Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1391: 1391

Chen Feng's hand made all the monks around him look suspicious, but they were extremely shocked!

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Chen Feng is just a look, has such a power, can seriously hurt the spirit of the ancestors of the Yanlong royal family, even the origin has been severely damaged, such means, all in the confirmation, Chen Feng's super strength!

Other old monsters around were also shocked. They did not expect that Chen Feng was able to launch a spiritual attack. Moreover, his ancestors, who were infinitely close to the ancient saint's realm, could not bear Chen Feng's spiritual attack and even severely damaged the origin. Such strength is really shocking!

Even the ancestors of the Yanlong royal family, in the eyes of Chen Feng at this moment, are a little frightened and afraid!

All the friars saw the fear in the eyes of these ancestors, and were immediately shocked!

"My God! The ancestors of Yanlong royal family are so afraid of this boy named Chen Feng

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"I noticed this boy when the last vision appeared in the sky. He was going to be destroyed by the evil spirit. He is very powerful!"

"Evil spirit? It's said that he seems to be a man named nine gods who have no moon at night!"


Looking at the emperor Yanfeng, all the emperor's faces were shocked!

In a flash, a terrible momentum suddenly broke out, which was even more fierce, sharper and full of murderous spirit than Chen Feng's!

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All the people saw Nalan's dragon head. All of them were silent and took a breath of cold air!

At this moment, Nalan dragon's head is surrounded by flames. All kinds of divine patterns of heaven are flying and circling around Nalan dragon head. Any action of Nalan dragon head will bring a terrible storm of divine stripes!

Endless flames devour the void, burning the sky Zhuhai!

They all can't imagine that the dragon head of Nalan has made a breakthrough once again, and has achieved the great perfection of the ancient Saint state directly!

Such a realm is one of the most powerful people in the whole world!

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Of course, there are only two of the strongest.

One is Chen Feng, the other is Nalan dragon head!

All the friars don't know what kind of result Chen fengruo and Nalan dragon head on!

Even in the hearts of all monks, they were frightened and expected!

They also want to see what kind of results will come out of the collision between the new black horse of the whole world and the strongest of one generation and the strongest of two generations in the world!

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The old and the new.

Those monks of the older generation all expect the dragon head to kill Chen Feng, so that the new generation of young monks can be filled with awe for their predecessors!

However, the young friars are excited, expectant, and even cheering at Chen Feng. They are all looking forward to Chen Feng's victory over Nalan dragon head, so as to let these old men who control everything in the world and let them always be oppressed know that their younger generation has reached the level of being able to take charge of their own affairs!

But if Chen Feng knew what they thought, he would definitely scoff at them.

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