Unique Legend

Chapter 10

[Sorry to keep you waiting! After the exciting horse-riding battle, we are about to head into our last game today, which is also our grand finale. This competition is completely open to other schools and even visitors. Please feel free to join the event. Points from non-high schoolers will not count, but there will be prizes. The number of ranks is limited. If you want to play, you’ll have to be fast!]

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As soon as I arrived on the field, Lucia’s strong and energetic broadcast immediately entered my ears. Perhaps because it was the last game or perhaps because it was the finale, the surrounding cheers were louder than the previous times before, as if the most anticipated thing was coming.

[The last game—the disguise mission. The rule of the game is to to get a piece of paper from a staff member. The paper will have your designated disguise role. Please do transform yourself into that look perfectly. Since the difficulty is considerably high this time, students who are not good at transforming don’t need to worry. We have staff members who can help you dress up. After changing, please follow the mission instructions on the paper. Those who complete a mission get a point. In addition, students in the sports competition will also have a number sign. Seeing through your enemy’s disguise and getting the sign will earn you a point as well. Non-high schooler friends who complete the missions will receive a gift. Good luck everyone!]

Hearing this game broadcast right after coming back, in that instant, there was only the word “dizzy” in my mind.

“Yang Yang, where did you run off to before?” Miao Miao popped up behind me and even pushed my shoulder toward our group: “Let’s draw the lots together. Many people have already drawn.”

Once she said this, I realized that many people did have a sign and paper in their hands already.

The lots weren’t far from us. They were just a couple of steps away in fact.

There was a huge glass bottle with a mouse wheel the size of an adult inside. Even scarier was the fact that there was even a mouse running on the wheel. It wasn’t a normal cute little mouse at all but a giant mouse as big as a lizard.

I saw a giant mouse running on a wheel!

As the giant mouse ran, many straws flew out below. Once she saw the straws, Miao Miao immediately ran to pluck two and give one to me: “The form is inside.” She revealed a wide smile and told me, before quickly grabbing a rolled-up object like a cigarette from the straw, as if to let me understand better.

Following her example, I pulled out a paper from the straw in my hand.

The second the paper was pulled out, a number sign rolled out with it. I stuffed the number sign in my pocket, then opened that piece of paper. After getting a close look at that paper, for an instant, I was struck dumb—

[Please dress up as a cute rabbit. With your medicine stick, give *Chang’e a fatal blow when she walks by to get a point.]

[T/N: She’s the Chinese goddess of the moon who lives with the Jade Rabbit]

What kind of damn mission is this!?

I held the note with a trembling hand with the thought that maybe my eyes were cramping.

In fact, this is just a fake lot put in as a practical joke, right? Nothing can scare me, this mission is just impossible, turns out it was only a joke!

“What mission did Yang Yang draw?” Miao Miao’s cute face moved toward me: “Miao Miao drew [Please dress up as Snow White. When the witch comes to sell you apples, don’t hesitate to stuff the poisoned apple in her mouth. You get a point after the witch’s eyes roll up and she collapses]. Really interesting huh.”

Looking at Miao Miao’s brilliant smile, I fell silent.

I’m speechless!

I’m completely speechless, okay!

This damn day, who was responsible for the whole day’s competition schedule!? Which brain-cramping bastard had so much free time to randomly think up these things!?

Holding the paper, I was under the illusion that the sky was actually dark.

Just when I decided to give up the competition to find the light in my life, there was suddenly a loud commotion not far away.

Beside me, Miao Miao abruptly nudged me hard, and I followed her line of vision. Then, I saw a super beautiful woman wearing a white, shiny court dress. With pretty blue eyes and golden curls, she was beautiful enough to make one gasp in awe. Surrounding her were many people, which was how the commotion came about.

I looked at this beauty and suddenly felt that she was familiar, much like some kind of fairytale; and so, my gaze dropped down…Sure enough, I saw a pair of glass slippers on her feet.


Just when I recognized that this was a fairytale character, someone finally stepped forward to ask that beauty what was really going on, and whether she could go out with him.

That Cinderella looked at the person before her with a cold, cold gaze for five seconds. A short five seconds later, I heard a heart-wrenching wail.

Directly stepping on that person’s face with her glass slipper, Cinderella kicked that man back with her shoe still half stuck in him. After spurting blood and staining the sole of the shoe red, he collapsed on the ground and started to spasm. And the one who made the move didn’t care about making it public, lifting up the heavy skirt and stepping on his body: “If you dare to not have eyes and ask again, I’ll plant you here!”

That’s great now, apart from recognizing that it was Cinderella, I even recognized who was inside.

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Senior! Glass slippers aren’t worn for this purpose!

That pair of stained-red glass slippers stopped, then blue eyes glared toward me with an icy, terrifying look: “Chu, believe it or not, I will use these glass slippers to smash your head.”

