Chapter 9

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That was the voice of Han Li.

After all, among the six people trapped in this orphanage, Han Li was the only woman.

Mu Qin heard her voice tremble slightly. She was obviously scared. The fear made her panic and defended. She seemed to try to gain some advantages for herself.

Mixed with the sound of the rain, Mu Qin heard Han Li say: “I have left this orphanage ten years ago! I do have something… I have done some bad things for one or two children… They were too noisy. They was very disobedient, so I was very annoyed. I didn’t control my temper at the time, and I didn’t know how important it was… but I swear I never killed any child. I didn’t hurt anyone’s life! You must believe me. Ah– !”

Han Li’s last sentence screamed with rush and whispered. Mu Qin sneaked under the chair and looked outside. He saw Han Li’s trouser legs and shoes, and Han Li seemed to be stunned. After pushing the door, she stumbled into the church and walked two steps and then fell to the ground, because the body was soaked by the pouring rain outside, and when she fell to the ground, it was accompanied by the sound of wet water. Mu Qin noticed that there seems to be a wound on her face, he was afraid she was being beaten.

Immediately afterwards, another person walked into the church from the outside. It was obvious that this person was Xu Fu, and he was also drenched by the rain, but the momentum was still aggressive, and his low voice was quiet in the church. Xu Fu: “But when the incident happened, you worked in the orphanage.”

Han Li quickly climbed up from the ground, twisted her clothes and stepped back, saying: “At that time, there were many people in the orphanage! Taking care of the children, as well as the nuns and priests in the church, cleaning and security of the work, so many people I can not remember, and the orphanage also recruited a lot of volunteers…”

“Volunteers?” Xu Fu seemed to hold a strange focus.

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“Yes, it’s volunteers!” Han Li seemed to think of something and shouted loudly. “The policeman at the time said that it was possible that outsiders had poisoned the children of the orphanage in the name of volunteers.”

“But because the Dean recruited a lot of volunteers during the period, a bunch of them came and went in batches. Many volunteers did not even register personal information and just started working. The police found no suspicious people. The bodies of those children were found too late, and there was nothing in the traces… I really don’t know who did it!”

Xu Fu said: “I believe that you are not doing it, you are too weak, and still a woman.”

Han Li seemed to be very happy: “Yes, it’s not what I did! It’s useless to find me! I…”

But before Han Li finished, Xu Fu suddenly went forward, single handedly grabbed Han Li’s neck, and she couldn’t say a word when she couldn’t breathe. She could only make a suffocating sound from the pressure. She was very uncomfortable and couldn’t help but open her hand. Han Li’s fingers slapped Xu Fu’s chest and shoulders.

However, it had no effect. Xu Fu took advantage of his strength and grabbed directly onto the woman’s neck, lifting her feet off the ground and she swung her legs in pain.

Xu Fu did not seem to be looking for mercy. Mu Qin shrank under the chair and noticed that Xu Fu’s body was tight. It was obvious that he had to squat, and then Mu Qin could not help but think, should he go forward to obstruct Xu Fu, and then rescued Han Li from his hands, after all, Han Li had begun to roll her eyes, she presumably did not have long.

However, the risk of rushing to save people was very high. Mu Qin quickly observed Xu Fu’s physique. This guy was really tall and strong. He could pick up a woman’s body with one hand. Mu Qin decided that he absolutely trained. However, but it seemed that it was not appropriate to let Han Li be suffering and dead.

In the short time of a few tenths of a second, Mu Qin ran through all sorts of messy thoughts, and then Mu Qin suddenly noticed the position where Xu Fu stood. After Xu Fu entered the door, he first pushed Han Li. Han Li got up and couldn’t stop moving back, so Xu Fu followed her forward. Then Xu Fu reached out and grabbed Han Li. Xu Fu himself stood in the middle of the church.

Mu Qin quickly slid half of his body out of the hiding chair and looked up at Xu Fu’s head. Sure enough, Xu Fu’s head was under the lamp, which was carefully observed by Mu Qin before. A valuable candle chandelier! This lamp was hung up with a wire rope, it looked very weighty, and it was absolutely impossible to get down!

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When he thought of this, Mu Qin had a plan in his heart. He quickly glanced at Qiu Zijia, who was hiding near him. When they turned off the lights, Qiu Zijia subconsciously followed Mu Qin to hide in a relatively close position, so he rushed to Qiu Zijia quietly. Beckoned, signaling him to leave.

Qiu Zijia was not sure, but he climbed out and walked to Mu Qin.

Mu Qin took a hold of Qiu Zijia’s shoulder. He first pointed to the candle chandelier on Xu Fu’s head and pointed to the iron chain of the candle chandelier.

The chain of the candle chandelier had a switch, right next to the church door. The switch was a turntable. Mu Qin checked it when he searched the church. If the turntable was turned quickly, the chandelier did not hang down slowly but was directly smashed down to the ground.

