Unknown Prey

Chapter 66

Cindy looks at Kitty and then at Carlos. "Just how deep are the ties to this werewolf clan, Kitty?"

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"I think the pact between our clans is almost two hundred years old now? There has always been talk about connecting the two clans together but that has never been a couple that has connected between the two clans." Kitty looks over at Cindy and starts to eat the sandwich she had made.

"I don't understand what you mean by the loss?" Luke looks at Kitty and then at Carlos, "what is this chemical that you speak of? This is kind of all new information to me."

Carlos looks at Kitty and watches her nod her head yes. "I'll tell you after lunch. While we are cleaning up, for now, let's just eat lunch." Carlos begins to make a second sandwich. 'This way Kitty does not need to hear the explanation and hopefully she can calm down before this actually happens.' Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com <a href="https://www.webnovel.com">www.webnovel.com</a> for visiting.

"Okay." Luke gives a face like he would like to ask more but instead eats his sandwich.

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Cindy looks at Kitty and smiles. 'I know what that look she is giving me. I could technically connect the two clans if I were to start dating Carlos but is that what I truly want right now?' She looks down at her food and starts to eat the salad on her plate.

Kitty puts the sandwich down and starts to eat the fruit in the bowl. "Carlos, what do you have planned for dinner?"

"Beef and barley soup, crackers and some more fruit. It's going to be hot during the day but cool in the evening so I thought that soup would be a good choice and now even more so." He starts to eat the second sandwich and smiles. 'It's a good thing I had already planned on making something light for dinner.'

Kitty nods her head in approval while eating the fruit. She finishes the fruit, has a few bites of the salad and gets up. "Thank you for lunch. If anyone needs me I will be sketching in the living room." She picks up the sketchbook, her cellphone, and the pencils. She walks into the living room, sits down on the couch, makes herself comfy in a sitting position and starts to sketch the tree she wants to paint in the nursery. 'The sun goes down around 7:30 pm tonight in my hometown I imagine that they will strike shortly after the sun sets.' She starts to sketch the tree and time blurs as she is focusing.

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Carlos watches Kitty leave, then he looks at Luke and Cindy at the table. "I didn't know that this was going to happen but having soup planned out for dinner was a grand idea on my part. Now that everything is coming to light I understand the situation better. When you are done eating Cindy, go ahead and go sit with Kitty. Hearing the name Julie is heartbreaking. I liked her the first time I met her. A kind sweet older lady only bound to the race by marriage but strong enough to stay after Clayton her husband passed away."

"You know Julie and about Clayton? That is quite surprising. Julie got bound to another before we left. Kitty took Clayton's mark away and the male voice you heard is her new bonded partner Grant. He helped run the hotel and managed the kitchen. I worked as a waitress since nobody needed my services yet. When we found out Kitty was with child everyone lost it and started altering recipes so that she could still enjoy all the wonderful food."

"I'm willing to be that Kitty told you guys that she was not that fragile and that she didn't need a special diet," Carlos starts laughing.

Luke listened to the two and just ate his food. 'I'll just listen I do not really know who all these people are but they seem to be going over the past. If I listen then I could maybe get a better understanding of what is going on.'

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"How did you know…..you know what you do know Kitty rather well. Then you must know that tonight is going to be rough. I expect that around 7:30 pm is when everything is going to start." Cindy finishes eating and stands up and leaves to go join Kitty in the living room. When she walks in she sees Kitty napping on the couch while laying there. Cindy picks up the sketchbook and looks at the half-completed tree. 'I'm always amazed at how fast she sketches.'

Roughly a half an hour later Carlos and Luke come to the living room. "The kid here tells me that you have a bunch of containers in the moving truck, why don't we move them into the house while we let Kitty sleep. It gives us something to do in the meantime. It'll also keep our minds off of what is about to happen."

Luke looks at Carlos. "I will stay here with Kitty and work on school work. Thank you for explaining everything that you could Carlos. As long as one of us keeps an eye on Kitty there will be no issues. I also know that you are almost done making dinner already so there should be no problems if the two of you move Cindy's things into the house."

"Yes, that would be great Carlos. I have plenty of room in the room I was given. If you have school work that has to get done there is no reason to drag you to help us plus it'll be nice for Kitty to wake up and have someone at her side as well. You're very thoughtful Luke." Cindy gets up and places the sketchbook that she took from Kitty on the table.

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Luke sat down on the chair beside Kitty and opens his textbook and starts to read.

Carlos walks out to the door and waits for Cindy by the truck. He looks out at the woods. 'I was going to go for a jog tonight but I do not think that I will be able to anymore. I need to mentally prepare for what is going to happen tonight.' He lets out a sigh.

Cindy came outside and heard him sigh. "Sorry, for all the trouble."

"I am not sighing because I am helping you move your stuff. As a matter of fact, I am most willing in helping you move your stuff, Cindy. It's just I was planning on going for a run but I do not think that is going to happen tonight. I hope that in moving your boxes it will actually help me burn off the excess energy I have. The full moon is coming up and I am itching to run right now but that is not exactly possible right now." Carlos looks at Cindy, "what containers are we bringing up?"

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