I covered my head and immediately ran off.

For as long as I live, I will never want high heels to smash my head!

But that said, Senior, Cinderella really suits you.


Before the glass slipper could fly over, I instantly fled to the dressing area to seek protection from the staff.

I have to admit that the school is a rich bastard, as expected.

After ten minutes or so, I left the staff-assisted dressing area in a furry suit. As if I really transformed, my outer appearance had become like a rabbit. Turning left and right in front of the mirror, I looked like a supernatural rabbit that can stand upright and walk around, not like a fake rabbit at all.

The staff actually even gave me a medicine stick, but I looked for a long time without seeing Chang’e appear.

If possible, I really want to find a field of grass and just lie down, because since my mission is to kill Chang’e, there must be another person whose mission is to kill the rabbit. For my own sake, I’m working hard to search, but I don’t see any fields.

Senior, who was just with the repairers, had disappeared off somewhere.

Probably because some time had passed already, I saw fewer and fewer ordinary people now. There were many mysterious costumed things on the field. And the last disguise game was even open to everyone to participate; all of a sudden the entire sports field was crowded with people, a stark contrast to the feeling from this morning.

“Scram scram! Don’t block this uncle’s way!” A certain arrogant girl’s voice drifted over, and I could practically tell who came over without turning.

As soon as I turned my head, my eyes almost dropped out.

Wearing a girl’s sailor suit yet having five-colored hair buns, Sailor Moon walked over while pushing past the people beside him in a very unrefined pose: “That tuxedo, come out at once! This uncle wants to kill you!”

If it were me, I definitely wouldn’t come out.

But that said, who is that tuxedo male lead? Because he’s too unlucky having to face Ziray, it makes me want to give him a moment of silence.

While thinking this, I suddenly saw something that I didn’t know if I should laugh at.

While looking and kicking people, that Sailor Moon walked past two signboards (which should be disguised too), completely ignoring the person wearing a tuxedo beside the sign, and left.

…I think I already know who that tuxedo is.

After ten or so more minutes passed, the staff began to disperse.

Very soon, Lucia announced the start of the game.

Perhaps because we’re all dressed up this time, everyone could restrain their auras as well. The whole place looked like an expanse of colorfulness at a glance. There was no way to tell who was who, so once the competition started, almost no one made a move. They were probably also afraid of hurting a teammate by mistake.

After about five minutes, the first victim finally appeared.

From far away, I saw Huang Yaoshi suddenly kill Abbess Miejue, and as if it was the signal to start battle, nearly everyone began to move.

[T/N: Both are characters in the famous Condor Trilogy by Jin Yong]

“Come out! You cowardly damn tuxedo!” Having still not found his prey, the five-colored Sailor Moon furiously roared while running back, then once again overlooked the tuxedo male lead who was actually just standing beside him waving.

Smiling once, the tuxedo guy shrugged, looked for a new spot and sat down contentedly, watching the fierce fight outside his world with a very comfortable expression.

Since you can also get points for pulling off the sign, some people didn’t want to bother with the missions already, killing any randomly-disguised thing they see.

I glanced around and still didn’t see Chang’e. So I cautiously ran to a less conspicuous part of the sports field and began to observe a large group of disguisers.

There was practically everything inside. I even saw Confucius fighting with his seventy two disciples, and the scariest part was that Confucius actually still showed signs of winning.

I bet there must be a black robe inside!

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Not long later, Cinderella, who probably went on a patrol, reappeared in front of me. That pair of conspicuous glass slippers flashed past, then stilled: “Chu, what are you lazing around here for!?” His tone wasn’t very good and sounded like it had a bit of anger.

Raising my head, as expected, I saw that pair of beautiful blue eyes glaring at me.

“Uh…I’m trying hard not to get killed.” How would I know whether the one who wants to kill me is Houyi, Chang’e or Wu Gang? In short, just hide far away: “Senior, what is your mission?”

[T/N: Houyi is the moon goddess Chang’e’s husband and Wu Gang is a tree-cutting immortal who lives with Chang’e and the Jade Rabbit (Chu’s disguise) on the moon.]

Cinderella suddenly revealed an icy smile: “Chop off her stepmother’s and stepsisters’ feet.”

…Pretend I didn’t ask.

“Eh? Senior, why do you have more targets?” Three?

“Tsk, because it was adjusted. Robe levels have more targets, and they’re all directed at robe levels or a bunch of non-robe levels.” Cinderella looked to the side, and sure enough, I saw the Round Table Knights chasing to kill a king.

So that’s how it is.

I suddenly felt slightly glad that I fortunately wasn’t a robe level. Then this means that Chang’e should be an average person too.

That said, with four targets, is it alright for you, Senior, to laze around with me here?

