Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1016: 1016

"Zhen Yun, Xu maocai, are you two willing to enter my heaven?"

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Zhen Yun and Xu maocai, who were suddenly called by Chen Feng, were stunned and then widened their eyes!

Zhen Yun immediately responded and said, "I do!"

Xu maocai also reacted at this moment and said excitedly: "I'd like to join in for a long time, boss, I'd like to!"

Chen Feng was satisfied with a smile, and instantly said with a smile: "join my heaven, never betray, betrayer, I will never forgive!"

Chen Feng said very seriously, but Zhen Yun and Xu maocai did not have a trace of banter. They all looked at Chen Feng very seriously and said, "we must be loyal to heaven!"

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Chen Feng said with a satisfied smile: "from today on, Zhen Yun is the five elders of heaven, and Xu Mao is the six elders of heaven!"

"Everyone, accept the reward of being a man of heaven!"

After Chen Feng finished, Zhuge Pavilion, Zhang Jiuling, Zhen Yun and Xu maocai were all in a daze. Then they felt a huge force emerging from their bodies and turned into their powerful power!

At this moment, Zhang Jiuling abruptly promoted the triple realm. He was originally a martial Saint realm, and promoted the triple realm. In an instant, he became the triple realm of martial god!

Zhuge Pavilion is also in the realm of martial saint, and now it has become the triple of martial god!

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Zhen Yun's strength has been improved very slowly recently. Chen Feng knows that it is because Zhen Yun has allocated her cultivation resources to xiaonailong. As a result, Zhen Yun has only eight levels of martial arts sage realm. She can't help feeling sorry for Zhen Yun. But now that Zhen Yun has been rewarded for joining the sect, and there are additional people from the sect to improve their triple strength, her strength has been improved by four levels, which directly becomes Chen Feng's apology can be regarded as alleviating some of the triple realm of martial god!

Xu maocai's strength has been passed down by the sage of carefree sage, so he has reached the triple level of martial god, and now he has directly reached the seventh level of martial god!

At this moment, Zhen Yun, Zhuge Ge Pavilion, Zhang Jiuling and Xu maocai burst out one after another among the four people. Then the momentum suddenly increased, and it needed to be increased four times. In a moment, all the people present changed their faces!

Like this groundless breakthrough, or a group of things to break through together, even the black robed old people have never seen!

"This What's going on here? How did they break through all of a sudden? "

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A monk of Zhuge clan was shocked to see that his pupils contracted into pinholes.

The other monks of Zhuge clan didn't know how to answer the monk's question. They were all silent at the moment!

There was a look of disbelief in the eyes of the old man in black. He was also very shocked. He did not know what method Chen Feng used to enable so many of them to improve at the same time. No matter what the level, they all promoted three to four levels!

This kind of ignoring the realm for so many people to enhance the ability, is really terrible!

But at this moment, Chen Feng walked into the square of Tianting. With his step in, he said softly: "contact Fang Yun, Shang Mou yingyu."


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A flash of white light, Chen Feng suddenly appeared in front of two figures!

One is Fang Yun in Baiyun City, the other is shangmou yingyu in shuixuan country!

At the moment, both of them are very beautiful. Fang Yun is wearing a simple white dress and a white skirt, while Shang Mou yingyu is a gorgeous Phoenix robe. Both of them have different beauty!

Chen Feng couldn't help but look at it!

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