Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 197: 197

The beautiful woman said a word, and then walked by Zhang Jiuling in disgust. At the moment when she passed Zhang Jiuling, she put out her hand to cover her mouth and nose, as if she were passing by a sour beggar!

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In an instant, Zhuge Ge Pavilion stopped, his face was very ugly, and even his eyes flashed a erasure!

When Zhang Jiuling heard the beautiful woman say this to him, his eyes flashed sharply, but in an instant, he gave a bitter smile, which was regarded as not heard. However, how could he, a big man, feel better when he was so disliked by others.

Zhuo Jiuyou is good at dancing. He is good at observing words and expressions. He also hears the words of the beautiful woman and looks at Chen Feng's face in an instant. However, when he sees Chen Feng's face, he instantly says something bad!

Because he saw that Chen Feng's face had sunk!

In an instant, Zhuo Jiuyou stretched out his hand and took Chen Feng's sleeve. He almost implored: "master, fighting is forbidden in Jiyuan Pavilion. Please give me face!"

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Almost at the same time when Zhuo Jiuyou's voice ends, Chen Feng's cold eyes instantly look at Zhuo Jiuyou!

In an instant, Zhuo Jiuyou is like being struck by lightning, and the whole person is frozen in place, cold as ice!

Chen Feng's violent intention was almost relieved in his eyes!

Just as soon as he released his hand, Chen Feng's voice rang out and said, "how much is your face worth? Do you think the rules of Jiyuan Pavilion can limit me? "

Chen Feng's voice is extremely cold, no emotion!

Listening to Zhuo Jiuyou's ears, it seems that there are countless steel knives scraping his bones!

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"Don't say this is in the Jiyuan Pavilion. Even if someone dares to insult my brother in the general Pavilion of Jiyuan Pavilion, I'm not bound by rules!"

At that moment, the woman has walked out of the ten steps!

Zhuge Ge Ge looked at Chen Feng, who was striding away. He said with a smile: "it's very kind of you to look for this big brother. You can't bear him in the future."

Zhang Jiuling's eyes are full of moving. He didn't say anything at the moment, but his eyes were red and his mouth was full of giggles!

After a long time, he choked out a sentence: "that's natural. I'm sure Zhang Jiuling will live up to my elder brother!"

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The women of Zhou Dynasty are more powerful than those of the women!

It can be said that the beautiful woman's side is like a wall of iron. As long as someone is close to her, she will definitely die without life under the Emperor Wu!

Almost in an instant, when Chen Feng approached the beautiful woman, he was discovered by her keen guards!

In a flash, those guards are looking at Chen Feng, full of vigilance in the eyes, and also with a warning.

But Chen Feng did not care about the guard's eyes at all, even as if he didn't see the warning eyes of those people at all!

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"Bitch, stop."

Looking at the beautiful woman, Chen Feng immediately began to sneer.

The beautiful woman found Chen Feng close to her, because when she said that unkind words again, she was ready to be found!

But she didn't expect that Chen Feng's first sentence was to call her a slut!

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