Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1379: 1379

"Tonight, hold another banquet, and then in a few days, you will follow me to attack the Yanlong royal family!"

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Listen to Chen Feng's words, in an instant, all the disciples and friars in heaven are shocked to see Chen Feng!

They did not expect that Chen Feng would say such words!

Attack Yanlong royal family

Don't the patriarch know how terrible the Yanlong royal family is?

He said he would attack the Yanlong royal family


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You're looking for death?!

They are all shocked, looking at Chen Feng, they can't believe that Chen Feng's mouth actually can say such words!

The faces of all the disciples and friars in the heaven are indecisive!

Chen Feng's eyes swept over the faces of all the Tianting disciples present, and instantly found that all the monks were very hesitant!

In an instant, Chen Feng's eyes flashed a smile and said: "how? Dare not? "

All the disciples and friars in heaven dare not speak!

"Zong Lord... "

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Cang Tianlong suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Lord, Yanlong royal family is the leader of the grand central region! Attack Yanlong royal family Too much exaggeration... "

Cang Tianlong said boldly, observing Chen Feng's face at the same time.

However, Chen Feng was smiling at the moment and said, "in detail, what is the powerful place of the Yanlong royal family?"

Cang Tianlong looked at Chen Feng's lifeless appearance, and immediately continued: "Yanlong royal family is the leader of dazhongyu, and dazhongyu is the most vast and abundant place in the world. All the resources there are cut off by the Yanlong royal family all the year round, so the Yanlong royal family has not shown any decline for thousands of years!"

"What's more, the blood of the Yanlong royal family is very strong. For thousands of years, most of the world's most favored people are from the Yanlong royal family. At least at present, not counting those old and immortal people who stop their lives, there are 15 ancient saints in their families!"

"If you include those old immortals who stop their lives by blood gate, the number will be doubled at least!"

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Cang Tianlong's eyes flashed with fear. He just said these numbers. He was a little frightened!

After all, it is nearly 30 ancient sages!

And there are half of them who have already lived and don't know how many lifetimes they are. That strength is even more terrifying!

"What's more It is not ruled out that there are several powerful beings who have already touched the edge of the divine realm... "

Cang Tianlong only felt that his voice was a little dry, while the Tianting disciples and friars around him were pale at the moment!

If these people all appear, their heaven will be destroyed in an instant!

Tianting, where is the ancient rival of Yanlong royal family!

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That's what they think in their hearts!

At this moment, Chen Feng has seen all the expressions of their disciples and friars in the sky!

Chen Feng had already understood what all the disciples and friars in Tianting were thinking about. In an instant, Chen Feng's mouth rose slightly!

"It seems that you are not willing to go with me to fight for the Yanlong royal family..."

Chen Feng's voice can't hear the emotion, but I don't know why. All the disciples and friars felt a panic in their hearts at this moment.

But Chen Feng, at the moment, said with a smile: "since this is the case, I don't want to go with me to fight for the Yanlong royal family, so quit the heaven!"

"Tianting, you don't need to have the courage and courage to make the clan stronger!"

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