Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1181: 1181

"Some elders, do you think you should sit down and listen to me calmly?"

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Chen Feng held up the teacup in front of him, and said with a very calm breath.

"You've disgraced us all today. How do you want us to be calm?"

The voice of the seven elders was like thunder, which was very loud in the empty hall of elders!


Chen Feng sighed and said, "elder seven, I thought you could understand it, but I didn't think that I was wrong!"

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Chen Feng suddenly stood up and said, "today's important person is just a speech!"

"Words? What's the point? " The seven elders were stunned.

"Just listen to what emperor Yanlong really means

Chen Feng's eyes sank and said, "he wants to fight, or he wants to do something else!"

"But today, it seems, he wants to fight!" Chen Feng's cold light flashed and said, "besides, he wants us to start the war in the ancient temple first."

"If today we have been forcing emperor Yanlong to make friends with others, he will say that our ancient temple is to find fault. Even if they launch strong soldiers to attack our ancient temple, the world will not think that the emperor Yanlong is wrong, only that our ancient temple is deliberately provoking a war between them!"

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"If you want to fight, then you can fight. Are you afraid that the imperial family of Yanlong will not succeed?" Seven elder's temper is fiery, momentarily joyful does not fear to say.

"But don't forget, seven elder!"

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "it's not so easy to fight between us and Yanlong royal family!"

"Well?" The seven elders didn't understand, but the four elders and several other elders seemed to think of something!

"Our ancient temple, before the appearance of the Yanlong royal family, was the largest force in the whole huoxuan kingdom. The ancient gods in our ancient temple are all over the whole huoxuan Kingdom, and they are the objects of worship of all the huoxuan people!"

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"It can be said that at that time, all the people in the world were looking to my ancient temple!" Chen Feng said softly: "without the people's aspiration, is my ancient temple or ancient temple?"

"And the emperor Yanlong wants to take away the last people from our ancient temple by making us take the lead in the war. Then the ancient temple will be inferior to even a small sect gate!"

"Seven elders, I believe you can not want our nearly 2000 year old temple to be completely reduced to history."

Chen Feng looked at seven elders and said.

Seven elders immediately blushed. He understood the meaning of Chen Feng and said, "of course I don't want the ancient temple to become history."

"That makes sense. I'm not going to ask for talents today. I just want to see what attitude the emperor Yanlong is!"

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"Have you got the emperor's attitude now?" Two elders looked at Chen Feng and said.

"Got it!"

Chen Feng immediately picked his eyelids and said, "emperor Yanlong wants to completely destroy me, destroy the ancient temple, so as to win the hearts of the people in the world. From then on, his family is the only one, and the huoxuan Kingdom has become a huoxuan country without outsiders' control."

"Too shady!"

The seven elders understood the meaning of emperor Yanlong in an instant, smashed the table around him, and said angrily, "the emperor of the dragon is so shady that he still wants to completely destroy our ancient temple. Our ancient temple has retreated again and again, and the influence is small and small. But even so, he still wants to annex our ancient temple. What a bully

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