Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1136: 1136

All the people listen to the explosion coming from Chen Feng's body. They are looking at the momentum of Chen Feng's crazy promotion, and their face changes greatly!

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The black robed old man looked at Chen Feng with frightful expression. He could not imagine why Chen Feng suddenly upgraded, but also madly upgraded. He did not know how many levels he had been promoted!

Chen Feng was originally the strength of Wuzu's realm, but now he has been promoted to the level of Wuzu's seven levels. The speed of such a state's promotion is too abnormal!

Step on the Wuzu realm, step by step, it's hard to ascend to the sky if you want to improve it!

But Chen Feng was able to upgrade level 6 so easily. Even if it was the reincarnation of a saint, I'm afraid he can't do it!

But Chen Feng's realm promotion, actually clearly appeared in front of them, they do not want to believe also can't!

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"Big brother, you broke through again?"

Zhang Jiuling's eyes flashed with incredible light. How long did Chen Feng break through to Wuzu's realm, and now he has broken through again?

And how can he not be surprised if he still breaks through so many realms in one breath!

Zhen Yun is looking at Chen Feng, and his eyes flash with horror!

But Zhen Yun's heart is more, it is a surprise!

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A woman, how do not want their men to become a strong man, she sincerely feel happy for Chen Feng!

Zhuge pavilion looks at Chen Feng as if he is looking at the immortal at the moment. As a monk, he works hard to make a breakthrough. However, Chen Feng doesn't see how to cultivate, and his strength goes up slowly. This speed is really enviable, envious and hateful!

I can't catch up with the speed of Chen Feng's realm improvement every day and night. Is it my boss who can strengthen his breathing?!

"No! Boss, what skills are you practicing? Can you get stronger just by breathing? Can you teach us to practice? We want to be like you

Zhuge Ge Ge's face is gloomy, and his eyes are full of resentment Well It's jealousy!

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Wu Tong is speechless at the moment, and Chen Feng's training speed can be described as a thousand miles. From the moment he knew Chen Feng, he was afraid that it had not been more than three months. But now Chen Feng has become a Wuzu from an ordinary monk who is not favored by him at all!

And he is also a Wuzu with seven levels in his realm!

Isn't such a realm about to become a saint?!

He felt that a young Wuzu who came from the big world to the small world was no longer Chen Feng's opponent!

And judging from the speed of Chen Feng's promotion, I'm afraid that the monks in the whole world can't match Chen Feng's training speed!

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If Chen Feng's training speed in the world is the first, I'm afraid that the second and Chen Feng's training speed will be different by 100000 Li!

Wu Tong wants to dissect Chen Feng and have a look. What is Chen Feng's body structure? Why can he practice so fast!

But Chen Feng, at the moment, is looking at all the faces around the shock and horror color, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, very stinky a flick of his hair, squinting his eyes said: "upgrading, sometimes it is so simple!"

Listening to Chen Feng's words, Zhuge Pavilion and others almost burst out old blood. Everyone's face was filled with grief and indignation, as if they were humiliated in general!

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