see him? I remember when he came back, he said he went to some registration center and saw you. It was too loud inside, so he didn’t go in.” Holding a roll, Director Shan briefly said.

Registration center?


My memories began to backtrack, and then I remembered something.

It can’t be…

That figure standing outside yet the electric door didn’t open, when my sister took me to the testing center and cursed at the very beginning?

Senior! You’re a ghost! “You seem to have remembered.” Director Shan curved into a smile, completely certain on her own.

“Uh, I guess I know.” If I’m not wrong, I think it really should be that. It’s impossible for him to walk over as an ordinary dog.

Director Shan glanced at me. Her expression seemed like she was confirming something, but I don’t know what she was confirming. After a few seconds, she suddenly reached out and patted my shoulder: “Then, I’d have to trouble you guys to be friends with that stinky brat of mine.” When I heard this, I almost spat out the beverage I was drinking: “Be, be friends?”

Ma’am, you’re joking, right!

“Yeah.” Not at all thinking that she was joking, Director Shan nodded: “That stinky brat of mine has been extremely popular for a long time already. When he was sent to us, he was already so immoral…being cute is one thing, but with the way he was, there were no same-age kids for him to play with, so he could only play with Ghosts and monsters…”

I suddenly felt that the more I heard, the more wrong it seemed: “Senior looked for Ghosts and monsters to play?” That’s too innocent and naive!

“No, I looked for Ghosts and monsters for him to play as toys.”

For some reason, in this second I can suddenly understand why Senior would hate her so much.

Can Ghosts and monsters be treated as children’s toys, “Ah ah, how nostalgic. At that time, the Temple of Nothingness was filled with an atmosphere of life and death. No matter where you go, you’d be assaulted by little things, so fun.” Director Shan spoke about Senior’s tragic past in a tone that was asking for a beating, “That’s why that person decided to take the stinky brat as his disciple. He should thank me for this achievement.”

He took Senior as his disciple because he was afraid he would die! I really shed a tear of sorrow for Senior’s childhood and could simultaneously confirm that he didn’t completely hate this person for no reason.

“Are you also interested in the Ghost Tribe and monsters?” Director Shan abruptly turned to look at me.

“No thank you.”

I still want to peacefully live this life.

“That’s right, why did Senior live with you guys?”

After being halfway finished with my food, I asked what I’ve been curious about for a long time. Because I remember two people came before to ask Senior to return home (this made me suspect that he’s some aristocrat), and in the end, they were beaten back. So then Senior should have a family. How did he end up living with the three directors? Director Shan glanced at me: “It’s a long story. There was a bit of a problem quite a while ago, so that stinky brat couldn’t stay where he was. The rest of his elders sent the stinky brat over to us and said it doesn’t matter what price we charge them, as long as we protect the stinky brat till he reaches adulthood.” She shrugged, then took a strawberry skewer and bit it: “Of course, since they let me charge whatever I want, I didn’t hold back and directly charged a high price that would severely cripple them if not kill…Oh, this is off-topic. However, they actually readily paid it, so I let the stinky brat stay.” Such, such a complicated and weird way (of telling the story).

“Was a war between races?” I more or less know that Senior definitely isn’t human, though what he is, I have no idea.

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“Nn, that’s right.” Director Shan nodded and tossed the trash in her hand on the floor of my room. Then she dragged out an object on the floor that you could tell was a wine bottle at a glance: “This world is great, but there has been too many wars in the past. When we arrived here, there was such a variety of races that it would shock you, but in just a short time, most of them disappeared. It really is a pity.” She opened the wine bottle and said.

“…Oh.” War really seems to be omnipresent.

“Oh right, that person didn’t seem to plan on teaching that brat at first, actually. That brat knew a lot of things when he came to us. I heard he learned from his mother and father, so when you have time, you can try probing him more often. Maybe you’ll learn a long-lost secret technique or something.”

The hell is a long-lost secret technique!?

“No thanks, I’ll just learn slowly.” Before I can probe Senior, he would have probed my mind clean. I think he would’ve already taught me something if I was allowed to know it.

That said, I remember that it seems like the very first thing Senior taught me was the Elven Hundred Song. There are many spoken variants; those drawn, such as talismans, however, are very few.

“That stinky brat of mine is a good kid…I really don’t want to return him to them.” After Director Shan emptied that bottle of wine, she lied down on the table, lazily looking at me: “Tsk, if it’s you guys, you can probably live through adulthood together. No matter whom it is directed to, as long as the good dare to gather, they can all be safe.”

“What does that mean?” I didn’t understand why she would say this all of a sudden.

“Nn, nothing much. It’s fine if you just hear it.” Shrugging, Director Shan lightly smiled, then suddenly fell backward from the table, lying on the floor with a crash: “I’m going to sleep~”

The conversation abruptly skipped so fast that I couldn’t react at all. Several seconds later, I realized what the Director had said: “Hey hey! You should have your own room! Don’t sleep here!” If Senior kicks open the door again early the next morning, how can I explain this situation: “Come on, if you want to sleep, at least go inside the room!”

