Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 122: 122

"I'll go!"

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Fang Yun clenched her lips. Her face was blue and purple because she was too sad. Her lips were almost broken.

With that, Fang Yun turned around without any nostalgia, and smiling at Chen Feng Luo Chu with a farfetched apology, he said, "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, let you see the ugly appearance of our family. Today, please leave Mr. Chen first. When it's time, I'll visit him and thank you!"

"This is it. I'll leave first. Take care, young master."

Fang Yun bit her lower lip and went directly to the camp!

But just as he turned around, a big warm hand caught her little hand in her hand. She wanted to break free, but she found that she couldn't break free at all!

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Fang Yun was shocked to turn back and was surprised to see Chen Feng's smiling face.

"Mr. Chen..." Fang Yun just wanted to say something, but in an instant was blocked by Chen Feng.

"Really, I knew you suffered this injustice in this clan. Why didn't you tell me earlier that if you continue to stay in this shabby clan, you will only be disgraced, and only some short-sighted scum will value it so much! Just don't wait! "

Every time Chen Feng said a word, Fang shizan's face was chilly. By the time Chen Feng finished, Fang shizan's face was cold to the extreme!

"Dead dog!" Fang shizan roared!

After Fang shizan's death, Zhang he sucked with an ugly expression, pointing to Chen Feng and swearing: "Chen Feng, you want to die! When we say that Baiyun sect is a garbage sect, do you still think that the heaven court you invented is a good place? Lose your heart and go crazy! Return to heaven

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"Nine years old, tear his mouth!"

Chen Feng's eyes are cold, Zhang Jiuling heard Chen Feng's order, instantly is sneer up!

From the beginning, he could not bear to see Fang shizan and Zhang He, the master and apprentice. If Chen Feng had not asked him to stop talking, he might have already started to make them disabled!

What's more, Zhang he even insulted Tianting, which made him unbearable!

At the moment, listening to Chen Feng's order, Zhang Jiuling was in a good mood!

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"Yes! Big brother Zhang Jiuling broke his fingers and walked towards Zhang He with a sneer!

While walking, Zhang Jiuling said: "I can't imagine that I'm the same as Zhang's family, but I can't imagine that you are such a rubbish. It's unforgivable!"

"What's more, if you dare to insult heaven, it's more than worth dying!"

With that, Zhang Jiuling was already full of blood and blood, and his eyes were shining with blood. A wild breath came from you. The whole person looked like a fierce beast in human form!

Zhang he watched Zhang Jiuling walk slowly towards him. His legs were a little soft, and then he stepped back step by step and sat down directly on the ground!


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Fang shizan scolded in a low voice, and then directly blocked in front of Zhang He. He yelled at Zhang Jiuling: "presumptuous, do you want to start in front of me? Look for death

At the next moment, Fang shizan had already made an instant move. He slapped Zhang Jiuling with a palm burning with black flame. His momentum was powerful, and he was able to collapse the mountain and crack the ground!

This palm takes out, Fang Yun and other three people change color instantly, in the heart dark way is not good!

"Chen Feng, tell him to step back!"

Fang Yun a worried, face Chen childe did not call, directly address Chen Feng's real name, obviously very worried about Zhang Jiuling!

However, Chen Feng did not care, patted Fang Yun's small hand and said, "don't worry!"

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