Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 341: 341

"If I get Fengling shengyuanjing, can I fly into the sky and change my life against the sky?"

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"If I get Fengling shengyuanjing, I can become a favored son of heaven, even a demon genius, and finally become a saint like Fengling saint!"

"Fengling shengyuanjing! Fengling shengyuanjing! It's something that can change my life! I must get it! Fengling shengyuanjing! “


All friars are eager to have a try at the moment. They want to leave Tianxiu tavern and go out to look for Fengling shengyuanjing!

But at this moment, Tianxiu tavern is blocked by people. Even if they can't get out by force, how can they get out?

All the monks are suppressing the excitement in their hearts at the moment. They are all looking at Nangong's will, and they are afraid.

Now they just ask Chen Feng not to continue to infuriate Nangong Tianyi, or they will be implicated by Chen Feng if they don't wait to go out the door of Tianxiu tavern!

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At this time, Chen Feng is looking at Nangong Tianyi, his eyes narrowed.

Nangong Tianyi is to squint and smile, and the smile is full of senleng!

Chen Feng looked at this expression, the forehead south palace God will, the muscle is tensed up, and in the heart actually raised a trace of extremely dangerous feeling.

It's like a rabbit being watched by a fox!

"This man Extremely dangerous

Chen Feng immediately made a decision and said, "I will not participate in this matter."

Chen Feng stretched out his body and felt his round stomach. He said, "you'd better look for someone else for this kind of thing, and I still have the entrustment of this other person, so I'm sorry!"

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Chen Feng said sorry, but he didn't mean to be sorry.


Nangong Tianyi looked at Chen Feng in surprise. He didn't expect that he had not said what it was. Chen Feng had already guessed what he wanted to say?

"This kid is not easy."

Nangong Tianyi secretly said in his heart, and then he said with a smile: "worthy of being able to kill Yuwen Jianqi."

"If you want to praise me heartily next, then you'd better forget it. I know the excellence of my young master. I don't need to be praised by later generations."

Chen Feng didn't care about people's expression and went downstairs directly.

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All friars are listening to Chen Feng's words, and they are all lying in their hearts!

"How narcissistic the boy is! Return your own excellence, just know it! "

"Why should future generations praise it? Who will praise you for your excellence! We will not praise it

"He's such a stink! I really want to take out my seven foot green front and cut this bitch

"How narcissistic! What a shame


If Chen Feng knew the exclamation in people's hearts at this time, he would certainly disdain a smile and say to them:

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"how can mortals understand the excellence of this young master?"

And will finish this sentence, but also pitifully shake his head!

At this moment, Nangong Tianyi looked at Chen Feng for a time without returning to his mind. He was also stunned by Chen Feng's words, and his mind fell into a blank!

At this time, Chen Feng asked, "do you want to kill me? If you don't kill me, you'll leave! "

"You beast! It's not over for an old dog in a bite, is it

Zhao Tingyun's face suddenly shrouded in dark clouds, and his killing intention flashed in his eyes!

But at this time, Nangong Tianyi held out his hand and said, "let him go."

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