Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 182: 182

"Ah! This little thing is so cute! Master

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This little milk dragon looks like it comes out of a cartoon, especially it looks round and round. It feels like meat, and its voice is milky. It has a curious look in its eyes and keeps looking around.

Especially on the clean, snow-white skin, there are glittering hexagonal scales, looks very beautiful and lovely!

This kind of appearance and appearance is the most attractive to women, and easy to be loved by women!

"Master! How lovely he is! May I touch him? "

Su Wan's eyes are full of love, looking at Chen Feng's eyes full of desire!

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Chen Feng looked at Su Wan so like the appearance, helpless way: "see you like him so much, then you hug it. "

" thank you

Su Wan listened to Chen Feng's words, and her eyes lit up. Then she said thanks to Chen Feng. She opened her hands to the little milk dragon. Her hands were still swinging. She said, "come on, come here, my sister!"

Xiaonailong blinked his eyes, then tilted his head to look at Suwan, then looked at Chen Feng, and then stretched out his short little fat hand to his mouth. He looked very dull and cute, and killed Su Wan directly!

But at this time, Chen Feng's full-scale skill was keenly discovered by the dynamic knowledge of the cunning in xiaonailong's eyes, and even the eyes glanced at Su Wan's 36 big d intentionally or unintentionally, and then a pair of small meat wings flapped and slowly flew towards Suwan!

Flying to Su Wan's arms, Su Wan just holds the baby milk dragon in her arms. The latter is in the former's arms, and her face is innocent. But Chen Feng once again keenly discovers the pride and intoxication in xiaonailong's eyes!

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"Shit! This boy is still a little sex dragon

Chen Feng did not strive to look at the small color dragon, immediately found that the latter's small claws, it seems to be intentional, but also seemingly unintentionally set on the flexibility of Su Wan!

"Puqiu Puqiu --

" you still pinch it! "

Chen Feng covered his heart and felt that everything was dark in front of him!

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With such a "son", Chen Feng only felt that it was a long way to go to cultivate him!

On one side, Zhuo Jiuyou also looked at Su Wan with relief, as if she were happy because of Su Wan's happiness.

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and said in his heart, "you are almost green by this little dragon. Are you still laughing here? What a heart

On one side, Zhang Jiuling and Zhuge Ge Ge poked Chen Feng and asked curiously, "boss, what is this thing? It's the same as the poisonous Python from your space. Why didn't the poisonous Python die

Two people's questions are many, Zhuge Ge Ge asked out.

Chen Feng said with a sigh and said, "since you have seen it, I will not hide it from you."

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Chen Feng said, his eyes suddenly became deep and said, "in fact, I am not only a martial monk, but also a master of controlling animals!"

"As you can see, this is one of the monsters I control." Chen Feng looked at the sky, a face of genius lonely!

”Boss, you haven't said what kind of monster is this little beast? "Asked Zhuge Ge Ge.

"Well, you should regard him as a dragon." Chen Feng did not know how to tell them about the origin of the little sex dragon, and they did not know.

"Dragon? Isn't the dragon a legendary creature? And it's as long as a snake

Zhang Jiuling looked at Chen Feng and said, "elder brother, I am an honest man. Don't cheat me!"

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