“You think I’m you? I already dealt with all my targets just now.” Glancing at me with a very disdainful look, Cinderella shook her bloody skirt.

Alright, I misspoke.

“I’m going to score a few more points.” Too lazy to bicker with me again, Cinderella straightforwardly ran to attack the Seven Dwarfs passing by.

The entire field was filled with people looking for people. I once again secretly moved to a more inconspicuous spot, then saw, with my own eyes, a Uncle (Ronald) McDonald pass by in front of me, before a large red sign on the ground directly fell and squashed him.

The whole scene was full of merry killing games.

“That tuxedo better come out quick! If you have the skills, don’t hide, come out for a fight to the death!” Once again passing in front of his target, the five-colored Sailor Moon roared and ran off.

Such a peaceful competition.

In just a few minutes, my peace was gone.

At first I felt an icy wind, and I leaned forward almost subconsciously. After falling to the ground and turning over, I saw that there was a tall well-built man standing behind me since who-knows-when. His hand carried an axe, and because of the character relationships, I immediately guessed who this was.

But Wu Gang and the Rabbit are different stories!

Before I could climb up, that person suddenly rushed over and stepped on my white belly: “Although I don’t know who you are, be good and let me chop your head.”

As soon as I heard the two words “chop head,” I was shocked silly.

What’s Wu Gang doing cutting off a rabbit’s head!?

I’m not a tree!

He raised that large axe again and I immediately sensed my grandma waiting for me on the other side of the axe…It makes no sense that I have to die once each day of the school festival!

“Minas!” Quickly grabbing my derringer, the small gun almost fell because of how difficult it was to hold things with the rabbit’s paw, but luckily, I grasped it tightly. When I saw the axe about to fall, I shot right at the other person without thinking.

After some weird metallic collision sound, the foot stepping on my stomach was gone.

I instantly got up from the ground, half falling, half climbing. F**k this rabbit costume, it’s hard to escape in times of danger, and it’s hard to shoot if you have to reach for it with the short fingers. I wouldn’t want to be a rabbit in my next life even if you beat me to death.

Not knowing where the gunshot hit Wu Gang, I got up and rushed into the fighting crowd. Because it was more chaotic inside than I thought, a weapon flashed by after I ran a few steps in.

I got it now! This is actually an eight-hundred-meter obstacle course, right!?

“Don’t block the way!” Just when I wanted to pass through a certain suspected-to-be-the-five-colored team, the team that was fighting with monsters pushed me back and I lost my balance.

After falling, I couldn’t stay down. A big Buddha’s foot almost crushed my face.

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I immediately shrunk back to avoid that foot first, then got up and prepared to continue on my sad escape path. Before I could take one step, a huge force abruptly pulled my outer rabbit ear and threw me back on the ground again.

After seeing who pulled me, I suddenly felt an urge to wail.

The same foot stepped on my rabbit belly: “Be good and die for me.” Wu Gang, who was gasping for breath from chasing me all over the field, raised the large axe in his hands, its sharp edge refracting an icy light.

Could it be that I really will lose my life to an axe today?

Turns out being a rabbit is so pitiful. Even being killed requires something like this. Who knows what will happen when it chops down. Wait, it can’t be that his mission is actually to cook soup with a rabbit or something?

I’d rather die than be cooked in soup!

In order to not be so miserable as being cooked in soup, I desperately tried to grab Minas to shoot him again, but the rabbit’s short paw made it difficult to grasp. The derringer rolled around in my hand, but I couldn’t press the trigger.

“Relax, I’ll flay your skin thoroughly.” With a frightening smile, Wu Gang gave me something scarier than being cooked in soup.

Flay skin?

I don’t want to!

The second the axe fell, I shut my eyes hard. In any case, if I have to be hacked to death first, I won’t have to see myself being flayed…which is good.

There was a tremendous noise.

But strangely I didn’t feel anything chop down, my stomach even lightened. The big foot that was on me suddenly left, and a few collision sounds and wailing curses let me realize that something happened.

Instantly opening my eyes, I saw that Wu Gang had already flew out and knocked down a bunch of people, and those people had all fallen into a heap. They looked rather pitiful.

“If you want to kill a wild animal, you’ll have to ask me first. I will punish you on behalf of the rabbit.” The tuxedo, who appeared at some point, stood with a handsome pose, then said something that the five-colored rooster head would say.

That Wu Gang seemed to have been hit quite hard and suddenly couldn’t get up.

The tuxedo who can automatically disappear bent down to give me a hand: “Can you get up?” He asked kindly.

I reached out to him with my furry rabbit paw and was then pulled up: “Thanks.”

Letting go, the tuxedo guy shrugged and glanced at my derringer.

Just like how I know who he is, he probably knows who I am too: “What are your targets? Wu Gang? Houyi or Chang’e?”

“Chang’e.” I told him weakly.

