Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1012: 1012

If so, that's terrible!

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The terrible reason is that, if he really thought, his predecessor died, so that he was lucky to use the corpse to revive his soul. If the reason for passing through was that the emperor Yanlong killed the predecessor, wouldn't it say that emperor Yanlong should know his own identity!

When he has not seen himself, he may feel that he is a person with the same name and surname, and will not care!

But he has seen himself. If he can't remember himself, he is absolutely impossible. A martial god realm No, if Yanlong emperor comes from the whole world, it is at least Wuzu realm!

A Wuzu realm of people, memory can almost remember tens of millions of people, how can they forget themselves!

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Chen Feng's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light. Maybe this time he came into the secret place, it should be a trap set by the emperor Yanlong!

He should want to take advantage of his chance to enter the secret place of Yanlong, and by the way, take advantage of the Kung Fu to wipe himself out!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's mouth slightly raised in an instant!

If he guessed well, then he can be completely fearless now. After all, knowing all the layout of emperor Yanlong, he can be invincible!

"Third question!"

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Chen Feng was silent for a long time, as if he was thinking about something, but he suddenly opened his mouth, but all the people present were shocked.

"The third question, why did they pursue those two men?"

When Chen Feng said this question, he immediately looked at the old man, and his eyes burst out like a flash bomb, which even made everyone around feel that Chen Feng's eyes were as dazzling as the sun!

And heard Chen Feng's words, the old man only felt a sour nose at this moment, and even almost burst into tears. However, he immediately pressed down the meaning of the sour nose, but he also took a few deep breaths to completely suppress the sour nose!

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"Because of you."

After the old man finished speaking, without saying a word, he actually gave Zhuge pavilion a small Fu Zhuan!

The whole body of the Fu Zhuan is carved by red jade. The lines on it are so profound that no one can understand it. However, Chen Feng obtained the full level skills of Fu Zhuan through several pieces of Fu Zhuan given by Zhuge Ge Ge after stealing treasures from the galloping sword sect. So at this moment, he recognized the function of the Fu Zhuan!

"Seal seal character?"

Zhuge Ge Ge exclaimed, looking at the ruby Fu Zhuan, dazed!

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"In this, your real potential and strength are sealed. You can absorb it. The reason why you are so clumsy now is that I want to suppress your rebellious talent, so I sealed your potential and hidden power. Now your world outlook is likely to change for this clever little guy, and your things should be unsealed!"

The old man then turned around, looked at Zhuge Xiu and others nodded, and said, "you are the son of the last patriarch of Zhenhai Shenzong, so you are the little patriarch of this Zhenhai Shenzong. They are the descendants of the meritorious officials of Zhenhai Shenzong, and they are your people. You can order them to do everything, and you can decide whether Zhenhai Shenzong will join the heaven court."

Chen Feng didn't expect that the old man even knew the agreement between Tianting and Zhuge Ge Ge, so he took a look at the old man!


Zhuge Ge took a deep breath and then said, "then join us."

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