Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1035: 1035

As soon as he said this, Chen Feng narrowed his eyes. The man in black even ignored him. Instead, he took the idea of swamp dragon mother!

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The black robed man said that he had found something. He looked behind Chen Feng. He was frowning and staring at Zhen Yun!

The moment she saw Zhen Yun, the eyes of the man in black changed instantly. The light burst out of her eyes was very evil. Zhen Yun felt that the eyes were trying to penetrate into her clothes. It was very annoying!

"Hey, hey I didn't expect that there would be such a girl in Xiaoqian world. What a surprise

With a grim smile on his face, the black robed man's eyes became more and more unbearable when he looked at Zhen Yun, and said to him: "little beauty, if you go with me today, I will not see you, OK? Otherwise, I'll kill them all, and when I've played enough, you'll kill you! "

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In an instant, Chen Feng also frowned, behind the devil wings, angel wings, chaos wings, three pairs of wings spread out in an instant, a majestic momentum spread from Chen Feng's body, as if Chen Feng had become a god like existence, just like the master of the world!


The man in black suddenly looked at Chen Feng. He obviously didn't understand why Chen Feng could have three pairs of wings, and still had such fantastic wings. Each pair of wings was so powerful that he was shocked!

But at this moment, Chen Feng's face is gloomy, his eyes release a very cold light, as if to condense the time!

"Hum, boy, since you are in such a hurry to die, I will help you, and then subdue the dragon which has just evolved into Jackie Chan and is weak and vulnerable to attack. Then I will take the beautiful woman back to enjoy the happiness of Spring Festival Eve! Ha ha ha ha ha

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The black robed man was very shameless and did not hide his desire in his heart, which made Zhen Yun's face pale in an instant!

"Shameless!" Zhen Yun was so angry that he scolded him. The black robed man made a comfortable and pleasant expression, which made Zhen Yun helpless, even nausea and vomiting!

Chen Feng at the moment is a gloomy face to the extreme, the voice is very cold way: "not what person, is you this kind of rubbish can dally with at will!"

When Chen Feng finished this sentence, he immediately turned into a streamer and shot at the black robed man. The whole person directly burst out with endless momentum, which was very shocking!

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However, the black robed man was not afraid at all. Looking at the streamer of Chen Feng, he held out a hand directly. Even his momentum did not break out. Just one hand withstood the streamer of Chen Feng!

But at this moment, Chen Feng directly blows out his fist. His strength can smash the mountains and rivers, and his strong strength can even make the space ripple!

But this power in Yan Long Wei such as black robed people look just tickle general, it is not justified at all!

But at this moment, Chen Feng's body suddenly burst out three dull sounds, even Chen Feng's momentum is powerful several times!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

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After the three muffled sound, Chen Feng's strength has actually improved triple!

After Zhenhai Shenzong joined the heaven court, the system gave the reward, and the realm was improved three times!

Chen Feng, who made a breakthrough in an instant, hit the black robed man's chest directly with a fist!

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