Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1027: 1027

Since Zhuge Ge Ge is OK, Chen Feng is naturally at ease.

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Chen Feng walked towards the cave. Wu Tong and the marsh snake mother saw Chen Feng and the black robed old man finish speaking. Wu Tong lowered his voice and said, "can you trust this man?"

"Don't worry, an old man you can trust." Chen Feng nodded with a smile.

Marsh snake mother in the side holding the hand of small Chen Li also came over, way: "how did they break through so fast?"

The swamp snake mother's eyes are still filled with endless shock!

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She is a snake demon. How can she not understand why Zhuge Pavilion is so easy to break through? Actually, their strength can reach the level of martial god realm, and they can break through again and again!

This kind of thing is too fantastic!

Ordinary friars of Wushen realm, even if they work hard, spend countless resources and treasures and spend their poor life, they may not be able to break through the dual level of Wushen realm. However, Zhuge Pavilion and others have broken through three or four levels one after another, while Zhang Jiuling directly achieved two breakthroughs from wusheng realm, and his strength was promoted from wusheng realm to wusheng realm God seven heavy, such strength promotion speed is also too incredible!

This kind of speed is too late to clap the horse!

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Looking at the marsh snake mother obviously some unbalanced appearance, Chen Feng helplessly shook his head.

She was originally a monster, and it was very difficult to cultivate. Especially when she reached the realm of martial god, it often took 100000 years, or even hundreds of thousands of years of hard cultivation, to be able to upgrade to a higher level. Now she has relied on herself as a demon beast and has a very long life. After practicing for millions of years, her strength has reached the level of martial god. Now if she breaks through again, she can reach the legend Wuzu realm in China!

If so, Chen Feng said: "in this case, if you join my Tianting, you can be the guardian animal of my heaven court and have the position of Tianting elder, but you can't leave my heaven for a million miles. If the heaven is in danger, you must hurry back!"

At this moment, Chen Feng is suddenly standing with his hands down. In his eyes, he is the Lord of heaven, not Chen Li's father!

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"If you can do this, I'm willing to help you break through the shackles of the martial god, fly into the sky and become the emperor of martial arts, and give you the opportunity to go to the whole world!"

Chen Feng said with a smile, as if he is a God, can easily give everyone the opportunity to break through!

All the people present were shocked and looked at Chen Feng. They all felt a strong sense of unreal, which made a person break through the realm of Wuzu. It was something that Chen Feng could do with his lips touching. This is not true!

If we didn't see that Zhang Jiuling and others actually made breakthroughs one after another, and the breakthrough was as easy as drinking water and eating, maybe they would have ridiculed Chen Feng!

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Marsh snake mother at the moment also think so, but after seeing Chen Feng's ability, she knows that Chen Feng is definitely a man who hides the secrets of heaven. As long as Chen Feng says, she can do it!

Moreover, this is an opportunity for him to break through to Wuzu!

You know, if she wants to break through now, it will take at least tens of thousands of years. Only relying on the ten thousand year snake plant can only make her into human form, and can not make her break through to Wuzu realm immediately!

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