“If it’s Chang’e, I just saw her attack Houyi, but she doesn’t seem to have succeeded and was shot dead.” The tuxedo told me this unfortunate news.

“Then what was Houyi originally doing?”

“Attacking ten suns.”


Classmate Ryan, you sure saw a lot.

I suddenly became very envious of his special ability to disappear. With that, I wouldn’t be unlucky enough to get chased around and can even enjoy the whole scene happily.

“Then since my mission no longer exists, what should I do?” Looking at the tuxedo, I asked sadly.

He shrugged: “If the mission has disappeared, you can automatically give up and exit the field or gather other people’s number signs.”

“I give up!”

I immediately told him in less than half a second.

After five minutes, I was already outside the field wearing the rabbit costume.

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There were so many people on the field that there was almost no one outside the field in comparison. It was clear that everyone rushed to the last game with joy.

“Mr. Chu?”

Hearing someone call me, I turned back at once, and sure enough, I saw Nile standing alone not far away, greeting me politely: “How did you know it was me?” I still have my rabbit costume on!

“Werewolves have a keen sense of smell.” Telling me the most basic answer, Nile walked over.

I glanced around and didn’t see his Count.

“In the game.” Figuring out who I was looking for, Nile told me simply and pointed in a direction. I looked over and saw someone fighting a large group of people. Because of the distance, I could only see that it was an ancient costume. I couldn’t tell what the story was, but at any rate, there were a lot of people.

Gulping, I felt glad that I already left the field, otherwise, who knows what else I would get chased by.

However, I heard a point is deducted if you voluntarily leave the field. I hope not, because then Senior will come to settle the score with me.

“We will also attend the ball tomorrow. May I ask if Mr. Chu wants to go together?” Very politely asking, Nile withdrew his gaze to my rabbit costume.

“Uh, I’ve never attended a ball before, but I heard that we need to dress very formally…” As I spoke, my voice grew smaller. I suddenly remembered that I didn’t have any formal wear to attend the ball.

Apart from t-shirts and jeans, the clothes I brought were just school uniforms. After thinking back and forth, I didn’t even have half a piece of formal wear, and because I was busy, I didn’t go to the shopping street either. After thinking about it, I think it’d be better if I don’t attend.

Nile stood beside me silently and looked at me. A while later, he opened his mouth: “Are you worried about the dress code?”

I nodded. For some reason, I feel rather at ease next to Nile. He gave off a very steady feeling like you could say anything: “I don’t have clothes for a ball, never mind then.” Remembering that there might be more people who are hostile to me like Elma, it’d be embarrassing to randomly wear something there. It’s better if I don’t.

After thinking a little, Nile spoke: “If you don’t mind that the clothes have been used, perhaps I can help you find suitable formal wear for the ball.”

I froze for a moment, not expecting him to say something like this: “Aih? Is that alright?”

Nodding, Nile curved into a light, light smile that didn’t seem like a smile: “It’s fine, I have carefully stored many clothes like this. Your size is small. The Master can no longer wear them, so you only need to ask to borrow.”

I guess that he’s talking about lending me the clothes Randall wore before. Although I haven’t interacted with them much, I still felt a bit touched when Nile asked me this.

“If you can, I’ll have to trouble you with this.” I haven’t seen how formal ball wear looks like. To be honest, I was originally looking forward to it a little, but I didn’t have the clothes so I wanted to give up on that. Since Nile said I can borrow them, I won’t be too courteous about it then.

“It’s fine.” Nile nodded, his manner remaining unhurried: “The ball begins tomorrow night. I will arrive at your room before noon to help you try on the clothes. May I ask what time is convenient for you?”

“Uh, any time.” I bet I’ll definitely get shrunken muscles and sleep till I die when I go back.

“Then I’ll come by before lunch. Do you also need other items?”

“No need.” I’m already happy enough about borrowing the clothes. I don’t dare to ask for other things.

“Alright, then we will arrange this for now. If you want to change the time, you can tell me at any time.” Noticing that his master had already finished fighting and was walking over here, Nile said goodbye to me, then went to meet him.

“Um, Nile.” I hurriedly called him and he turned to look at me.

I know what I should tell him.

“Thank you.”

Nile curved into a smile. Although it was still light, it was a lot clearer: “You’re welcome, I hope I can truly help you.” Then, he left.

Watching Nile’s back, my mood suddenly lightened completely.

Actually, there are still many good people in the world.

As the day gradually grew late, Ryan, who was wearing the tuxedo, and Miao Miao as Snow White waved at me and ran over. Then Miao Miao excitedly told me she even collected my number sign and what not.

The chaotic fight on the field didn’t stop until Lucia announced the end of the game.

Everyone on the field collapsed on the ground as one, not caring if their pose was good or bad, and then some people began laughing.

And so, the sports competition officially ended.

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