Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 267: 267

In Chen Feng's hands, the lotus flower with the size of two hands clasped together radiated a sense of destruction, which shocked Zhang Jiuling and Zhuge Pavilion in an instant!

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That small and humble lotus flower can send out such a terrible destructive power. If it is normal, they will be surprised for a while!

But at the moment, they are not only shocked by the destruction of the lotus, but also do not lament the power of the Lotus!

Because the gray lotus in Chen Feng's hands at the moment is not comparable with the spiritual cannon of the giant stone puppet!

"Does the boss want to shake the power of the psychic cannon with that little lotus flower?" Zhuge GE's eyes will burst out of his eyes, no matter how bold Chen Feng's actions are!

"The lotus can't be compared with the power of that gun!" Zhang Jiuling looks at Chen Feng, his eyes are full of blood!

"No! I'm going to protect big brother

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Said, Zhang Jiuling is to jump toward the direction of Chen Feng!

But in a flash, Zhuge Pavilion is invisible, a wind rope bound Zhang Jiuling, making him unable to move!

"Let me go! Fatso

Zhang Jiuling roared, and at the same time, he tried to break free from the wind rope of Zhuge Pavilion!

"Are you trying to block the big shot for the boss?"

At this time, Zhuge Ge pavilion was about to crack, and his eyes were already filled with blood. Now he tried his best to tie Zhang Jiuling, only to feel that his body was about to be torn apart by Zhang Jiuling!

"Don't mind! You let me go

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Zhang Jiuling has the blood of a fierce demon bear, which is a very strong medium blood!

Especially in the state of fury, Zhang Jiuling's strength can even be comparable to the superior blood!

"Big fool! Do you think your physical strength is a match for psychic cannons? "

"That's a medium-sized psionic cannon. Equal to the powerful man's all-out strike of the great and perfect realm of Emperor Wu! Do you think you can bear it? "

Zhuge GE's mouth is full of blood spatter, he now has the feeling that the skeleton will be broken by Zhang Jiuling!

"You'd better trust the boss now! You forgot? Aren't you the one who believes in the boss the most? "

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The eyes of Zhuge pavilion are full of blood red. If Zhang Jiuling doesn't obey, he will be broken!

But in an instant, Zhuge Ge Ge only felt that Zhang Jiuling's brute force had disappeared. He immediately grinned and said, "big fool!"

Zhang Jiuling has now recovered into a human figure. Looking at Chen Feng in the distance, the worry in his eyes is no longer there. Instead, it is a kind of majestic self-confidence!

He is confident, confident that Chen Feng can turn the bad luck into good!

This confidence, not for their own and believe, but for Chen Feng and believe!

"Big brother will be OK, he has always been like this!"

Zhang Jiuling raises his head and looks at Chen Feng. Although his eyes are red with blood, they are full of madness!

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Zhuge Pavilion looked at Zhang Jiuling, and his eyes were full of moving!

"In this world, there are still such touching idiots."

Zhuge Ge looked at Zhang Jiuling with a smile and murmured: "however, I don't hate it!"

In this moment, Li Mu's eyes twinkled with cold light, and he said: "not enough! Thunder element

With Chen Feng's a big drink, suddenly the sky thunder light between heaven and earth!

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