At this point, Mu Qin just had a suspicion.

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But later, when Mu Qin led Qiu Zijia and Cheng Guoxu to search for the chapel, Cheng Guoxu took the stack of documents and came to Mu Qin. Mu Qin believed that the identity of Cheng Guoxu was worth exploring.

Because Cheng Guoxu tore off a page of the list of employees in the document.

The list of employees in the orphanage, standing on the position of Cheng Guoxu, actually had little to do with him. He should not have had any reason to tear it up unless it was registered on the torn page. Cheng Guoxu did not want Mu Qin to see the message, for example, the employee was a person familiar with Cheng Xuan… or Cheng Guoxu himself.

When he got the documents, he found that he had his own list. He didn’t want people to know that he was an orphanage employee. He hurriedly tore it and then gave it to Mu Qin. He wanted to prove that he was not abnormal with this kind of guilty action. However, after Xu Fu and Han Li came to the church and they heard the dialogue between Xu Fu and Han Li, Cheng Guoxu could not bear it. He took the idea of ​​struggling and he shot.

“Cheng Guoxu probably heard Xu Fu questioning Han Li about ten years ago… Several children in the Iris Flower Orphanage were murdered by a serial killer. He realized that Xu Fu was tracing the murderer of the year and Xu Fu, with character and power, as long as it was found to be Cheng Guoxu, Cheng Guoxu would undoubtedly die. Therefore, Cheng Xu was eager to take the risk and wanted to take the lead and kill Xu Fu to protect himself.” Mu Qin got to this conclusion after the analysis.

After listening to Mu Qin, Qiu Zijia said, “What do you mean, Cheng Guoxu is the serial killer who killed children ten years ago?”

“Although there is no direct evidence, but his reaction should be inconsistent.” Mu Qin licked his arm, looked up and glanced at the sky that was faint and raining.

This sudden message seemed to be difficult for Qiu Zijia to digest. He reached out and held his head: “So we have been working with a vicious serial killer?”

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“It is extremely vicious, but it is not.” When he came to the bottom of the tree, he touched Han Li’s arm. Han Li’s body was slightly cold, and then Mu Qin touched Han Li’s forehead and it started to burn.

Mu Qin said: “Cheng Guoxu, the kind of person, I know at a glance that he is very courageous, low self-esteem, weak, unable to fight against adults, and he has no confidence to defeat adults, so he can only start with children. The species is extremely inferior and extremely conceited. The inner evil is dirty. He dared to jump out and start with Xu Fu today. I am afraid that he has exhausted all the courage of his life.”

“Oh… it’s ridiculous.” Qiu Zijia was showing signs of mental breakdown. He held his own head and began to pull his own hair. “So, indeed… every one of us has a criminal record, we are all jail-free scum, so we will be sent here… This so-called killing game is punishing us? Since we are all dead, then… this is hell!?”

Mu Qin turned his head and looked at Qiu Zijia’s direction: “Are you also guilty?”

“I…… ” Qiu Zaijia paused for a moment, and finally told the truth frankly, “I killed my brother.”

“Your brother? “Mu Qin also froze a moment, “you said your parents adopted before, is that it?”

“Yes.” Qiu Zaijia up but became calm under pressure, “I forced him to commit suicide, when I was six years old.”

“Six years old?” Mu Qin staggered, “Would you be able to beat to death your brother? At that age, you probably don’t even know what the words ‘forced death’ mean?”

“Yes, it’s very simple.” Qiu Zijia said, suddenly laughing, the self-deprecating Laugh, “I really didn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘forced death’ when I was six years old. I was terrible at the time… the kind you can’t imagine… how terrible a child’s innocence is.”

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“From my consciousness and when I learned to speak, I had a simple dislike for my brother. At that time, I felt that he had taken away the attention of my parents. It was a simple mentality. Every child would get the care of their parents. Concerns make all the stops, or crying or spoiling. The only child is okay, if there are brothers and sisters… you can imagine, brother or brother, sister or sister, will try their best to seize resources and attention from their parents. Suppress my brothers and sisters.”

“This kind of behavior is biological instinct. Even a litter of cats will crowd and compete for the milk, there is not much difference between humans and animals.”

Qiu Zijia said, the voice was getting lower and lower: “So, in order to compete for resources, even if I was only six years old, I already had a very dark idea. I hated my brother very much. I hoped that he would get out of this family, especially after listening to my parents occasionally mentioning that he was not their biological son. The idea was even worse.”

“But I was very young at the time, and it was naive to suppress him. What my parents gave him, I had to grab it. Books, toys, learning utensils and even clothes for my brother. Shoes and so on, as long as my parents brought it, I would take it away. I would use or destroy these things myself. If I didn’t want to play with it, I would give it back to him.”

“At that time, my parents were very fond of me. Oh, this is the reason why I have always been fearless. In the eyes of my parents, my adopted brother is probably better than myself, and they had not shown any favor and concern for my brother. They acquiesced to my brother all unreasonable behavior, their parents invisible connivance, the oppression of my brother’s increasingly strong.”

