Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1226: 1226


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Wutong a light drink, instantly at the foot of Wutong a magic array!

With the appearance of this array, Chen Feng immediately saw through the nature of this array. It turned out to be a positioning transmission array!

This array is the main array connecting dancers!

Looking at the complexity of the array pattern under his feet, Chen Feng can judge that the effective range of this array is at least a million miles away!

Chen Feng is a little surprised. What kind of array can cross a million miles!

If you want to build such a large array, how many natural materials and earth treasures are needed!

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Chen Feng thought so, but the scene in front of him changed in an instant. He found that the four of them had already appeared in a huge array of Dharma!

This array is a high platform, which may be used for disciples to go out and transfer back.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed a different color, the world is really too shocking!

Chen Feng did not expect that everything in the big thousand world is so imposing, which is not comparable to that of the small thousand world!

Moreover, at this moment, all the friars under the high platform all found the appearance of Chen Feng and others, and looked up in an instant!

When they saw Wutong, they were surprised!

"My God! Master Wutong is back! Go and inform the master

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"Master Wutong is back!"

"Master! Master Wutong is back! "


All the friars were running around telling each other. When Chen Feng looked at these friars, he was shocked!

Because all the monks he saw were powerful beings in Wuzu realm!

These Wuzu, if placed in the small thousand world, I'm afraid that they can match only one country in an instant!

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Even the emperor Yanlong dispatched less than 100 Wuzu realms. At this moment, there are nearly 200 Wuzu state monks among the dancers at this moment!

Such a scene is so amazing that Chen Feng can't add more!

"Are people so strong in the whole world?"

There was a flash of shock in Chen Feng's eyes, and the elder immediately said with a smile: "it's easier to break through the big world. Because of the strong aura, the children born are generally in the realm of samurai. Generally, when they grow up to six years old, they have become masters of martial arts. No more than 12 years old is the great perfection of the martial god realm. Around 18 years old, it can be a logical breakthrough Break into Wuzu

Chen Feng listened to the elder's words, eyes stare bigger, just like a rustic into the city feeling!

"But now they are not your opponents, you are the ancient Saint realm, they are just Wuzu!" Wu Tong looks at Chen Feng and says with a smile.

Back to the big world, Wutong is obviously also a little excited, facial expressions are more up!

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"If you can break through the ancient world, I will become a saint in the world." Wu Tong said with some regret.

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng did not understand asked.

"Because through your breakthrough in Xiaoqian world, I found that if you break through to the realm of martial saints in Xiaoqian world, you will directly break through to the realm of ancient saints!" Wu Tong said very firmly!

"Ah?" Chen Feng has not found this matter, suddenly some surprised said.

But Chen Yuan and Zhuge Tianmu nodded at the same time, which confirmed Wutong's conjecture!

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