Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 18: 18

"Ha ha ha Good son! Who else can I be? Of course, who is so obedient standing there, and I am whose Laozi? "

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Chai Le didn't expect Chen Feng to be so obedient, so excited by himself, he didn't dodge any more, which made Chai Le laugh in his heart!

Chen Feng's body method is very strange, just like a loach that doesn't leave his hands. Demagnetization seems to be going to catch him, but every time, Chen Feng slips away from his fingers!

Chai Le can only rely on indirect fire attack to weaken Chen Feng's speed, expecting the next attack can hit Chen Feng!

Fortunately, Chen Feng stopped under his own impulse, or the feeling of powerlessness in the empty place with his fist was so hard that chaile wanted to curse his mother!

Chai Le said with a ferocious smile: "boy, you can't escape this time!"

"Die for me

Chaile's hands were full of burning flames. The flames were violent and ferocious. If an ordinary person was hit by this fist, he was afraid that he would be engulfed by the fire and turned into a human shaped fireball, and finally turned into ashes and dispersed with the wind!


Chai Le's fire fist hit Chen Feng heavily. In an instant, Chen Feng flew backward, and the pain swept over his body!


Chen Feng in the air in a mouthful of blood spurt, which even mixed with visceral debris!

With this fist, Chen Feng is dying!


Detected multiple internal organs of host body fragmentation, automatic start skills - rapid healing!

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Recovery complete!

The sound of the system has just disappeared, and Chen Feng's chest is surrounded by an invisible energy!

As soon as this warm energy group appeared, he directly dispelled the pain in Chen Feng's body, and all the negative feelings brought about by various injuries disappeared. However, after three breaths, Chen Feng has recovered as usual!

"Quick healing, what a miracle

At this moment, Chen Feng Ha City sighed, he is just a whim, want to try the skill effect of rapid healing, but he now know the skill effect, but he does not want to be injured any more!

"What a pain! It's just the agony of death! It's more painful than when it's just that little girl! "

May be heard Chen Feng's complaint, the voice of the system will ring!


Congratulations to host, understanding skill: pain resistance!

Pain resistance: up to full level, can tolerate any degree of physical pain!

Pain resistance: the current level is 1 / 10. Do you want to add more points to full level?




Congratulations to host, understanding skill: shock resistance!

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Shock resistance: up to full level, it can resist any attack below the level of a martial master!

Impact resistance: the current level is 1 / 10. Do you want to increase the current level to full level?



"I'm a fucker! awesome! You are my lucky star

Chen Feng looked at Chai Le, and all his anger at the beginning was swept away. Now Chai Le is the lucky star to trigger his skills!


Host you are wrong, this system is your lucky star!

Please select Yes or no!

"Shit! Is your system still jealous? " Chen Feng's face was stunned and the corners of his mouth were twitching!



Pain resistance has reached full level. Current skill pain resistance level: 10 / 10.


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Shock resistance has been raised to full level. Current skill impact resistance level: 10 / 10.

Seeing that Li Mu hadn't got up for so long, Chai Le burst out laughing and said, "ha ha ha ha Such a waste of precious time is a waste of luck

After scolding him, Chai Le pretended to be aloof, enjoying the respectful eyes of the younger martial brothers and sisters behind him and the awe of the villagers, pretending to force him to say: "hum! If I want you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you till the fifth

"Elder martial brother is so handsome!"

"Yes! Elder martial brother will surpass Mr. Qin sooner or later and become the first disciple to sit down! "

"The boy is so ungrateful that he is against brother chaile! Death is his end


One side of the villagers, men and women, old and young, are filled with unbearable feelings in their eyes. They even blame Chen Feng's "death" on them!

"Oh! We've killed the child

"If we had not saved him, he would not have come forward for us, and would not have ended up in a tragic death!"

"He is so young!"


Some villagers have already shed tears and want to see Chen Feng, but they are afraid of Chai le and dare not move!

Only dance charm, in Chen Feng was hit fly out of the moment, she is toward the direction of Chen Feng chase out, eyes full of anxiety!But when he came to Chen Feng's side, it was found that Chen Feng's eyes were widened and his face was extremely excited. Where did he look like he was beaten and vomited blood and flew!

Wu Mei is a little confused. He clearly sees Chen Feng's blood gushing, and in the blood that Chen Feng vomites out, there are pieces of internal organs. If such a serious injury can't be treated in time, I'm afraid that in the end, the immortal Dara will not be able to recover from the dead!

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But what is the explanation for this scene?

Chen Feng was lying down there, just like the man who just flew upside down was not him!

Are they all fake?

Wu Mei is puzzled in her heart, but when she thinks about it, she is sure that it is impossible. How can a normal person pretend to be so like that even the most convenient viscera can vomit out!


"Is there a Healing Potion on him?"

The dance spirit thinks in the heart, gradually convinced own guess!

Is it not like the process of Li Mufeng's recollection that he fell out of the north of the plain?

Why did Chen Feng go to the burning animal plain?

There must be some discovery, even if it has been inherited. The healing elixir may be obtained after the discovery of that inheritance!

Otherwise, Chen Feng couldn't dare to confront a warrior who was four times higher than his birth!

Such a thought, the dance charm is more sure of their own heart guess!

Dance charm came to Chen Feng side, the whole person directly squatted down, way: "are you ok?"

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