Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1253: 1253

"Why, Wutong didn't break through in Xiaoqian world, but could break through to the realm of ancient saints?" The elder and Zhuge Tianmu looked at each other instantly, and the same problem flashed through their hearts!

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But now Chen Feng seems to understand something!

There was a flash of light in Chen Feng's eyes, and then he preached to the elder and Zhuge Tianmu: "is it necessary to have at least three kinds of spiritual roots to enter the realm of ancient saints?"


Listen to Chen Feng's words, the big elder and Zhuge Tianmu all stare big eyes at the moment!

"Now, he has three kinds of spirit of Tongling, so he has three kinds of Holy Spirit." Zhuge Tianmu's eyes flashed and said, "it's very likely that this will explain it!"

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"In fact, if you break through in Xiaoqian world, you can't become an ancient saint. However, all the Wuzu who broke through in Xiaoqian world are all amazing talents of all ages. They have at least three kinds of spiritual roots, so they can break through into ancient saints!"

The elder was also shocked at the moment and said, obviously, they all knew the secret of wanting to become an ancient saint, and their hearts were shocked to the extreme!

But at this moment, two exclamations rang out!

Chen Feng three people look, is that dance cloud and Lu Yanxia!

The two of them are staring at Wu Tong with disbelief in their eyes!

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"You Did you break through to the realm of saints? " Lu Yanxia exclaimed, obviously did not expect Wutong to be able to break through to the martial Saint realm!

Wu Zhiyun's eyes also can't believe what happened in front of him at this moment!

Suddenly, the cloud of dance exclaimed: "impossible! How can you be a saint? "

"Even if you have improved your accomplishments in the practice of Xiaoqian world, you should be the second level of Wuzu realm, which is at most the triple level of Wuzu state. How could you go to Xiaoqian world and come back to be the great perfection of Wuzu realm, and now you have broken through to the realm of saints in front of me?"

The cloud of dance exclaimed, but he obviously ignored all kinds of visions of Wutong!

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"No, I'm not a saint." Wu Tong's eyes flash a touch of indifference!

The cloud of dance, listen to the words of Wutong, instantly face color change!

Meanwhile, Lu Yanxia looked at Wu Tong with a shocked face, and said: "auspicious and auspicious, dragon and Phoenix cheer, this is the ancient Saint realm! The ancient realm of sages, which is a branch of the realm of sages

"Ancient Ancient saint

The cloud of dance suddenly falls back a few steps, the whole person sits on the bed directly!

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He had no idea that Wutong had directly broken through to the realm of ancient saints. Even his father, the six fold dance heaven of Saint realm, was afraid that Wu Tong was not the rival of Wu Tong, the ancient Saint realm!

"No way! How can you break through to the realm of ancient saints The cloud of dance is like a madman at the moment. The whole people don't believe that Wutong can break through to the realm of ancient saints!

He just feels his self-esteem. Don't destroy it for a moment!

But he has always been proud of himself as a dancer, despised the common Wutong, and his talent is much higher than Wutong!

But now, Wutong has reached the saint realm before him, and is still a branch of the saint realm, the ancient Saint realm!

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