Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 35: 35

At that time, all the flaming beasts and firewolves that Chen Feng took in the burning beast plain were all beasts with a level comparable to those of martial arts.

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Monsters are divided into nine grades and nine levels, corresponding to martial arts friars, warriors, martial masters, great martial masters, King Wu, Emperor Wu, Wu God, Wu Zu, nine layers and nine levels!

However, the difference between the monster and the friar is that the modified body is relatively weak, and the monster's body can exert a great power beyond the original state. Therefore, when a monk and a demon beast meet in the same realm, the strength of the monster is generally better!

Moreover, flaming fire wolves are generally gregarious animals and pay attention to cooperative operations. Even if Chai Le meets these 11 flaming beasts, they will have to drink hatred on the spot. All Chen Feng will rest assured that the flaming fire wolf will guard the village and come out to hunt with the hunting team in the mountains!

"I didn't expect that the immortal master could subdue such vicious monsters as flaming beasts and fire wolves as servants!" Tower in front of the crowd, leading the roadside said.

"Brother Feng is so powerful. I'll try to catch a blind bear as a pet." When the hammer was attached to the tower, it immediately made everyone laugh. Huang Zhen was still serious and expressionless!

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"Immortal master, the boy doesn't know how. If you hit a child, he will be short of tendon. Don't listen to his nonsense." The iron tower slapped a big neck to the hammer.

Looking at the tower's smooth and natural movement, Chen Feng seems to know why the hammer brain is short of root tendon!


When we came to the mountain forest, there were rocks, giant trees, weeds and jungle. A group of people walked in it, careful, and did not speak, because in front of everyone, there was a fat rabbit!

I saw the tower signal people to stop action, and he himself is careful to approach the rabbit!

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The little rabbit seemed to feel the danger, raised his head and looked around. The giant crossbow on the tower directly launched a crossbow arrow, which passed through the rabbit's eyes and nailed it to the ground!


A group of men are a burst of praise for the tower, the tower smile, not proud.

Chen Feng is also looking at the action of the iron tower, in a single breath, without any hesitation. Moreover, when holding the crossbow, he gives Chen Feng a feeling of being integrated with the crossbow in his hand!

This kind of feeling is like giving people a feeling that as long as the tower holds the crossbow, it will never deviate!

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"I didn't expect that in a small village, there should be such an expert."

Chen Feng looked at the tower and sincerely praised.

Tower people over middle-aged, but still as simple as a child, Chen Feng to praise, but also a little embarrassed.

"Coo --"

just then, a bird call sounded, and everyone looked at it. They were surprised to see a giant bird that looked like a pigeon, but ten times as big as a pigeon. Obviously, he was frightened by the sound of crossbow arrows, so he spread his wings and flew!

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"This is the cloud pigeon! It's usually hidden in the luxuriant tree crown, and it can't be found at all! "

Chen Xiaonian looked at the cloud pigeon that was flying away. His face was full of heartache. He said, "if we know that there are cloud pigeons in that tree, we can eat pigeon meat!"

"Yes! This cloud pigeon weighs at least 40 Jin, which is enough for each family in our village to get a catty of meat! " Dance charm is also a pity.

"What a pity..." The hammer smacked its lips.

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