Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1351: 1351

"Chen Feng, I ask you to forgive us!"

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At the moment, the leader of the emperor's holy emperor said unexpectedly!

In an instant, the words of the leader of the emperor's holy emperor seem to be a thunderbolt in everyone's ears!

Especially those patriarchal clan leaders, they all did not expect that the patriarch of the holy emperor emperor emperor would say such words at this moment!

However, the friars on the other side of the sky were shocked and looked at the emperor of the emperor's family with a shock in their eyes!

But the next moment, these friars in heaven are all proud in an instant!

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They are all looking at Chen Feng, flashing a touch of sincere admiration!

"Our patriarch is able to let the self righteous emperor of the holy emperor kneel down for him!"

"Our Lord It's so impressive

"The Lord of the emperor's holy emperor will not kneel down when he meets the great elder before us. But now, he is kneeling down for our Lord. Such a thing It's really Too... "

"What a shock! It's so exciting


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All monks are proud of themselves as the disciples of Chen Feng's heaven court!

However, all the patriarchs on the side of the temple were extremely ugly at this moment. They did not expect that the leader of the proud emperor of the emperor of the holy emperor would be the first one to kneel down and beg for mercy without hesitation. Such a thing is really hard for them to think of breaking their heads!

But even at this time, in the hearts of these patriarchs, it suddenly occurred to them that all the Lords of the emperor's sect had knelt down and begged for mercy Should I kneel down and beg for mercy?

In an instant, the face of all the patriarchs was very ugly!

But even at this moment, Chen Feng was smiling and said, "the leader of the holy emperor emperor emperor, are you kneeling down for all the Lords or for yourself?"

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As soon as Chen Feng's words were uttered, all the patriarchs on the scene changed their faces. They had no idea that Chen Feng could ask such a question!

They understand Chen Feng's meaning, just want to let the emperor of the emperor's holy emperor fall into a dilemma!

If the leader of the emperor's sect chose to answer for his own sake, then all of their patriarchs were shameless. In order to protect his life, he was so ungrateful.

But if the patriarch of the holy emperor's sect replied that he would kneel down for all their patriarchs, Chen Feng might say that the emperor's face was not big enough, and then ridiculed and ridiculed the leader of the emperor's sect!

Anyway, Chen Feng doesn't need to care about the face of these patriarchs. After all, they are turtles in a jar, and they don't need him to care!

At this moment, the patriarch of the emperor's sect also thought of this layer. In an instant, his face was black, and the whole person was clenching his teeth secretly!

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Later, the leader of the emperor's sect of the emperor of the holy emperor opened his mouth in an instant, and still said without hesitation: "I am, for myself, for the emperor of the holy emperor!"


In an instant, all the patriarchs present were shocked, and their eyes were filled with discontent!

But at this moment, Chen Feng's laughter was instantly resounding throughout the audience!

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