Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 292: 292

All the monks listened to Yuwen Jianqi's words, all of them changed color instantly and their faces were ugly.

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They are all human beings, all with dignity.

However, they are all weak, not arrogant and gifted. They can only be subordinated to power and earn cultivation resources.

But it is so hard for them, they are treated as enough by those dignitaries, even do not care about their life and death!

Even in the eyes of their rich and powerful disciples, their efforts have turned into weakness, no dignity, and even humble behavior!

is there any reason?

Especially at the moment, Yuwen Jianqi treats them as dogs!

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Suddenly, some friars roared and said, "what's wrong with trying hard! Or what's wrong! Why don't you treat us as human beings? "

The monk roared, and even forgot that he was bearing the powerful power of Yuwen Jianqi!

The monk's voice was full of tears, and his voice was even more sad!

At this moment, the monk seemed to roar out the doubts and unwillingness of all the weak friars. Their dignity was awakened!

"Yes! We are attached to the power only to continue to practice, for the sake of life! Why do you look down on us! Why don't you treat us like people? "

"If you have money, you're great? No, we still have to eat, drink and Lazar! Why should we divide the middle and lower class! Why should our efforts be denied by you? "

"You! Yuwen Jianqi! It's just rubbish! Damn you

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One after another roar broke out in the mouth of a group of friars, and finally turned into a criticism and curse on Yuwen Jianqi!

This one sound of criticism and curse, instantly let Yuwen Jianqi into a rage!

"You are the dogs in my eyes, who only know how to serve people, but have no ability!"

Yu Wenjian was very angry and laughed back. He glanced at the crowd coldly and said in a cold voice, "today, you dare to speak ill of me. You are all going to die!"

"Tianwei! Kill them all

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As soon as Yuwen Jianqi's voice fell, the one hundred Tianwei instantly was a loud cry, and then he burst out a burst of powerful breath!

This is a hundred well-trained King Wu, and they can even bring down a king of martial arts!

At this time, their breath broke out together, and their momentum was no less than that of Emperor Wu!

All the monks present were suppressed by Yuwen Jianqi's momentum. Facing the attack of Tianwei, how could they resist? They could only watch Tianwei coming towards them!

But none of them asked for mercy. All of them were staring at Yuwen Jianqi!

"Yuwen Jianqi! You must die

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"Yuwen Jianqi! Even if I was a ghost, I would not let you go! "

" you are a son of a bitch! Yuwen Jianqi! I wish you a son without chrysanthemums

"I don't know which wild dog or your mother can give birth to such a dog like you! Yuwen Jianqi! Do you hear me? I'm damning you

"Damn it! Cool! Happy! Thirty years later, Laozi is a hero again

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."


Under the leadership of one person, all the friars burst out a burst of swearing in an instant, and then all the friars laughed and were so angry that they shook the world!

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