“Goodnight.” The completely willful Director Shan yawned and closed her eyes.

“Don’t sleep here.” Right now I don’t care if she is a director or not; I hastily pulled her up from the floor with a tug. After all, she is a girl, so she weighed less than I thought, light enough to the point where it was a bit inconceivable. So I dragged her back to the room rather easily, then threw her on the bed.

Director Shan was practically snoring already, completely giving off the feeling that she had the most authority here.

Having said that…I can’t just sleep here, right…Although she is said to be a director, in the end, it’s very strange for boys and girls to sleep in the same room! After thinking for a while, I decided to sleep in the living room.

At this time, I don’t want to go outside the room no matter what.

When I woke up the next day, instead of sleeping in the living room, I’d already returned to my own bed.

That Director Shan who invited herself in was gone, disappearing in some corner of the air like how she arrived. But I suppose she does have some conscience, because the pile of trash from last night that I cleaned up and prepared to dispose of today had also disappeared. I reckon it was taken away with her.

I glanced at the time. Maybe it was because I fell asleep too early that I woke up early too. It was around five in the morning, and there already many bird calls outside the window.

Andy isn’t here today. I wonder if Senior would lend me his bathroom so early? Since I’m afraid of going there too early and being kicked like a ball later, I simply rolled around on the bed and flipped through a few manhuas, until another hour passed, and it was about six o’clock, before I went to knock on Senior’s door with my supplies for washing up.

Good thing it wasn’t senior Gasai who opened the door this time—but there wasn’t much else good about it, because the door opened on its own.

“Did you come here early in the morning to investigate the difference between my door and an automatic door!?” As usual, abnormally cold words came from inside the room. I shivered and hurried into the room, closing the door behind me.

Senior, who’s been awake for who knows how long, had two cups and a teapot placed on the table. Next to it was also a small bamboo basket of little bread. It looks like someone was here just now: “…Yesterday Director Shan was in your room?”

Being asked this without any warning, I jumped up in fright: “I, I wasn’t thinking about that before!” Could it be that Senior, you’ve already evolved from reading my mind to reading my memories!? The hell!? If you can even do that, do I still want to live!?

Red eyes glared at me fiercely: “There’s a strong wine smell on you. That guy didn’t have anything better to do than to find wine!” He used the quickest way to tell me how he knew.

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That’s strange, if it was the Demon big sister who came, “Then you wouldn’t have gotten up now and would’ve just overslept instead.” Senior threw enigmatic words at me, then turned around and continued to do what he was doing with his hands.

It was then that I noticed that many small transparent boxes had appeared on the floor of the living room that was originally empty except for the chairs and table. They were probably as big as a person, the kind that can fit two basketballs. There were five or six of them and each one contained several expensive-looking books. Noticing my gaze, Senior put down the book that he was browsing through: “This is the mission that I’m currently taking, the Wind Valley Record that the Wind Valley Fairies sent over. Don’t disturb me while I’m working. Get to the bathroom quickly and do what you’re supposed to do!” Senior’s attitude wasn’t that good…Wait, it can’t be that you’ve been reading those things for a whole night!? Looking at that thick book in his hand that seemed like it could smash someone’s head if thrown, I swallowed and didn’t dare to ask at all, directly escaping into the bathroom.

I bet Senior would definitely become a glorious top member of the work-to-death list; he’s simply too dedicated!

“Are you having a brain cramp early in the morning!?” With a bang, I heard the sound of something suspected to be a book being smashed on the bathroom door. I’m sorry! Hurriedly moving away from the door, I was a bit afraid that Senior would directly charge in like last time, so I quickly finished washing up and left the bathroom.

When I came out, those books on the floor were already gone. Then I saw Senior taking out a familiar box and changing his clothes.

Upon closer inspection, I was shocked. Senior’s sportswear was actually the same color as mine.

“…You’re also on the white team?” Halfway finished changing when he abruptly paused, Senior turned his head and looked at me with his red eyes. I couldn’t hear whether or not he felt that was unlucky from his tone.

“Uh, yeah.” I scratched my head and answered.


Is this a protest?

I’m so sorry I accidentally drew the same team as you…But having said that, I wonder which team Miao Miao and the others drew. In a way, I really don’t want to be on opposing teams with them. I keep having a terrifying feeling. “Ha, it doesn’t matter even if they draw the enemy team. At any rate, all the enemies in front of us will be wiped out.” Senior issued a scary declaration.

“I…” I don’t dare to hit the others! Just when I wanted to finish speaking, a knock came from Senior’s door.

Just like how I came in, the door automatically opened. Standing outside was actually senior Gasai.

