Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1082: 1082


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On the 30th, the whole person flew out directly. At the same time, he vomited out a mouthful of old blood. There were a lot of teeth in the blood!

A Wuzu state is perfect, and the super strong man of half step sage is beaten out by Chen Feng with a fist, and even his teeth are all knocked out. All the people present are shocked and their eyes are widened, and their heads can't turn. Princess Taiqing is shocked to look at Chen Feng, and her brain is blank!

"How could it be?! How can you be so powerful? "

Chen Feng Taiqing Princess exclaimed, she asked aloud, simply do not believe that Chen Feng's strength will be so strong!

At the moment, the 31st is also difficult to raise her head and look at Chen Feng in the sky. Her eyes twinkle with a touch of complexity. She really regrets now. Why didn't she listen to the words of the 34th just now? If she had left earlier, she was afraid that she would not suffer such a fate!

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If she had left directly and returned to huoxuan Kingdom, or even to the whole world, if she found the dragon head, the dragon head would send people to cut the boy into pieces to avenge the dead No. 34 and No. 35!

But now, No. 30 is not the boy's opponent, and he is beaten by this boy and flies out!

Isn't that to say that the boy's strength is at least half step saint, even stronger?!

A young man who has just broken through to Wuzu Yizhong can break out the strength of Wuzu Yizhong?

Is this kind of combat power really what a young man in his twenties can possess?

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Wuzu Yichong broke out the strength of crushing half step sage, such strength is really powerful to be incomparable!

It can even be said that there is no one before, no one after!

The strength of this concept is not what she can understand!

Even, it is not what Princess Taiqing can understand!

At this moment, Zhen Yun and others are also shocked to see Chen Feng, eyes are full of incredible look!

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"Feng Ge he Has it really become the realm of Wuzu? "

Zhen Yun did not dare to imagine that there would be a genius in the world of Wuzu!

In the small world, since ancient times, there have only been more than ten Wuzu, and there has been no Wuzu for tens of thousands of years!

Although all the friars in the world take Wuzu realm as their ultimate goal, there is no one who can cultivate Wuzu. Even the most gifted evil spirits in the past dynasties, they can not reach the threshold of Wuzu realm!

The realm of Wuzu is great and complete, and has become the ultimate realm of martial arts!

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"Elder brother, if he can beat the number 30 with one punch, does it prove that his real strength is even stronger than that of a half step sage?" Zhang Jiuling's eyes are also flashing a shocking light, although he also feels that Chen Feng's power is a little too fantastic, but he is proud of his big brother!

Xu maocai was shocked and speechless. He was surprised by the violent power of Chen Feng!

Wu Tong's eyes are also flashing a strange light, he simply can't imagine that Chen Feng could burst out such power!

Even half step master can be beaten by Chen Feng. You know, the number 30 is the level of half step master!

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