“You go to the switch, I will scream for a while, then let the chandelier fall down directly, understand?” Mu Qin attached a whisper to Qiu Zijia’s ear, Qiu Zijia heard it, he nodded to Mu Qin.

This series of actions took only a dozen seconds, and the task was arranged simply and swiftly. Mu Qin and Qiu Zijia began to split up. Mu Qin turned his head and looked at Xu Fu. The woman could not hold it anymore and slowly stopped struggling, her head and arms almost hang down, Mu Qin knew not to be late, and it was estimated that Han Li would really die.

Just as Mu Qin calculated the time to prepare for the charge… His plan was very simple. He would run to Xu Fu’s side and hold Han Li’s arm. He would shout and give Qiu Zijia a hint when he was about to approach Han Li. Then Qiu Zijia pulled the chandelier to let the chandelier fall down. At this time, Mu Qin just grabbed Han Li’s arm and pulled her back by the inertia of running.

Xu Fu may not respond, he was still holding Han Li’s neck, when he may be put down with him, he would become Han Li’s shield, because when he fell down just can hold Han Li, and the chandelier would just lie on him and cause him a huge trauma.

In doing so, not only could Xu Fu be solved, but Han Li could also be saved.

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Mu Qin thought very well, and he had a very accurate and complete grasp of his speed. When he was in the service training, the instructor had specific physical training for his responsiveness, so Mu Qin’s success rate. There was no doubt that it was more than 80%.

But the plan would never catch up with change.

Just as Mu Qin planned to rush to the air, Cheng Guoxu, who did not know where to hide, suddenly came out of of the darkness one step at a time!

He almost directly ran at Xu Fu, and Mu Qin noticed that in the moment, Cheng Guoxu held something in his hand and flashed some kind of sharp weapon!

However, Cheng Guoxu was not a trained soldier like Mu Qin. His speed was not enough. The footsteps of running up were too loud, so that at the moment he ran, Xu Fu had noticed the abnormality. Unexpectedly Xu Fu casually tossed Han Li, who was half-dead, and then turned to look in Cheng Guoxu’s direction.

At this time, Cheng Guoxu had already rushed to Xu Fu’s front and took the weapon in his hand. It was a piece of steel pipe that Mu Qin had pulled down from the heating pipe in the apartment building. The end of the steel pipe was sharp and could be used to hurt others.

The steel pipe was always in the hands of Mu Qin. After entering the church and starting the search, Mu Qin put the steel pipe on the table at the church stage in order to light the candle. After that, he didn’t pay much attention to it. He didn’t expect it to be taken by Cheng Xu.

He did not expect that Cheng Guoxu would be so bold! Holding this piece of broken pipe, he rushed to want to directly kill Xu Fu. Of course, it was impossible to succeed. Xu Fu’s reaction and physical strength were better than Cheng Guoxu’s, and fighting skill would stop Cheng Guoxu’s steel pipe easy. The grid was blocked, and the steel pipe was so bad that it was broken by Xu Fu with a single hit.

Cheng Guoxu did not think that he was struggling with such a simple attack, and he was slightly stunned. He was so deadly in the battle, because Xu Fu had instantly found out that he did not know where he was hiding. With a short knife, he made the knife’s means superb, and the knife went straight to the point. In just a moment, he made a hole in the throat of Cheng Guoxu.

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When Cheng Guoxu was suddenly bloody, he did not seem to think that he would fail. He held his throat and stared at Xu Fu, and Xu Fu was very calm and stared at Cheng Guoxu with his gaze.

Cheng Guoxu was scared at this time, afraid that he would take a few steps back from the blood on his neck. He couldn’t stop the blood, the blood flowed back into his trachea and flowed into his lungs, and he bled from his nose and mouth. They all started to bleed.

He thought he could really succeed! When Xu Fu concentrated on killing the female teacher, he only had to take this sharp pipe and pounce on it to give the other party a chance. Killing was such a simple matter.

But Cheng Guoxu, he forgot, being killed… it was also very easy.

On the other hand, Mu Qin saw the sudden change of his mind. He changed his mind and continued to fly forward. He quickly ran to Han Li’s side and pulled Han Li, who was confused by suffocation and lack of oxygen. Holding Han Li’s waist, half dragging and pulling Han Li directly to the church door.

While running Mu Qin also yelled at Qiu Zijia, who was standing next to the gate: “Let’s put out the lights!”

Qiu Zijia was a little embarrassed. Perhaps this sudden situation made him forced, and he stayed in place for a while, then he later learned to pull. The turntable switch of the candle chandelier around.

At the same time, Xu Fu also noticed that Mu Qin suddenly came out and rescued Han Li and wanted to run, so Xu Fu instinctively left Cheng Guoxu to catch up.

If Qiu Zijia responded in time, when he heard the sound of Mu Qin shouting, he would have pulled the chandelier switch and it was absolutely possible to use this light to kill Xu Fu.

However, he was stunned, the switch pulled a bit late, the lamp was too late, and did not directly hit Xu Fu’s body, but found Xu Fu’s foot.

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