Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1249: 1249

Chen Feng, big elder, Zhuge Tianmu three people follow Wutong, very carefully walk!

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Wutong is not aware of it, and soon goes to the transmission array. It is obvious that the woman is not in the residence of the dancer!

"To dance home's medicine garden!" Wu Tong said to one of the dancers who controlled the transmission array.

In an instant, I saw that the next person directly started the transmission array!


Wutong's figure disappears instantly!

The big elder and Zhuge Tianmu are a little stunned. Wutong has been sent away. How can they chase them!

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They can't suddenly appear beside the servant who is in charge of the transmission array, suddenly show their body shape and say to the servant that they want to go to Wujia medicine garden!

I'm afraid that at that time, this servant would have called people with a loud voice!

They will definitely be regarded as sneaking into the dancers, ready to steal!

But Chen Feng is an instant smile, said: "don't worry, Wutong can't escape from my palm!"

Chen Feng suddenly grabbed the shoulder of the elder and Zhuge Tianmu. The next moment, the figure of the three suddenly appeared in a strange place!

And Wutong is not far from them, towards a building!

The moment that three people appear, Wu Tong instantly looks back, always feel what is wrong!

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In an instant, the three hold their breath for fear that Wutong will discover their existence!

But at this moment, Wu Tong seems to want to see the woman whose fare can not be met by three people. She is in a hurry and eager to see her!

Wu Tong was just confused for a moment, and then he did not think much about it and walked towards the inconspicuous building!

Waiting for the figure of Wutong to go far away, Chen Feng three talent dare to move!

"Let's go, let's keep up!"

A smile flashed on Chen Feng's face, and the three of them continued to follow. Finally, they saw Wu Tong standing outside a small hut that was not very impressive and ready to knock on the door!

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But at this moment, the three elders all saw that Wu Tong's expression suddenly changed. Wu Tong's hand, which was about to knock on the door, was frozen in the air and could not fall down!

Chen Feng's face was solemn and serious!

Zhuge Tianmu on one side was very puzzled and said to the two people, "what's the matter? Wutong, this boy hasn't seen that little girl for too long. Why don't you knock on the door! Knock on the door? Wait till I come to knock? "

Listening to Zhuge Tianmu Liu er's words, Chen Feng frowned and said, "it's not that he doesn't want to knock, but he can't knock!"

"Can't you knock? Why? "

Zhuge Tianmu was playful and smiling, and said to each old man: "why, can his little girlfriend steal people in the house in the daytime?"

But Chen Feng hears speech, instantaneous is does not speak!

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When Chen Feng just stepped into the medicine garden, he had already heard a very erratic gasp, but now he was close to him, he could hear clearly, and the voice was just like in Chen Feng's ear, coming from that humble little room!

Zhuge Tianmu and the elder suddenly looked at each other, and their eyes were shocked!

"Isn't it? Am I right? " Zhuge Tianmu looked at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng nodded in silence!

And three people this moment, looking at Wu Tong's eyes, are some dignified and complex!

But Wutong, this moment is suddenly put down his hand, turned back to walk, face black lines!

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