Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1312: 1312

"Kill it, kill whatever you want, even if the holy theocracy is destroyed, it's OK!"

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"After all, they are just sacrifice to welcome me to come back to the world again!" he said with a big smile

As soon as the word of the nine God Lord night without moon came out, all the friars of the holy God sect were shocked and shocked and speechless. They did not expect that the nine God Lord Ye Wuyue, as the leader of the holy God sect, would say such heartless words!

Are they all just the victims of his coming again?

"We Is it really just a victim? "

All the monks of the holy theocracy were shocked and speechless, and their loyalty to the Holy Spirit sect in their hearts turned into pieces!

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At this moment, their minds are blank. Their loyalty to the holy theocracy in these years is not worth a cent at all!

In a moment, all the monks of the Holy Spirit sect all looked very sad and indignant. Now they have no loyalty to the holy God sect. What they have in their hearts is just endless resentment against the holy God sect and the nine gods who have no moon at night!

In this way, from the mouth of the nine gods that night without moon, night without moon, let them completely disillusioned with the last glimmer of illusion that the nine gods night without moon would protect them!

At this moment, a smile flashed in Chen Feng's eyes and said, "the nine gods have no moon at night. You are indeed a cruel man. Even the disciples of your own sect can give up so indifferently!"

Chen Feng said, is the corner of his mouth raised a trace of banter smile, to the whole Holy Spirit of all monks said: "everyone, this is your Lord, he abandoned you, but I do not want to kill you!"

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"What? He didn't want to kill us? " All the priests of holy theocracy were shocked to look at the sky in an instant!

They did not expect that Chen Feng would say such a thing!

According to common sense, they are all monks of the holy God sect, and they are also members of forces against Chen Feng. Even if Chen Feng killed all of them at this moment, it is not too much!

But now Chen Feng even said that he didn't want to kill them, which made them all a little surprised that there would be such a change!

All of them were shocked and puzzled!

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But Chen Feng said directly at this time: "I think you don't want to be the disciples of the holy God sect now."

"Yes! I don't want to! " A friar instantly raised his arm and exclaimed!

"I don't want to!" Another friar also raised his arm in an instant, looked at the night without the moon of the nine gods, and said, "one of the most wrong things we have done in our life is to join the holy God sect."

"What a holy God, go to hell!"

All the friars were angry to the extreme in an instant, all of them roared loudly and scolded the holy deity!

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The nine deities above the sky had no moon at night. At the moment, his brow was frowning, his face was unhappy, and his body was becoming more and more empty. It was actually that he burst out a touch of pure light from the bottom of his eyes!

In this light, there is a violent power!

This force Chen Feng is very familiar with!

It's the power of life deprivation before!

All the friars below were shocked in an instant. Looking at the nine gods' night without moon in the sky, they didn't expect that the nine gods' night without moon would attack them at this moment!

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