“What a coincidence, Chu.” Senior Gasai walked in holding the sportswear box. I didn’t see Xiao Ting; who knows where she ran off to: “Sorry about yesterday, how’s your body now?”

He was talking about the incident in the haunted house when I got cut by the wind knife. I hastily smiled: “I’m alright, thank you.” After sleeping last night, my whole body has pretty much recovered by this morning. Looks like there shouldn’t be a problem. “That’s good then.” Senior Gasai smiled, then put the box in his hands on the table: “It seems like the teams this time will probably be very interesting.” Saying that, he opened the box. I didn’t know what he meant by that, but after seeing the clothes in the box, I immediately understood. Inside the box lied red sportswear.

Senior Gasai is on our enemy team! Standing beside me, Senior frowned: “Huh.”

He actually smiled, that terrifying smile!

“Then, I will do my best to find a way to defeat you guys.” Curving his lips, senior Gasai said very pleasantly.

I suddenly didn’t really want to go to the sports competition anymore.

“Did you come here early in the morning to speak nonsense.”

After senior Gasai’s declaration of war ended, Senior slowly said this.

“Haha, of course not.” Closing the box, senior Gasai suddenly glanced at me.

“It’s fine, you can just say it. That guy Shan said some things yesterday and Chu also heard.” Probably aware of what the other person wanted to say, Senior abruptly opened up.

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My eyelid twitched twice, and I had a hunch that I might not be qualified to hear this. But before I could turn my head and run, senior Gasai already spoke first—

“I received a message. The purple robes has already lost contact with some of theirs. The Guild has planned to mobilize a new batch of people to assist first, but it looks like the chance of finding them will probably be very slim. After all, the targets are those people…” Frowning, senior Gasai, who brought bad news, paused: “Nn, although the student robe levels won’t be mobilized for the time being, I really want to take a look too. There are some things that are simply too difficult to feel relaxed about after hearing the reports, if you don’t see them for yourself.”

“At a time like this, we have to make protecting the school our number one mission.” A simple and neat reply to senior Gasai’s words. Senior narrowed his eyes, making it hard to guess what he was thinking about.

The air fell silent for a while. I originally wanted to quietly flee while they were discussing things, but it looks like that’ll be difficult. However, staying here is so awkward.

Hearing Senior Gasai just now, it sounds like something terrible happened in the Guild recently, so non-student robe levels have been mobilized.

How exhausting…

Wait a minute, speaking of big issues, this reminds me of what Director Shan said at the White Garden of the Wind yesterday. Could it be related to this?

“Don’t think too much.” Senior suddenly threw over this sentence and startled me, but to my surprise, he actually didn’t smack me and instead folded his arms, thinking about who knows what.

After once again becoming aware of my presence, senior Gasai suddenly clapped his hands: “That’s right, I forget to tell Chu. I bumped into Mikayla and the others outside the Black Dorm just now. They told me to have you come down quickly and find them if I saw you.”


You only remembered to tell me now!? It’s been at least ten minutes already, boss!

“I’ll be going first!” Hurrying out of Senior’s room, I quickly returned to my own room, changed into the sportswear and took a small backpack before running downstairs.

Sure enough, after leaving the Black Dorm’s entrance, a group of people was already standing there waiting for me.

“Yang Yang, you’re so slow!” With a shrunken White Cat King on her head, Miao Miao was wearing white sportswear as she waved at me: “Miao Miao and Yang Yang are on the same team! We have to work hard today!”

As soon as I saw that Miao Miao and I were on the same team, I suddenly felt a bit relieved. This way, at least I wouldn’t have to fear not being saved if I die. Then I turned my head, before black lines. Pushing his glasses as he stood beside Miao Miao, Chifuyu revealed a wicked smile, causing me to be very afraid: “Let’s all work hard today, but I won’t be losing.” He wore red sportswear and immediately made it clear that he’ll be a terrifying enemy when the sports competition begins later.

“Ahaha…Please have mercy.” I broke out in a cold sweat with a feeling of fear: “Senior Gasai is also on the red team.”

In that instant, I think I saw Chifuyu’s expression change slightly, but he hid it very well, immediately disappearing and making me think that it might’ve been an illusion.

“If we don’t hurry over, the rice balls will be gone.” A chilly voice suddenly drifted over behind me, and I was so startled that I ran two steps forward on the spot. Turning my head, I saw that Ryan had popped out of another dimension at some point and stood behind me, protesting that we were taking too long.

I continued to look down and saw that Ryan was also wearing white sportswear.

“Oh yeah! Now it’s three against one. Let’s go eat one last meal of peace!” Miao Miao pulled my hand and very joyfully announced this.

What do you mean “last meal”!?

“I will definitely beat you guys to pieces today.” Chifuyu issued a sinister declaration.

“Miao Miao won’t lose either!”

And so, on the second day of the school festival, the great sports competition officially began.

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