Inside his room, Jing Yan was sitting in his bed with both his eyes closed.

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Through the Heaven’s Divine Manual, Jing Yan’s Yuan Qi began to circulate fiercely.

In front of Jing Yan was 7 white spirit stones.

“There’s still not enough Yuan Qi!” After practicing Heaven’s Divine Manual for about a minute, Jing Yan could already feel the thinning Yuan Qi around him.

If Jing Yan didn’t have any spirit stones, Jing Yan would have been forced to stop. But now, Jing Yan took out the spirit stones for preparation.

Immediately, Jing Yan grabbed a spirit stone and began absorbing the white spirit stones’ energy. During that time, the spirit stones’ Yuan Qi were rapidly entering Jing Yan’s body.

With the provided Yuan Qi, Heaven’s Divine Manual, began circulating in a more rapid pace.

The spirit stone’s Yuan Qi, began rapidly entering Jing Yan’s body and his level of cultivation began to show signs of a breakthrough.

Through Jing Yan’s experience, who had once cultivated to a Xiantian expert, he was extremely familiar with the 9 levels below it. Combined with Heaven’s Divine Manual, Jing Yan ‘s breakthrough went on smoothly, and only needed enough Yuan Qi.

Time continues to pass, and soon an hour passed, and Jing Yan began absorbing his 2nd spirit stones.

2 hours passed and he began absorbing his 3rd spirit stones.

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The sky began to darken, and night soon came.

Jing Yan was still sitting and meditating in an incredibly peaceful and focused state all the way until dawn came.


Suddenly a ray of light entered through the window, and Jing Yan’s body emitted a single ripple of intense power. That power then began to form a swirl and Jing Yan’s clothes began blowing.

Then in a matte of 2-3 seconds, the energy coming from Jing Yan’s body calmed down.

Jing Yan opened his eyes  and looked around his room and his mouth began to form a smile.

“4th stage Practitioner!”

“Finally, my cultivation had once again risen.”

Back then, no matter how hard Jing Yan work, there was still no way to prevent his cultivation from dropping. Now that he could once gain sense the feeling from having a breakthrough , Jing Yan ‘s heart was incredibly relieved. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was in the clan’ yard, Jing Yan would have cheered loudly to express his happiness.

“I used a total of 6 spirit stones.”

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Jing Yan looked at where he originally put the 7 spirit stones and there was only 1 left. The rest of the 6 spirit stones became nothing but dust. Luckily, Jing ChuanLing lent him 5 spirit stones , or else Jing Yan would have no way to get 5 spirit stones and break through in such a short time.

“Now that I broke through, I should strengthen my foundation.” With a mere thought , the last spirit stone’s energy was rapidly absorbed.

Of course, even if Jing Yan don’t absorb the spirit stone, his foundation would already be stable. Afterall, he had reach this level long ago and was already extremely familiar on controlling his energy. However, a stable foundation do have its benefit.

Now that his cultivation reached 4th stage practitioner, Jing Yan’s speed at absorbing the spirit stone’s Yuan Qi  increased.  The time originally needed to absorb a spirit stone used to a whole hour to absorb, now only took half an hour.

“Now that I reached  4th level practitioner, I can once again use low level martial techniques.” Jing Yan said with a smile.

Back then, Jing Yan have learnt several martial techniques,consisting of low class, mid class, and even high class martial techniques.

However,  even low class martial techniques requires a martial artist to have at least the cultivation of a 4th stage practitioner. For example, when Jing Yan dropped to 3rd stage practitioner, he was no longer able to use any martial technique because he no longer had enough Yuan Qi to use it.

“Autumn Leaf Sword!”


Even though there wasn’t any weapons, it didn’t influence from Jing Yan using this sword technique.


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Right when Jing Yan used the Autumn Leaf Sword, he felt Heaven’s Divine Manual was trying to send a message to him.

“This is…”

“An improvement for the Autumn Leaf Sword?”

“What? How is this even possible? The Autumn Leaf Sword might be a low class martial technique, but it was practiced by numerous martial artists, how can the technique be so flawed?”

Within a few second, Jing Yan’s face changed drastically, it was mainly because from the Heaven’s Divine Manual’s message, the Autumn Leaf Sword has too many flaws, it’s simply too shocking.

The Autumn Leaf Sword might be a low class martial technique, but it was practiced by many martial artist, and at the same time improved by many. If it wasn’t for knowing exactly what its flaws are, Jing Yan would never believed the Autumn Sword had so much flaws.

“Let’s check it out!”

Even though the flaws was found, and even the way to correct it was there, Jing Yan can’t be sure if its power would remain the same.



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Jing Yan took a staff and began practicing the technique inside his room.

As time flies by, Jing Yan was able to quickly perfect the Autumn Leaf Sword. When he finally stopped, 3 hours already passed.

“How frightening!”

“How shocking, Heaven’s Divine Manual, what kind of inner technique is this?”

Jing Yan took a deep breath.

“Even I can’t tell how much Autumn Leaf Sword’s power have risen, but it’s at least twice as strong.” Jing Yan said in a shocked tone.

His martial technique wasn’t the only that thing that increased, Jing Yan’s observational ability also increased. Even when he was Xiantian, there was a lot of things unclear to him, but all of that became clear to him. His observational ability’s increase also directly influenced his 5 sense, Jing Yan can now feel the bugs underneath the floor.

“Alright, time to earn some spirit stones!” After all that solemness, Jing Yan face turned to a smile, his eyes began to shine, and he immediately left his own room.

Before Jing Yan’s return as a 4th stage practitioner, Jing Yan already had a plan to earn spirit stones. When he was a 3rd stage practitioner, he wasn’t able to use any martial technique, so there was no way of conducting his plan. His way of earning spirit stones, requires him to be at least 4th stage practitioner. Because of the Autumn Leaf Sword’s improvement, Jing Yan’s rate of earning spirit stone would even be faster.

East City’s west side holds a vast mountain, in this mountain, lives a vast amount of spirit beast. Not only will East City’s martial artist enter to hunt spirit beast, but the other dozen neighboring cities’ martial artist will enter the vast mountain.

That’s right,his plan to earn big money is hunting spirit beast

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