“I took personal belongings wantonly from my brother, destroyed or discarded, tore his homework and textbooks. Throwing garbage, splashing water, and taking things to him, causing him to have wounds from morning to night. I didn’t want to eat with him, as long as he went to the table, I would cry and throw the bowl, so my brother could only eat alone in his room. Later I was dissatisfied with his room being bigger than mine. My parents asked me to change the room with him. He could only live in a small, narrow room.”

“I even pushed him down the stairs. Although it was not a very high staircase, he got hit on his head and blood flowed. When my parents wanted to send him to the hospital, I cried and made trouble, so my parents could only guard me, and he went to the hospital alone.”

Qiu Zijia said that for a long time, he paused for a while and looked at Mu Qin: “It’s terrible, right? I think that I was really terrible at that time, how could I be evil to that point, simply… I can’t describe it. ……”

“No, it’s not terrible for you, your parents are terrible.” Mu Qin said his opinion. He thought: “Your parents did not restrain and stop you. They used acquiescence to expand your irrational and even cruel behavior, when you bullied your brother, they indulged you and pampered you, unconditionally forgave you and met your requirements, this is a kind of ‘reward’.”

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“Reward?” Qiu Zijia looked at Mu Qin.

Mu Qin said: “Yes, it is reward. You were a child at the time, and your behavior was very good. They only needed to let you form the concept of ‘getting rewards as long as you bully your brother’. Under this concept, your behavior when you shape it, you will become more and more fierce, bullying your brother, and even getting more and more excessive things under the circumstance of your parents.”

“Is that really true?” Qiu Zijia could not be sure, he looked some of my spirits are embarrassing. “My brother finally died. When I hated him more and insulted him, my parents made a decision to let him go to boarding school. But he needed to pay for living in the school. Every weekend he would go home to get living expenses from my parents. One day when he came back from the weekend, I stole thousands of dollars from my mother’s bag and put it in his bag, and blamed him for stealing. Then my parents slandered him and took it. We took all the money from him and drove him out of the house. He didn’t seem to want to open it outside. He jumped off the building and committed suicide. It was from the building where we lived.”

“That was the first time I saw a bloody body.” Qiu Zi Jia said, “It’s strange that I was not afraid. I didn’t even feel scared when I saw the body in the stairwell today. I have never had a nightmare, but I always dreamed of my brother’s body. In my dream, I have been lying there in the place, lying there with blood and flesh.”

“I am a selfish person, Mu Qin.” Qiu Zijia laughed at himself. “I haven’t reflected on it for so many years. I have no heart. The lungs grow up, squander time and money, turn a blind eye to the suffering of others, step on my brother’s body and blood to live today, I am so damn… finally come to retribution.”

Mu Qin stared at Qiu Zijia for a while, he said: “Qiu Zijia, I think you were scared by Xu Fu just now, your mental condition is not very good, there is a tendency to self-destruct.”

Qiu Zijia suddenly glared at Mu Qin: “Why are you so calm?”

Mu Qin stagnated for a moment: “Calm? I must keep calm in this state.”

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“Don’t you think you are overly calm?” Qiu Zijia was cold and not against Mu Qin. When he got up, the sound of rain falling couldn’t cover his embarrassment. “From the beginning of this so-called ‘game’! From the time I saw you, there is not much expression on your face, you are always expressionless. Analyzing everything, not surprised or scared, you…”

Qiu Zijia trembled and looked at Mu Qin: “Are you really not the killer?”

Mu Qin was silent, watching Qiu Zijia for a while, then replied: “It’s a soldier’s training, and being calm is a normal performance. If I am just as hysterical as you are, I’m really finished. And the murderer is obviously Xu Fu, Qiu Zijia, your mental state is really problematic… and Han Li now that she has a fever, we have to find a safe place to stay, we can’t continue to stay in the rain.”

“It’s fine to leave me.” Qiu Zijia suddenly spoke out, he lowered his head. “I have no use, the meaning of existence is to give you hind legs, so you just leave me alone, you are a very good person, more than I deserve to live.”

“Do you want to give up?” Mu Qin understood Qiu Zijia’s mentality, because the situation was really bad now. Two of the six people died. The killer was far more powerful than the Xu Fu who was in the place, and a female teacher who had no use for high fever. The key to the exit of the gate was not seen in the shadow. Such an orphanage, to find the hope of escape was tantamount to a needle in the haystack, a desperate mood was normal.

Therefore, Qiu Zijia would say: “I give up.”

“After easily killing your brother, is it easy to force yourself to die?” Mu Qin looked at him blankly. “The weak man, even alive back. Didn’t you have the courage to redeem your sin in front of your brother’s grave?”

Qiu Zijia looked up at Mu Qin and couldn’t help but smile: “You look very cold… but you’re actually a good person.”

“I only do the necessary things.” Mu Qin said, “The chances of your survival are at least higher than Han Li’s, and there is no need to rush to give up.”

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