Unknown Prey

Chapter 115

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"Now I understand why you were thinking so hard. We will work through this. I will help you to the best of my ability. If we will need to hide the moving truck I could do that with magic…" Kitty looks at Leo's panicked face, "or not. Maybe we can get Carlos to hide it at his place. Not the place he has on the property but his place that is a few hours from here. That way it can't be traced back to me. We could get all the containers that don't contain books into the house and I could unpack them quickly. Or at least as quickly as I can. With Anna cleaning the nursery we can get the furniture set up and I will slowly work on the sketch on the wall and we can say it's a bonding exercise for Luke and myself for when I feel well enough. When I hold my transformations I do get pale near my limits so we can make this work, Darling."

Leo walked away from the deep end abandoning the idea of pretending to throw her. "Okay, I like that as a plan better than you using your magic. You already look a little pale because you used your magic. Let's sit on the pool chairs and I'll spread some sunscreen on your skin." He carries her to the stairs.

"Put me down, Darling. I can walk." When she feels Leo hold her tighter Kitty abandons the idea of walking.

Kitty is seated on the chair by Leo. Leo made sure that she was balanced and then he went and grabbed the sunscreen. He goes back to her side and he squirts some sunscreen in his hand, then starts to spread it over her back. He went under the strings of the top. "The strings move so I don't want you to burn. You can lie on your back and I will do your front next."

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"Okay." Kitty laid down on the chair, closed her eyes and relaxed. "Darling, we will get everything figured out and we already know that Carlos will be on board."

"I am only worried about you. You are in a delicate state." He rubs the sunscreen over her belly, up her sides, and over her shoulders. Slowly he slips his hand under her top while spreading the sunscreen. He rubs her nipples directly and then slips his hands out. He picks up her left leg and slowly works the sunblock into her calf then up her thigh. While spreading the sunscreen on her thigh he rubs his thumb over her clit and he smirks internally as he sees her start to blush. He gets started on the other leg and when rubbing her thigh he purposely hit her clit while rubbing the sunscreen in. when he was done he went to the top of her bottoms and slipped his hand underneath the fabric. "I have to make sure that I don't miss any spots."

"Mmmm. I don't think the sun will see that part of my body so you don't have to…" Kitty's words were cut off as Leo leans over and kisses her lips.

Leo stops kissing her and moves to her ear to whisper, "you were moaning the whole time I was spreading the sunscreen over your body. How can I not enjoy your wet body? You're practically begging me to fuck you." He gentle bites her ear and then continues to play with her clit with his fingers. He moved his face down to where his fingers were now moving in and out of her. He stopped his movements only to pull the bathing suit bottoms down and he brought his mouth down and started to lick up her juices that had leaked from him fingering her. He stuck his tongue inside of her and licked outwards and then licked her clit.

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"Ahhhhh, Leo." Kitty cried out in pleasure which caused Leo to stick his fingers back inside her vagina. While sucking and nibbling on her clit. He feels her insides tighten up, so he sucks a little harder causing her to climax. He licks up her juices and helps her pull her bottoms back up. Leo sits up and runs his hand down her cheek while smiling.

Kitty was panting when the alarm she had set up goes off. She turns sharply to the front of the house. "Leo, someone is coming and at least one of them carries ill intent."

Leo stands up, picks her up and rushes her to the bedroom. "Have a shower and I will stall them so you can transform." He gets changed into his lounging clothes and heads to the nursery. "Anna is… Wow, this looks amazing."

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Samuel looks at Leo, "sorry for coming into the house without permission but Anna wanted my help to move these upstairs. So John and I moved it into the room and I built it. If you don't like the layout I will help you move things until you are satisfied."

"I'm not angry. It's good that you two are together if anyone comes and asks how long Kitty has been here staying for, the answer is since May first, please." Leo looks at the room and is happy with the layout.

"Of course, Leo I will comply with your wishes. I hope that Kitty likes this I left this wall open it looked like it was going to have something on it as there is a light pencil mark on the wall. I noticed when I wiped it down." Anna looks at Leo. 'I wonder what is going on but it is not my place to ask.'

Samuel nods his head, "I will head back outside as I am supposed to be a gardener and it would look funny if I was inside. I look forward to meeting your wife to be. I will act like I have seen her before and I will treat her like the Madam of the household."
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"Samuel, Kitty would like an area to plant some flowers could you please set something up for her? Thank you for your cooperation, both of you." Leo looks relieved.

"Oh, about that I moved all the planters and seeds to the greenhouse so I will prepare an area in the ground outside for her but also in the greenhouse. I have to get outside before I am found inside." Samuel bolted from the room and went out the back door and headed to the greenhouse. When he reached the greenhouse he smeared a little dirt on his face. 'Just try to see through us.'

Anna chuckle and had watched Samuel leave in a rush, "my husband never changes. Since Carlos is not here, shall I go prepare some tea and snacks? I will act like I was preparing them for the Madam. Also, I have already cleaned up everything downstairs so it looks neat and you can entertain guests. Will Kitty be okay?"

"Please, do prepare the snacks. Please don't use the strawberry desserts from the Cafe those are for Kitty though. She knows what is up so if she is acting weak and frail just know that it is an act. I will get you to go to the kitchen now and I will be in the living room so do prepare some coffee for me." Leo turns to leave the room and heads to where John is working.

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