East City,  in the Western part of Blue Country

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“East City’s Jing Clan’s name shakes the world.”

“Jing is strong, Jing is fierce, Jing’s genius’s name shock the world.”

A year ago, these two sentence was spread throughout the East City, everyone knew it children and adults alike.

These two sentence was because the Jing Clan produced a genius, Jing Yan.

Jing Yan started cultivating at the age of five and reached the 3rd stage practitioner at the age of six. Then he reached the 6th stage at the age of eight, 9th stage at the age of twelve, and finally at the age of fourteen he broke through and became a Xiantian expert.

You have to understand, in the entirety of East City, the amount of Xiantian are very few. Even in a large and powerful clan , Xiantian experts don’t number over ten people.

A 14 year old Xiantian Expert’s appearance shook the East City.

When Jing Yan was 16, he successfully entered one of Blue Country’s three great academy, The Godwind Academy. He was the only one out of the whole East City that manage to entered one of the three great academy.

During that time, Jing Yan’s luster shone all throughout the East city. He was the pride of the Jings and every Jing clansmen talk about him everyday. Even though he was only 16, Jing Yan was already a role model for the younger generation of East City.

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But, one year ago, Jing Yan was expelled from Godwind Academy and was forced to return home.

Entering Godwind Academy to practiced then being forcefully kicked out is a rare scene, So when news came out, not only Jing Yan but the entire Jing Clan became a joke.

And the reason why Jing Yan was kicked out was because that his cultivation was dropping.

Yes, after entering Godwind Academy for half a year, Jing Yan’s cultivation, not only did it not rise but it kept falling. From Xiantian, all the way to a level 9 practitioner.

That was only the beginning, after a while Jing Yan’s cultivation was dropping a stage per month. All the way to the present where Jing Yan’s cultivation is only a 3rd stage practitioner.

When he just returned home, the elders of Jing’s clan tried everything they could to find the reason for Jing’s dropping cultivation. They wasted a ton of the clan’s resources but even then they weren’t able to stop Jing’ condition.

Nowadays when Jing mentioned Jing Yan, it is only in a tone filled with pity.

Jing’s brightest star has lost all of its luster.

Jing Yan now lives in a small part of his mansion.

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Back then when Jing was still a legendary genius, Jing would get visits from Jing ‘s practitioners. Nowadays, you won’t even see a bug in Jing’s home.

Inside a room, Jing Yan sat there meditating.


After just circulating his Qi, Jing slowly opened his eyes with a bitter smile in his face.

“So it is still like this!” Jing Yan shook his head, “After refining my Qi, it would vanish without a trace. What did I do wrong?”

Jing Yan never felt so helpless.

Nowadays, every time he managed to refined his Qi, it would vanish immediately without a trace just like before.

Whenever someone trains by circulating his Qi, they should produced Qi, and then store that Qi in his body. The more Qi there is , they higher the cultivation level. However, Jing’s body is like a bottle with a broken hole, and isn’t able to store any Qi because the Qi would just leaked out from the hole.

Even Jing Yan himself don’t know the reason behind this phenomenon.

This phenomenon started when he entered Godwind Academy at his third month. At first, he didn’t mind it too much but after a few months when he dropped from Xiantian back to a 9th stage practitioner. That was when he realized his body has a problem.

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If the average joe experience waves and waves of disappointment, they would just have given up. However, Jing Yan didn’t, he had not even thought about giving up on martial arts. Everyday he would continued to refine his Qi, even when the Qi he worked so hard to refine would just disappeared in a few breaths, he skip practice for even a day.

“Would I really become a normal person?” Jing Yan looked at the sky, “No! I would one day be able to stand up once more and re turn to my peak.”

“Got to continue to practice!” Jing Yan stood up, stretched, and immediately resumed his meditating.

Time kept passing until the sky got dark and the sun has set.

This whole night, Jing Yan has refined his Qi for a total of 12 hours producing a large amount of Qi.

“Don’t disappear! Don’t Disappear!”

Every time he circulate his Qi he would always repeat this mantra in his head.

“Sigh, it’s still the same.” Felling his Qi rapidly disappearing, Jing Yan shook his head. The truth is he knows the possibility of his Qi not disappearing is very low, but every time he refine his Qi he always give himself some hope.


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Just as Jing Yan was about take a walk at the yard, he thought of something. This time he felt a difference , it seems the Qi disappearing this time seemed a little different.

“What is this?”

Jing Yan looked at the ring around his finger.

This ring is called the Universal Ring, it was given to him a year ago by his grandfather. Jing Yan’s father Jing Tian was the previous clan leader of the Jings before a died a year ago. When Jing Yan was at Jing Tian’s bedside, Jing Tian gave Jing Yan the ring personally and told him to keep hold of it and guarantee that it won’t be lost. Even though Jing Tian said it doesn’t have any significant value, Jing Yan knows this Universal Ring is very important.

That’s why, after obtaining the Universal Ring, Jing Yan has never took it off. Day and night, sleeping and eating, he has always wore it.

After obtaining the Universal Ring, there has never been any kind of abnormal change.

Until now. The Universal Ring now have a yellowish light surrounding it.

Because this ring never had had any abnormal behavior, Jing Yan stare at it hard. He could now feel a warm feeling around it.

That warm feeling spread from his hand to  his body in matters of seconds in a matter of seconds. The yellow light began to grow brighter and brighter showing no signs of stopping.

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