Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1067: 1067

At this time, the 30 direct hand, the whole person directly lead crutches hit, after the first, will 34 fly out!

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No. 34 puffed out a mouthful of blood, like a broken kite flying upside down, the body is pouring out a fluffy of bright red blood, flying over the ground all dyed red!

No. 34 fell to the ground with a plop, and his breath was much weaker. However, he did not secretly hate that the No. 34 shot him. Instead, he was glad that the 30th could beat him out at the critical moment!

After all, Princess Taiqing is the most precious little princess of emperor Yanlong. If he injures Princess Taiqing, Emperor Yanlong will not care whether he is intentional or unintentional, and will definitely put him to death!

More likely, the emperor's anger will directly affect their entire team members, even the entire yanlongwei!

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At that time, I'm afraid that only if the dragon head comes forward, can this matter be resolved!

"Boy, let go of the princess!"

On the 30th, he took a step and yelled. On that old face, there was a sense of rage. In the sound, the earth was in an instant. Don't lift up countless sand and stones, and even the ground was broken up. At one time, there was a violent storm around the body of the 30th!

Princess Taiqing is stunned at the moment. Chen Fengzheng embraces her graceful waist, which makes her feel uncomfortable all over the body. There is an indescribable tingling feeling on her waist, which makes him uncomfortable all over!

And the masculine breath of Chen Feng's body almost stuck with her rushed into her nasal cavity, only felt that at the moment, the feet were some floating, almost standing unsteadily!

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But with a big drink on the 30th, Princess Taiqing woke up in an instant, and said: "hateful disciple, let me go quickly. I am the third daughter of emperor Yanlong, Princess Taiqing of huoxuan kingdom!"

Although the princess just said, "it's funny that the princess was forced to put on a hysterical attitude."


Zhang Jiuling and other men's hearts at this moment are some unhappy murmur.

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Zhen Yun now Du mouth, looking at Chen Feng, the vinegar jar in the heart has been overturned!

"He hasn't put his arm around me like that." For no reason, Zhen Yun's heart is a burst of anger!

At the moment, the princess Chen Feng didn't want to see me at the moment, but she didn't want to look at me like that, but she didn't want to see me at the same time

"Lizzie? When was Princess Ben called Lizi?" Taiqing Princess listen to Chen Feng's address is a burst of anger!

But on the 30th, his face was gloomy to the extreme. From the beginning to now, he was still so angry for the first time!

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Chen Feng is really too arrogant, arrogant and even let him all want to crack!

And Chen Feng even took Princess Taiqing as hostage, almost threatening them and forcing them to do it together!


On the 30th, his face was gloomy, and his voice seemed to be an angry volcano about to erupt. Suddenly, there was a violent and terrifying pressure between heaven and earth. It was as heavy as a mountain!

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