Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 173: 173

The location of Chen Feng's three people is about a hundred li away from Jiyuan Pavilion. Even if Chen Feng's speed is such a distance, he has to rush for a day and a night.

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But before they had gone out of the kilometer, a monster like a mountain found the three of them.

They are on the edge of the valley of extinction, and there are no other monks around. It can be seen how excited the monster is to see the three men of Chen Feng!

Moreover, the monsters in the valley of extinction are very strong. In the valley of extinction, they have no too strong natural enemies. Moreover, each monster has its own territory. Most powerful monsters will not choose to step into the territory of other monsters. Therefore, how excited these monsters are when they see human friars!

This monster is a huge wild boar. It is as tall as a hill. It is usually hidden in the mountains or even under the earth. When he feels the breath of Chen Feng, he immediately comes out of the earth and charges against them!

"Four grade monster, stone tooth wild boar!"

Zhuge Ge Ge recognized the monster and exclaimed.


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The stone tooth wild boar has rough skin and thick meat. A pair of stone teeth can penetrate the defense of Wupin monster. Its defense power is even stronger than that of Wupin monster. It is not much different from that of Wupin monster!

The system instantly sends all the information of Shiya wild boar to Chen Feng. Chen Feng frowns, and instantly the fire god sword appears in his hand and switches to Epee form!

At the next moment, the white flame on the fire god's sword was blazing, and then Chen Feng cut it with a sword!

"Yan Fen, wave swallowing ruler -"


The huge sword of fire directly hit the boar, which was like a mountain. The wild boar suddenly gave out a sad cry of zhener, and then turned into nothingness!


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Kill the four grade monster stone tooth wild boar, gain 1000 experience points.


Kill four grade monster stone tooth wild boar, can launch capture function, capture?





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Capture success! Has been included in the mount space!

The capture function of the system is so powerful, even if it turns into nothingness, as long as Chen Feng kills by himself, he can start to capture the riding space!

Chen Feng's mouth slightly Yang, the powerful feeling when using the Yan Fen phage wave ruler makes him very obsessed!

Looking at Chen Feng's attack, Zhuge Pavilion and Zhang Jiuling were surprised and even opened their mouths.

Zhuge Ge Ge was surprised and said, "boss, it's not the first time I've seen you do this, but no matter what time you look at it, it's too shocking."

But Zhang Jiuling didn't say so much. He simply put up a thumb and worshipped: "big brother! A cow

Chen Feng stood with his hands down and said, "it's natural."

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After several thousand meters, a shrill cry broke through the sky!

"Ah! Senior brother

This sound is very clear and crisp, but at the moment, it is doubly sad!

Chen Feng looked sideways, but it was a black boa constrictor with a sharp knife all the time up to 100 meters. He was spitting out a huge snake letter. His eyes were full of gloom and looked down at a five person team below!

In the team of five, four men and one woman are the strong men in King Wu's territory, but they are facing the five grade monster cold poison Python!

The cold poisonous Python is the overlord among the boa snakes and monsters. They have poisonous teeth in their mouths. There is terrible cold poison in the fangs. Even if they are not swallowed by one bite, they have to bear the toxicity of the cold poison and die as ice cubes!

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