Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 214: 214

As soon as the cover of the preaching box was opened, the crowd was amazed.

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It turned out to be a overlord flower.

Bawanghua has a fishy smell. It can be used as medicine to improve the health, but the side effect is that the odor is difficult to remove.

If you want to ask the value of this flower, a martial arts master Yuan Jing can buy 100 Jin.

Of course, even poor friars would not buy it.

When the object in everyone's eyes, then there is a breeze blowing, a faint smell of smell from the tip of everyone's nose.

Chen Feng directly used full-scale olfactory control, closed his own smell system.

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And Zhuge Pavilion and Zhang Jiuling laughed, and Zhuge Pavilion said in a loud voice: "boss! You are a god! He really has something disgusting in it! My God

"Big brother, you are right! drowned in laughter. Ah, ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Zhang Jiuling held the table, his tall body still looked like a giant even if he bent down.

At Chen Feng's side, Zhen Yun looked at the contents of the box, and instantly felt nausea. He only felt a surge of tumbling in his stomach!

"Close the lid Zhen Yun cheered!

And the monks around were disgusting.

"Close the lid, it's disgusting!"

"It's disgusting. How can such a thing come out of the preaching box? It's disgusting!"

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"How disgusting! I didn't buy this preaching box just now, otherwise I would be disgusted! "

"Close the lid! Damn it! I'm sick to death


All the friars were disgusted. They yelled loudly.

The crafty monk's face was livid at the moment, and his expression was embarrassed and ugly. But he didn't want to believe that he could produce such a disgusting thing. In an instant, he roared: "impossible! How can I get rid of this rubbish? "

This is the seal box! By all means! Otherwise, why is there a colorful light when the box is opened? "

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With that, the crafty friar smashed the flower into powder.

A more strong flavor came, permeated the whole Jiyuan Pavilion!

And looking at this scene of friars, the moment is retch up!

"No way! "The monk's eyes are bloodshot, some hysterical roar:" I spent three years to continue to buy a overlord flower? impossible! "

Zhen Yun was on the side, and his power was all over the river and sea. He suddenly burst out and said," come on, call me out! "

In an instant, I saw Zhen Yun's voice fall, suddenly appeared a few dark shadows around the crafty monk, and instantly took the man out!

At the next moment, Zhen Yun slapped it, and a gust of wind swept through Jiyuan Pavilion, driving away all the odors in the air!

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The next moment, Chen Feng said with a smile: "I'll tell you, there is no absolute in everything!"

On the other side, Zhen Yun looks at Chen Feng with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

In this moment, some friars around him said, "little brother, open that one in your hand and have a look."

"Yes, as you say, there is no absolute in everything. Let's see what's in the box of preaching that you bought."

"To tell you the truth, the probability of good things in your preaching box is almost zero, but according to what you say, you can open it in front of the public and prove that there is no absolute in everything."

"Yes! I don't believe you. Open it and have a look! I dare say, there is absolutely nothing in your preaching box

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