Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 224: 224


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Yuwen Ziyi looked at Chen Feng with a sneer and said, "a little beggar still wants to grab something I like. It's ridiculous!"

His face is full of pride, waiting for Zhen Yun's words!

Chen Feng looked at Yu Wen from the satisfaction of the face, the corner of the mouth is also raised a sneer.

While Zhen Yun looked at them, his eyebrows were also slightly frowned, but he still said: "Mr. Yuwen, you are both top VIPs of Ji yuange. In this case, Ji yuange suggests that you two preach the treasure box through competitive bidding!"

Zhen Yun light said, did not see Yu Wen from Yi's face!

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At this moment, Yuwen Ziyi, the proud smile on his face disappeared, replaced by endless embarrassment!

Around the three Tianjiao are a face ugly, the face is like the eggplant in the soy sauce jar, very smelly and ugly!

In a flash, Yuwen Ziyi looks at Zhen Yun. In her eyes, she seems to be asking why she didn't speak to herself!

I'm a top VIP of jiyuange, and I'm a regular customer of jiyuange. I have to spend billions of Yuan crystal in jiyuange!

Although these Yuan Jing are only martial arts master Yuan Jing, but it is enough for a lower class family of ten years of profit!

In such a relationship, he didn't even think about talking about himself. Zhen Yun was not on the road!

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Zhen Yun turned a blind eye to Yuwen Ziyi's face.

This makes Yuwen Ziyi's face even more ugly!

Yu wenziyi wants to attack, but in an instant he thinks of Zhen Yun's identity and background. In an instant, he calms down, but his face is so ugly that he has never seen it before!

"Good! Good! Good

Yuwen Ziyi, with a sneer on his face, clapped his hands and said, "fairy is really a good method. In order to make a lot of money, he will not hesitate to use such means. I really admire him! "

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" Yuwen, I'm laughing. " Zhen Yun sipped his lips and said with a smile.

This word a, immediately Yu Wen from Yi's face a change, way: "fairy really want me to compete with him?"

"Fairy, the four of us are in the same boat. Don't forget." Wu Xingchen frowned: "if yuan Pavilion offends Yuwen this season, it is equal to offending us three!"

"Offend four top VIPs all of a sudden. I'm afraid that after the high level of Jiyuan Pavilion knows about it, you'll have to eat too much!" Su Hongyuan said with a gloomy face.

"What's more, fairies, you will lose the four great gods of wealth forever for the sake of temporary wealth. Such an uneconomical fool is not what fairies can do!" Feng Junming's mouth slightly raised, reminding Zhen Yun of the way.

The other three also nodded. They believed that Zhen Yun was confused for a moment, and it was impossible for him to fail to understand the truth.

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However, they only thought that Zhen Yun wanted to take advantage of the money, so they made the decision to bid for the treasure. But how could they think that Zhen Yun didn't pay attention to them at all!

It seemed that Zhen Yun had never heard the words of the four.

Zhen Yun's voice is soft, but his tough attitude is obvious!

"The four young masters did not hear me wrong. What I said just now is to let Mr. Yu Wen and Mr. Chen compete fairly."

With that, Zhen Yun squinted at Yuwen Ziyi and said, "besides, although I'm not so stupid that I can't understand the account, I don't care about the level of four top VIPs!"

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