Unknown Prey

Chapter 89

"That might not be a bad idea. I could take you and Luke with me. I do not like the idea of them coming here and going to them would make it safer for everyone." Leo sits down next to Kitty and places his hand on her thigh. "I traveled back to the town and chatted with Will and we had a drink before I went back to my room to sleep. I messaged Kitty and told her I was going to break my phone and that is what I did. I went to sleep and when I woke up in the morning the hunter association had taken over the town. My room was not an exception. There was a hunter in my room when I woke up. I acted surprised and I was told that I was under watch. So I asked if I could shower and the hunter sat on the couch so I quickly showered and got dressed. After that breakfast was brought to my room by Will. I asked Will what was going on and that's when the other hunter told me that I was to be locked in my room until the full moon was over. I knew I was under suspicion of being turned into a demon and so I sat down and glared sharply at the hunter in my room but Will poured me a cup of rum. Will turned to me, apologized and he placed my breakfast down before leaving the room. I spent my days confined to my room. The night before the full moon I was finally taken out of my room and I was forced to walk around. The hunters were guarding me as we walked around and Will was stuck acting as a guard. The gas was released in the air but no one went into a frenzy. I was confused because your people were still in the area. When we walked around and went into the houses I saw that the fox demons had taken their lives before they could be taken over from the gas that was released into the air. It wasn't just one of them, but all the ones whom passed away took their own lives." Leo took a drink of the fruit punch that he poured for himself.

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"I felt that as it happened. I would have felt if the gas had taken effect but it did not. I figured that they took matters into their own hands…." Kitty looked down and tears fell down her cheeks.

"Don't cry, love." Leo lifted her chin up and kissed the corner of her eyes and wiped the tears that were running down her cheeks. "They were smiling in their last moments and Julie said some words before she took her life. She said, I may have lost my daughter and I may lose my life but nothing will break our clans' spirit. We were blessed to live a long satisfying life. May we be reborn and live on in those whose lives we have touched. Those were her final words." Leo looked into Kitty's eyes as he told her Julie's final words.

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"That sounds like something that Julie would say. She was an amazing individual." Cindy looked down and cried a little as well. "Thank you for telling us those words Leo. It means a lot to the two of us."

Carlos set the bacon down and handed Cindy his handkerchief. "That is really heartbreaking but at the same at least they went on their own terms and nobody influenced their decision. My father will be upset over the news." He sat down next to Cindy and felt her lean on his shoulder.

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Leo looks at the two. 'I feel like there may be some chemistry between the two of them.' He leans back in his seat and placed his hand back on Kitty's thigh. "After the deaths of the fox demons they did a sweep of the town nothing else was discovered and I was confined back to my room but this time Will was my guard. We sat down and drank the night away. I was pretty drunk but still managed to get back to my bed. Will didn't say anything. We both knew that the room was bugged. So it was just standard talk like how's your fiance Sam doing? We bullshitted until late into the night. I didn't realize how much I drank or maybe Will drugged me to sleep. I usually hold my liquor better and don't get drunk. I slept well and by the afternoon I woke up. Will looked at me and nodded. I didn't say anything to him and smoked a cigar in the room. It was a quiet afternoon at six o'clock, that asshole Valdis came to the room. I was tied up and brought outside and we waited until midnight and of course nothing happened I was tied to a tree for a few hours and then I brought back to my room, much to the dismay Valdis. I was placed into my room and at six this morning I was told I could go home so I was driven to the airport and shipped back. That is what happened as I was away from you guys."

Kitty pats the hand on her thigh, "you went through a lot, my dear. We should start eating before the food gets cold." She grabs some pancakes and bacon and some fruit. "As for here I slept a lot and started a project for painting the nursery and Luke is going to help me draw some of the animals. The study is coming along. John is staining the wood at his place to make it the right shade but the floor is installed I figure he will come either today or tomorrow to start the installation process of the shelves. Your adopted son is my godson and a clan member of Aizen's clan." She shrugs and takes a bite of the food. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com <a href="https://www.webnovel.com">www.webnovel.com</a> for visiting.

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"Hey, Kitsune, you shouldn't be dropping true names like that!!!" Carlos stands up and glares at Kitty.

"Does it really matter though? He is mine and I trust that he won't tell anyone about your true name and besides it's not like he will use it to command anything from you." Kitty looked at Leo, "isn't that right darling?"

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"Kitsune, I know better than to use that information. I won't command him to do anything." Leo serves himself some food and then starts to eat. "What do you mean by godson?"

Luke looked at Kitty, "are you okay? I do not like seeing you sad, Kitsune. I just learned that I am part of Carlos's clan. Also, I completed my first change with the help of Kitsune and Aizen. It was exhilarating. I am glad that I will be able to complete the change from now on. I also have heightened senses at the moment. So I can smell things that you can not at the moment. I am looking forward to meeting Carlos's clan at some point in time but this is my home and I do not feel like leaving unless I have too." He grabs food and starts to eat it.

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