Unknown Prey

Chapter 82

"I thought you wanted to be chased by Carlos. Besides Luke will be the one to return before Carlos anyways. I am sure that he will pick up that your scent is everywhere and that will not be able to confuse his young mind. You beautiful brown and white fox colors are something that neither one has seen before that I am sure of. So it'll be a shock to them. Carlos is a blond wolf and Luke is a black wolf. I think it will be fun once we all can transform together. I already know that I can hide from everyone best with or without my magic." Kitty pets Cindy gently.

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Cindy places her head on Kitty's belly and feels the baby kick. "Such a healthy youngster growing inside you. I know that you did this competition for Luke's sake. There is no other reason to do it for anyone else and the young wolf needs it the most. Which is why I am playing along with this competition. What are you going to give him as a prize?"

Kitty looks up and thinks, "it is good that the baby is lively and you are correct which is why I am glad that you played along with this. As for a prize, I will determine it later. I do not want to choose something and have it not be something that Luke wants, after all, I think it should be a prize that he wants. So we will discuss it afterward. Hmmmmmm, maybe when you and Carlos go into town tomorrow."

"I understand. I will go with Carlos into town tomorrow. It seems like the young wolf will be here soon do you want me to run or stay here?" Cindy lays still and relaxes. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com <a href="https://www.webnovel.com">www.webnovel.com</a> for visiting.

"You can stay here the hours is almost up and one of the two should find you." Kitty looks towards where a black wolf came running from.

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Luke followed the scent and noticed that sometimes the scent was stronger so he decided to follow that and it lead him back to the clearing. He bolted from the woods and leaped into the clearing. He walks up to Kitty wagging his tail and he looked at the brown fox on Kitty's lap.

"Do not fret, this is Cindy. Since you were the one to find Cindy you win the prize, Luke. Cindy, you can go and find Carlos and I will hang out with Luke." Kitty releases Cindy from her pets and waves Luke over.

Cindy hops off Kitty's lap and barrels into the woods and hunts down Carlos. "Kitty, would it be mean to play with him for a while? He still doesn't know that Luke has found me." She runs straight to where she can sense his energy from.

Kitty listens to Cindy's message and replies telepathically, "sure, have fun playing and return in an hour." She pats her lap and waits for Luke to approach. "Luke come here and relax your first change is the most stressful after today you will have an easier time."

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Luke walks over to her and places his head on her lap. He snuggles his head against her belly and lays next to her making himself comfortable. "That was so much fun."

"When thinking your thoughts they may be telepathically transmitted to the one you are trying to communicate with. So I can hear your thoughts now since you are trying to talk with me. That is how I was able to talk to Cindy and Carlos. Do not worry if you can't control your thoughts for now. I do not mind." Kitty rubs his head and smiles at him.

"Oh! I did not know that was a thing. So that can explain why there is fear in a person who is not expecting it. Does it work for the foxes?" Luke's tail sways happily.

"Only werewolves with bad intentions do that but yes that is how they do it. I do not want you to go down the wrong path Luke. Yes, it works the same for us foxes but you can hear my speech just fine so there is no need for me to transmit it telepathically to you. If I had transformed then I would talk with you the same way. I can talk to Carlos and Cindy right now if need be. There is not a distance restriction on us because we're connected. You would not be able to connect to others that are far away. I can not connect to other werewolves only the ones I have had contact with. You are now a party of my people." Kitty pets his head and leans on his body.

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"Are you tired? Maybe you should go inside? I don't want you to catch a chill from being outside." Luke starts to fret over Kitty and also worrying about the baby.

"Do not be concerned I'm only resting against you you are very warm in your wolf form. A nap would do you good as well just rest for now and I will rest with you. I will wake up when the other two return." She closes her eyes and falls into a light sleep.

Luke watched Kitty before he falls asleep as a wolf but it is a very light sleep just in case someone tries to break the peace.

Cindy rushed towards Carlos and hides behind a bush to watch him. "Are you having fun yet, Carlos?"

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Carlos stops running and looks around. "If you are here does that mean I lost already? It's always fun to chase down a target. I can't wait to see if I can capture you. Your scent is everywhere I didn't know that you were so fast. So where were you hiding that the kid found you?"

"So many questions. Yes, you lost but you weren't ordered to return yet. We can run around for about an hour more. I ran around as soon as my change was completed. It is not as taxing on me so I can move right after. So I took off and planted many trails and when you took off I went back and sat on Kitty's lap." Cindy looks out from the brush and waits for Carlos to move.

"Come out, please. I would like to see what you look like in this form. We only have an hour before we will be needed and I am sure Kitty will be tired so Luke will need my help. I can't control that process but I know you can change at will." Carlos laid down on the ground waiting for her to come out.

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