Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 335: 335

"That's crazy!"

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All the friars were staring at Chen Feng, and there was a lingering shock in their eyes!

All friars are shocked by Chen Feng's attitude!

That's a famous and illustrious soul of Yan Luo and Zhao Tingyun!

Haunt Yan Luo, Zhao Tingyun!

It was a great pride of heaven thirty years ago, and it was also a great killer!

Once upon a time, the favored son of a large family robbed his wife and was killed by him with one sword. Finally, he killed the proud son of that day into minced meat, and even killed all his families, even without leaving a baby!

This event spread his fame in the whole huoxuan kingdom. No one didn't know Zhao Tingyun's fierce name!

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After that, he was provoked by powerful enemies several times, and even killed nine strong enemies. No one was alive. Finally, he was crowned with the name of enchanting hell!

Since then, no one knows the name of Yanluo in huoxuan kingdom!

All the friars thought about it at this time, but they still felt that the enchanting Yama was very terrible. Thirty years of fame!

In the eyes of these 40 year old monks, Chen Feng is nothing but a little infamous child who has only recently spread his bad name. How can he compare with his infamous soul haunting Yan Luo Zhao Ting Yun in their time!

Even Chen Feng is not qualified to be compared with Zhao Tingyun!

In their hearts, if Zhao Tingyun wants to kill Chen Feng, Chen Feng can't escape even if he has 100 legs!

"Chen Fengqian shouldn't have done anything wrong. He shouldn't have provoked Zhao Pavilion master in this day's show pub."

"He has repeatedly offended the master of Zhao Pavilion. Obviously, he has let Zhao Ge take the initiative. If he does not kill him, he will not be able to eliminate the hatred in his heart."

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"What's more, the master of Zhao Pavilion is still the one who used to enchant the soul of Yan Luo. How can such an old emperor Wu be as powerful as these monks now?"

"Chen Feng, you must die!"

"It's a pity that a madman, a demon genius!"

"If you are stubborn, you will easily break if you are too strong."


All the friars were sure that Chen Feng was dead at this moment, and all of them were murmuring in secret.

But how can their arguments be concealed from Chen Feng?

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All of a sudden, Chen Feng is skimming his mouth, secretly these monks have no eyes!

Chen Feng now stretched out a finger pointing at the master of Zhao Pavilion. He pretended to force him to say, "you call the soul of hell, right?"

Chen Feng's action instantaneously let all friars take a breath of air-conditioning, but after a word is to let all monks shock!

"Today, I will let you, the old dog, really go to see Yama!"

Chen Feng's eyebrows and eyes are slightly heavy, and he does not put Zhao Tingyun in his eyes at all!

Looking at Chen Feng's gesture, all the friars were shocked and even shocked!

in their eyes, Chen Feng is an idiot who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth! ,

"what an idiot! Don't you dare to talk to hell like this? "

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" is he looking for death less often? "

"What an idiot! How dare you challenge Zhao Pavilion master like this

"That's the once haunting Yama! Over the years, the strength of Zhao Pavilion master has been improved. If you want to see the king of hell, don't go to see the king himself! "


At this moment, the air is condensed, and the temperature in the space becomes colder!

All the friars saw that Zhao Tingyun's face was extremely cold!

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