Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 315: 315

The devil's eyes on Zhang Jiuling's forehead immediately attracted the attention of all the monks. Looking at the devil's eyes on Zhang Jiuling's head, these friars unconsciously took a breath of cold air and even subconsciously stepped back!

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All the monks are mumbling to themselves, with a trace of fear in their eyes!

But more friars are very surprised that Zhang Jiuling's evil eye can see through Yuwen Jianqi's invisibility!

However, Zhen Yun shook her head in secret at the moment. She knew that her eyes would be a treasure, but she didn't expect that the eyes would have fate with Zhang Jiuling and chose their own master to become Zhang Jiuling's third eye!

At this time, in the sky, yuwenjianqi heard Zhang Jiuling's roar, and was stunned for a moment. Then he saw the devil's eye on Zhang Jiuling's forehead. The golden pupil made him subconsciously tremble for a moment, which made his hair stand on end!

"Can these eyes see through my invisible state?"

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Yuwen Jianqi's eyebrows and eyes are slightly heavy, and a killing idea breaks out in an instant. He wants to get rid of Zhang Jiuling first!

If there were Zhang Jiuling, there would be a flaw and a threat to the jade seal of their Yuwen family!

Yuwen Jianqi instantly realized the threat and immediately went to Zhang Jiuling!

As soon as Zhang Jiuling looked at it, his face changed instantly. His body suddenly turned into a hill like shape. He inspired the power of blood and turned into a huge fierce devil bear!

As soon as the huge fierce devil bear came out, a bloody breath burst out in an instant, and a fierce momentum swept the whole audience!

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Yuwen Jianqi eyebrows and eyes slightly heavy, Zhang Jiuling's strength is but King Wu's seven heavy, not in his eyes!

Even if Zhang Jiuling's strength has reached the great perfection of King Wu's realm, it's just a sword for Yuwen Jianqi!

In an instant, Yuwen Jianqi cut off his sword, and suddenly a huge sword spirit appeared between heaven and earth. All the monks didn't see Yu Wen Jianqi's figure, only saw the huge sword spirit appear in front of Zhang Jiuling!

"Yuwen Jianqi is going to get rid of people who can see through his invisible state!"

A friar instantly thought of Yuwen Jianqi's intention and exclaimed in an instant!

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All the friars were shocked. Yuwen Jianqi's strength was really too strong. Zhang Jiuling's strength was no more than seven levels of King Wu's, and after the demonic bear turned into a perfect king of Wu's realm, such strength was no match at all under the sword spirit of Yuwen Jianqi!

Zhuge Pavilion is also holding two golden daggers in both hands. He wants to block Zhang Jiuling's attack. However, he is no more than seven heavy swords of King Wu. How can he withstand the sword of Yuwen Jianqi?

Chen Feng frowned in the sky, he did not move, because he had seen Xiaoxia raise his hand!

Xiao Xia's figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Jiuling and Zhuge Pavilion, her arm raised and then she gently waved her hand!

In an instant, an invisible force collided with the huge sword Qi!

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The next moment, the huge sword Qi disappeared into the invisible in an instant!

And Chen Feng at this time slowly said: "you silly big son, close your eyes quickly, take things to open, can bring disaster to you, is not a big thing, don't open it!"

"Big brother..."

Zhang Jiuling wants to point out the position of Yuwen Jianqi to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng shakes his head directly!

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