Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1216: 1216

The thunder and lightning dissipated, and the figure of the emperor of the Dragon appeared. All the friars were shocked to see that the emperor of the emperor of the dragon was burnt black all over his body, and his skin and flesh actually felt like coke!

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Even, all the friars smelled a burning smell!

Chen Feng looked at the emperor of the Dragon at this moment. There was a touch of cold in his eyes and said, "I don't know how many of these powerful robbers can you bear?"

Chen Feng's words instantly changed the faces of all the friars on the spot. They had no idea that Chen Feng could still control Jielei many times. This kind of power is really abnormal!

At this moment, the emperor of Yanlong flashed a ray of fear and horror at the bottom of his eyes!

At this moment, he really had a feeling of fear. He simply did not believe that there would be people in the world who could control the robbery of thunder!

But now, in front of him, there is a man who can control lightning!

The extreme of fire attribute aura is thunder and lightning!

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There is no lightning character in the whole huoxuan kingdom!

After all, the royal family of every big country is a character with the ultimate attribute!

He of huoxuan country has no thunder attribute at all!

He has never seen the attribute of thunder, but at this moment, there is a person with thunder attribute!

This man is Chen Feng!

Can we say that Chen Feng is the son of destiny who wants to lead the huoxuan kingdom?!

If this is the case, then he is sad!

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The son of heaven's destiny is the one who is the one who gets the heaven's dependents. Even if such a person experiences a great crisis, he will not die, because his fortune is so strong that unless heaven and earth are destroyed and the way of heaven is broken, such a person may die!

But if Chen Feng is a man of heaven's family, if he encounters a crisis, he will not die, but will become stronger and stronger!

Is Chen Feng a man of heaven's family?!

In this way, the fear in the heart of Yanlong emperor is actually climbing, and he dare not face Chen Feng again!

The emperor Yanlong instantly displayed his ultimate body method. Before Chen Feng lowered another divine thunder, he fled to the distance!

Even, the emperor Yanlong also took out something!

This thing Chen Feng has not seen, but feel a bad premonition!

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This premonition, Chen Feng only appeared once when the last purple giant hand appeared!

Now, it turns out to be another time!

In an instant, Chen Feng's face changed greatly!

In an instant, he raised his hand high again, and then suddenly pointed down. In the sky, a robbery thunder came in an instant and fell directly on the emperor of the dragon!

At the next moment, Chen Feng directly displayed his instantaneous movement and appeared beside the emperor of Yanlong. His palm passed through the thunder and lightning all over his body and snatched the things in his hand!

Yanlong emperor's eyes are closed, he dare not open his eyes, if open his eyes, lightning will instantly let his eyes explode!

In particular, thunder and lightning paralyzed him, and he couldn't move at all, or even kept twitching, which made him have no way to stop Chen Feng's action!

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Chen Feng put that thing in the hand to observe, very confused!

This is an ordinary crystal stone, there is no strange place at all!

But the system is in this moment, a clear prompt sound sounded!


Congratulations to the host for obtaining the key of the cross boundary door!

Key to cross the boundary: can lead 30 people into the world!

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