Unknown Prey

Chapter 64

"That is fair, us ladies will stay here while you guys pick up the mail. Leo sent me a few of the tracking numbers and the paint for the nursery is going to be in tomorrow. I am not sure what else will arrive but I hope that most of it comes in quickly." Kitty goes back to the table and finishes the sketch she started yesterday. She snaps a picture of the new sketch but also a picture of the finished study and sends both to Leo. ~Darling this is the sketch I did of Luke and Carlos. Don't they look like brothers? Also, I have attached a picture of how I would like the study to look. I think that both sketches turned out rather well. I am going to start the designs for the nursery. I can not wait for you to come back home. I love you and miss you dearly.~ She sets her phone down and starts to sketch the tree she wants to paint on the wall.

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Luke lets out the breath that he was holding slowly and sighs in his mind. 'I was a bit concerned there. I almost thought that Kitty would want to go with us to get the mail but I am glad that she decided not to come with us. It'll make it easier if she stays at home because of that ring. Curse you Leo for putting me on the spot like this.' He looks into the kitchen. "Thank you for your help, Carlos. I know that tomorrow will be hard for both of us but I think it'll be harder on me."

Carlos watches Luke. 'What is he hiding I wonder? I'll ask him on the drive.' He sighs out, "I do not normally like going out on the full moon night but there are some things that can not be avoided. You are still learning and are almost there from what I've heard, so tomorrow we will see where you are at. It isn't as bad once you make the full change but you had Kitty teach you how to control your partial transformations. Go ahead and take the vegetable platter to the table."

Cindy had finished slicing the vegetables for sandwiches and smiled at Luke. "is there anything else you need my help with, Carlos?"

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Luke grabbed the platter and carried it to the table. After placing the platter on the table he sat down next to Kitty, he pulls out his sketchbook and starts a new sketch. The sketch is of Kitty sitting next to him sketching. 'I know that she is going to be my adopted mother at some point in the future. I just love how calm she always is. I hope that there is something that I can do for her at some point.' He keeps sketching her portrait.

Carlos looks at Cindy, "You can cut the buns in half and then head to the table. The rest is just bringing things to the table." He pulls out all sorts of condiments. He takes them to the table. 'I don't know what else is going on but I feel like something bad is going to happen tonight. I don't have anything to base this off of but my instincts are telling me to stay in the house tonight.'

Cindy cuts the buns in half and places them in the bread baskets and carries them to the table. She sits down in the spot that she normally sits at. "Kitty, how are you doing?"

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Leo checks his phone after the meeting with Will. ~I saw the sketches you did. The study will look amazing and The two do look like brothers. My love, do not be alone tonight. Keep someone close beside you. I do not want you to be alone. The plans are that they are using the chemical tonight. I will spread the word so that they can be prepared for what is to come but I know the loss will be hard on you. I will be home as soon as I can. I love and miss you very much. I should be the one with you. Please, be safe my sweet Kitty.~ He looks at Will, "this is just not fair my friend but it is the way this world is working at the moment. We need to get this changed so that this does not happen in the future. I will see you later when they come for me." He leaves Will's room giving a little wave and heads back to his room.

Kitty stops the sketch and checks her phone. Her face goes from happy to sad. "Cindy, I will be right back." She gets up and goes to the bathroom. 'Why is this happening tonight I thought it wouldn't happen until after the full moon….unless they think that we get more powerful when the moon is out...Shit.' She speed dials, Julie. The phone call goes through. "Grandma Julie, it will happen tonight. I just thought you would like the heads up and Leo will probably call you as well."

Julie listens to Kitty, "my sweet Kitsune. You should be relaxing. You should not worry about us elders we are happy to be there for you in this dire time of need. Now, calm down, think of the baby growing inside of you. Think of all the good that will be coming your way. You have your whole life ahead of yourself. Now calm down and don't let us affect what is going to happen here affect what you need to get done."

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"Bu-but it's so hard. I do not want to lose any of you. I care about everyone so deeply but I will try to calm down. I am needed here and the baby needs me. So what you say is indeed correct. I just don't want to lose you as well. I'm being selfish. Sorry….." tears started to trail down her cheeks.

Cindy got up and chased Kitty down. 'Is it going to happen soon?' She followed Kitty to the bathroom and opened the door. "You are not selfish Kitty. No one wants the elders to die but they are doing this so that the younger generation can survive." She walks up to Kitty and gives her a big hug. "I am forever by your side until you no longer are no longer in need of my service." She wipes the tears away with a handkerchief. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com <a href="https://www.webnovel.com">www.webnovel.com</a> for visiting.

Kitty puts the phone on speaker phone. "Julie, Cindy is here with me and I thought we should say our goodbyes now. As much as it pains me to do this."

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Grant starts to speak, "that is wonderful that Cindy is there with you. We are glad that you have her with you and I hope that one day you can change the future for the children yet to be born in the honor of the elders who are giving their lives for our kind today. I know each one of us finds this to be an honor of the highest regard."

"Thank you, Grant and Julie, I will never forget the words you are saying to us now. This means so much to me. I'm starting to calm down now." Kitty looks at Cindy, "thank you for following me."

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