Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1115: 1115

Everyone is shocked to see Chen Feng, simply can't believe what they see in their eyes!

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At this moment, more shocked is the rosefinch saint and Canglong prince!

They all looked at the white tiger prince in disbelief. They couldn't believe it. The incredible white tiger Prince knelt down!

Prince white tiger is a prince!

I only kneel down my parents all my life, not even heaven and earth!

But today they saw the white tiger Prince kneeling down!

Who is kneeling?

And who can bear the kneeling of the white tiger prince?!

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They can't think of it!

"Prince white tiger, what's the matter with you?" The prince of Canglong frowned and asked in a voice.

The rosefinch Saint also frowned at him.

"I don't know. My legs don't feel for a second!"

The white tiger prince at the moment is even more difficult to think about. Why did he kneel down in public? What happened to his legs?

"No sense?"

The prince of Canglong frowned at the moment and said, "what's wrong with your cultivation?"

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The words of Canglong prince made the white tiger's brow frown and said, "how can it be? I have my father's guidance when I practice. How can something go wrong?"

"What is the matter?"

The rosefinch virgin asked softly at the moment!

The white tiger prince also did not know how to return a responsibility, his leg suddenly lost consciousness!

"I don't know what's going on. My legs should not have any problems, otherwise I would have fallen from the air."

The white tiger prince at the moment only felt that he had lost his face today!

I was called "Kitty" in front of an unknown boy, and was also awed by the boy's momentum. Now he kneels down in front of unknown big forces. How can such things happen to him all at once!

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If today's events spread, his dignity would really be swept away!

But at this moment, the white tiger Prince's mind suddenly appeared the appearance of Chen Feng!

"Is it him? How is that possible? How could he have the ability to make me kneel? "

The white tiger Prince instantly expels the unreal speculation in his mind. That is to say, at this moment, his leg instantly regains consciousness. The white tiger Prince stands up like a spring, his face is very ugly, and he says, "my leg has regained consciousness again!"

The white tiger Prince's eyes twinkled and did not understand, but he seemed to be able to hear the whispers of those hidden monks around him. He only felt that his face was burning like fire, and he had a heart that wanted to die!

I want him to be a prince. He does not kneel down, but only his parents. Now he kneels down in front of all the people!

No matter whether he kneels down intentionally or not, he will be sneered at by people all over the world!

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But the white tiger Prince now completely does not know, there is a place, a person standing there looking at his shame and anger, is laughing constantly!

I see at this moment, Chen Feng smile more than!

My skill of seeing the Lord is too cheap, and it's a skill that tends to be passive.

Once launched, it will be launched forever, and the prince of white tiger has tasted the sweetness of being ruled by the skill of suzerain!

"Brother in law! Brother in law! Tell me, how did you do it? " Looking at Chen Feng, Shang Mou Haonan wants to learn!

But Chen Feng pretended to be deep and said, "secret."

Seeing Chen Feng's stinky appearance, Shang Mou Haonan instantly turned a white eye on Chen Feng, and his hot moment in his heart seemed to have been poured a basin of cold water and extinguished.

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