Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 195: 195


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Kill seven friars of Emperor Wu and gain 10000 experience points.

Qin Shi, die!

More than once, Zhang Jiuling and Zhuge Ge Ge Ge saw Chen Feng leaping over the rank to kill people. They had already felt numb to such a situation. But Zhuo Jiuyou and Su Wan met for the first time. Moreover, Chen Fengcai, King Wuwang Qizhong, killed Qin Shi, the emperor of Wu!

It's a killing that has crossed a great realm. Such a strong strength is not what ordinary Tianjiao can do.

"What a powerful king of Wu! It's rare that King Wu's territory can be so powerful. It's rare in the world

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Zhuo Jiuyou is surprised to see Chen Feng. He believes more and more that Chen Feng is an old man who has taken away Chen Feng's body and will be reincarnated and reincarnated!

In a flash, Chen Feng looked at Zhuo Jiuyou and said, "did you see anything?"


Zhuo Jiuyou listened to Chen Feng's question, and suddenly his eyes turned and his mind was shocked!

He is good at dancing with long sleeves, so he can understand Chen Feng's problem at once!

In an instant, he was shocked and said, "master, we didn't see anything!"

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In his heart, the moment is a huge shock, he suddenly found that Chen Feng is not as good as he looks on the surface!

Because of this problem of Chen Feng, it is obviously afraid that he will disclose the news that he killed Qin Shi, so he wants to kill people.

After all, only the mouth of a dead man is the safest!

In a flash, Zhuo Jiuyou pulled Su Wan for a moment. Su Wan was stunned at first, and then looked at Zhuo Jiuyou's posture. He immediately realized that his heart was also shocked. Then he said, "Su Wan didn't see anything! Master, don't worry! "

with that, Su Wan was afraid of Chen Feng.

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"Well, you are very clever!"

With that, Chen Feng laughed and said, "in this case, you can take us to your Jiyuan Pavilion. We are going to gamble on treasure."


Zhuo Jiuyou and Su Wan looked at each other, and the former was surprised and said, "do you like gambling?"

Chen Feng said with a smile: "that's natural. Since ancient times, gambling has been loved by people, and people can't extricate themselves from it. Naturally, I like it a lot."

Then, Chen Feng pretended to be your restless heart, and urged: "quick! Take me to your Jiyuan Pavilion. I'll bet a good one

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"What a coincidence Zhuo Jiuyou said in surprise: "I don't know. We dug several big tombs in Lingbao Pavilion this time. There are at least thousands of preaching boxes in them, and it is estimated that there is a great chance that there will be a great chance! "

as Zhuo Jiuyou said, Su Wan ended up saying," so in three days' time, we will hold the biggest gambling activity ever held in Jiyuan Pavilion! That's why elder martial brother Jiuyou said Qiao! "

after listening to their words, Chen Feng and Zhuge Ge Ge were very happy to take off and said," this is the time! Fortunately, before I came here, I did a lot of big jobs in the galloping sword clan and changed many spirit stones! Maybe you'll get a big chance this time

"You can't get anything, and you'll have nothing to do with it!" Zhang Jiuling poured cold water on his side. Zhuge pavilion was excited and jumped three feet high in a hurry. He covered Zhang Jiuling's mouth and said, "brother, brother! Don't talk nonsense, you crow mouth

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