Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 157: 157

Chen Feng grabs Xiao Zhan's neck. He feels the same as Xiao Zhan's, and says: "it's really sad."

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Chen Feng shook his head, his eyes full of pity and indifference to the weak animals.

At the next moment, Chen Feng threw Xiao Zhan out!

"Don't let dog blood stain my hands."

Chen Feng shook his hands in disgust, his eyes were still cold!

"What a madman this is! Such arrogance

All the monks looked at Chen Feng with awe in their eyes!


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Xiao Zhan is finally a mouth of blood spurt, and then angry at Chen Feng!

"Little Lord!"

All the monks of the Xiao family are worried, looking at Xiao Zhan!

Xiao Zhan stood up bit by bit, his face was extremely ugly!

Looking at Xiao Zhan, Chen Feng's face gradually calmed down, and then the corners of his mouth raised a little smile.

"I suddenly had a good idea."

Chen Feng said: "I give you a chance to fight with me!"

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Said, Chen Feng walked to Zhang Jiuling side squat down, and then instantly in the system to exchange a value of 100000 points of reduction Dan!

Restore pill: four top-grade pills, no matter what kind of injury, take, instant recovery!

This kind of pill is very precious. It is worth at least 5 million in the world!

As soon as the pill came out, the incense filled the whole valley. All the monks' eyes were focused on the pill in the hands of Chen Feng!

In a flash, some friars recognized this pill!

"My God! This is a four grade pill, a reducing pill The friar looked at Chen Feng's restoring pill and exclaimed in an instant!

In a flash, all the friars were shocked and looked at Chen Feng's hands!

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"My God! It's really reductive

"Restore Dan! This is a magic pill! Even if the friars at the level of Emperor Wu are seriously injured and dying, they can recover to the peak state in an instant

"This magic pill is a magic elixir that can protect your life in a dangerous time! He He's going to give it to that kid? "

"How can he de take this magic pill?"

"Is it so good to be a little brother to him? I want to be his brother too


All the monks were shocked and envious. Looking at Zhang Jiuling, they didn't expect that Chen Feng would use this kind of pill which can give people a second life for a younger brother!

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For a time, all the monks were envious and envious, and some of them were greedy. They would like to take this pill as their own!

But at this moment, all the friars are helplessly watching Chen Feng put the reduction pill worth 5 million yuan crystal into Zhang Jiuling's mouth!

At the entrance of the reducing pill, it turns into a pure liquid medicine and goes into the body. The next moment, Zhang Jiuling snorts, and his injuries begin to recover in an instant at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even his broken arm and leg are recovering beyond the common sense. The broken bones are connected and the flesh and blood are regenerated!

For a moment, even Xiao Zhan's eyes widened!

"How could you give such a precious restoration pill to a little brother?"

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened. He didn't understand Chen Feng's actions. For him, even for everyone, followers were just a symbol of identity. Even if the followers died in front of them, they would not waste such precious things on a person who could be changed at any time!

At the next moment, Chen Feng sneered and said, "so, you are a waste!"

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