Unknown Prey

Chapter 73

Carlos put the blueberry waffles on a plate for Cindy. "Go ahead and eat them while they are still hot. The rest won't take that long to cook up." Carlos pours the chocolate chip batter on next and closes the lid.

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Cindy takes her plate and goes to the table. She sits down and looks at Kitty, "what would you like to do today? I know that you don't have a lot that you would like to get done."

"Hmmmmmm. I haven't really thought about what I wanted to get done. The only plans that I have to do so far are the sketches for the nursery. Luke and Carlos are going to go into town to collect the mail. Do you have something in mind?" Kitty finishes off her waffles and looks at Cindy.

Cindy pours some maple syrup on her waffles and slowly takes a bite, "if you didn't have plans I was hoping you wouldn't mind coming to my room and I would like to unpack some of my belongings and I would rather you be close by in case you experience any lingering loss. I do not mind if you spend the time sketching or even if you fall asleep. That is also acceptable as well."

'I am not really in the mood for chocolate chip waffles so I'll just continue eating the normal ones.' Luke finished off his second plate of waffles. "I agree with Cindy. That is a grand idea. That way we do not need to worry about you while we are out in town."

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Carlos finally comes out with two plates of chocolate chip waffles. "Is there anything else you would like us to pick up while we are in town?" He sits down and starts to set up his waffles with whipped cream and strawberries. 'I get the feeling that there is something else she may like other than the flower seeds.'

Kitty grabs the chocolate chip waffles that are sitting on the spare plate and sets some up on her plate. "Yes, there is something else I would like you to grab. I would like you to grab me about a dozen house plants. I can not handle going into town to pick them out myself so please grab twelve different house plants. Also, please grab me some snacks. I would like to eat some chocolates, strawberry marshmallows and some sour candies."

"Why twelve house plants?" Luke asks and looks at Kitty. "What kind of house plants?"

"The usually ones that you buy right?" Carlos eats his food and doesn't look up at Kitty.

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Kitty finished setting up the new waffles and took a bite. "There are a lot of reasons to get twelve house plants but the ones I am getting will be beneficial to everyone in the house. There isn't a lot of plant life in the house and I thought it would perk the place up. Some of the plants will be able to be used for healing purposes. I will also need them for my studies. Take vetiver, for example, it can be used for skin care. Also, aloe vera is used for after you get burned from the sun. Those are just two of the plants I am going to get. The rest I will explain once I learn more about them. I am guessing that there is a greenhouse on the property?" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com <a href="https://www.webnovel.com">www.webnovel.com</a> for visiting.

"Oh, I get it now. That makes sense. Sorry, that I ask so many questions." Luke eats the last of his waffles.

"There is a greenhouse. I will take you there when Luke and I return from heading out to town. I want to get the running around over and done with as soon as possible." Carlos eats want is on his plate and then plates up some more waffles. "I will not forget those snacks either. There is none of those in the house at this time. There is however chips and popcorn. Oh, there is also some baked treats in the fridge so if you guys get hungry you can snack on them.

"There is no reason to apologize, Luke. You didn't know. I would greatly appreciate that Carlos. I am sure that we can whip up some sandwiches if you are going to be late for lunch. It is not a problem if it takes longer than you expect it to." Kitty finished the second plate of waffles. She got up and took her dishes to the kitchen. Then she returned, pulled out the sketchbook and started working on the owl that she had started.

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Cindy looks at Carlos and smiles, "if it takes longer than planned do not worry. I will make sure that Kitty gets a good lunch. Sandwiches are a good idea since the weather is supposed to be hot again today." She finishes eating and takes her plate to the kitchen. "Thank you for a wonderful breakfast, Carlos," she says when she comes back.

"It is no trouble at all, Cindy." Carlos finishes off the rest of the chocolate chip waffles and then takes his dishes to the dishwasher. " Luke when you are ready to go then we shall head out. I was thinking that we will get the mail last that way if any more packages come in then we can get them while we are already there. We'll take the cooler with us that way the chocolates don't melt on the trip back. Also, if we grab anything else that needs to be kept cold."

Luke stood up and walked to the kitchen and quickly loaded the dishwasher. He walks back, "I am ready to go when you are Carlos."

"Have a safe trip both of you." Kitty sets the book aside and hands a piece of paper to Luke. I will head upstairs and set up a comfy spot to sketch in your room, Cindy." She picks up the art supplies and heads upstairs.

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"Okay, I will be up soon then. I will see these two off." Cindy watched Kitty go upstairs. "She seems to have recovered from the loss for the most part but just because she seems okay doesn't mean that she is okay."

'I will read this when I get in the vehicle.' Luke put the note in his pocket and looks at Carlos. "She does but is she really okay?"

"Looks can be deceiving. Let's head out then and we will be gone for a while. You know where to find the items for lunch in the kitchen, Cindy. If you can't find something call my cell phone and I will tell you where it is." He grabbed a sticky note and wrote his number down on it. He hands the note to Cindy. "Also, if anything unexpected happens please call me. There are no visitors expected today that I am aware of. "

Cindy takes the note and smiles brightly, "thank you so much, Carlos and Luke. I will see you guys when you come home. If anyone shows up I will call you as well. Unless John comes by. I already know that he is working on Kitty's study." She waves to the guys and then heads up to her room.

Carlos waves back at Cindy then walks to the door and goes out to the car. He adds the cooler to the back seats and waits for Luke to hop in.

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