Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1332: 1332

So, after thinking about the advantages and disadvantages, Wu Tiancong was like a different person. He looked at Chen Feng directly and said, "Mr. Chen Feng, come here, sit down quickly!"

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Wu Tiancong actually got up directly and led Chen Feng to his seat!

This pair of style, obviously put his identity as a dancer in a very low position, and greatly promoted Chen Feng!

Such a scene immediately shocked all the dance parents present!

They would never have thought that Wu Tiancong could be so low-profile and hold Chen Feng so high!

But what shocked them most was that they didn't expect that Wu Tiancong didn't like Chen Feng because he destroyed the marriage between the dancer and the holy God sect. But now Wu Tiancong is so passionate about Chen Feng that they can't imagine such a sudden change!

Chen Feng's mouth slightly Yang, not polite, directly sat on the dance Tiancong's master's position, said: "the dance master is really too polite!"

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Chen Feng nodded his head with satisfaction. He waved his hand directly. He pulled the stool, which had been put in one change, to the back of the dancing sky cluster and the dancing charm with an invisible force. He said, "sit down."

Dance sky Cong and dance spirit are not hesitant to sit on the stool!

At this moment, it seems that Chen Feng is the master of the dancer, while the real master of the dance is like a foreign guest!

One side of the dance parents are very helpless, but their hearts are very excited!

After all, Chen Feng is an ancient saint, and Wu Mei and Wu Tong have become the existence of ancient Saint realm!

It is said that both Wumei and Wutong are the reasons of Chen Feng. Only by doing so can they become the peerless Tianjiao of the ancient Saint realm!

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Such existence, let their heart is a burst of fire!

At the moment, everyone is sitting on the stool and looking at Chen Feng!

Wu Tiancong looks at Chen Feng very seriously. He has no complaints about such a seat.

Since Zeng Cong asked for a kiss, he wanted to give him a kiss

If you want to propose a marriage, you must have betrothal gifts!

If there is no betrothal gift, Wu Tiancong will not marry Wu Mei to Chen Feng!

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However, if he is so famous as shengshenzong, he will not hesitate to marry him out!

Chen Feng listened to the words of dance Tiancong, and in an instant his mouth was slightly raised with a happy smile. He said, "master, I'm here to propose a marriage. How can there be no betrothal gift?"

"If I don't bring betrothal gifts to the door, I don't care about the charm of dancing!"

Chen Feng looks serious said, but the corner of the mouth is smiling!

Wu Tiancong listened to Chen Feng's words and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, what is the dowry?"

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Dance Tiancong instant asked, a few dance parents on the side of the old is also an instant to look at Chen Feng!

And at this moment, Chen Feng is directly in the palm of the three jade bottles!

Among these three jade bottles, the medicinal power is surging, and the fragrance of medicine is coagulated but not scattered at the mouth of the bottle!

Even if they smell the medicine, they all feel that the aura in their bodies is in a crazy riot!

"Is this pill?" Dancing in the sky is a moment of doubt.

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