Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 378: 378

"Boy, you beat Zhao Tingyu half to death and killed Shi Jian?"

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The old man is very tall. Even though he has been half a hundred years old, he is still very strong. He is as strong as a young man with integrity and even more powerful!

while the other old people are not as powerful as the old man, but they are not belittled!

The head of the old man burst drink, the moment is condensed into a sound wave, attack on the four people of Chen Feng!

The old man's strength is so powerful that he has not practiced sonic wave martial arts. However, he can gather his voice together with his powerful aura and attack Chen Feng, playing the same role as sonic wave martial arts!

All of a sudden, Chen Feng is looking at the old man, looking at the sound ripples toward the four people of Chen Feng, suddenly issued a cold hum!


Full level skill - lion roar skill!


Chen Feng's cold hum suddenly took Chen Feng's body as the midpoint, and an invisible sound ripple spread to the distance. All the monks could see that, around Chen Feng's body, even the space was shaking!

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This skill is definitely the embodiment of practicing advanced sonic wave martial arts skills!

Moreover, this hand sound wave attack is extremely powerful!

In a flash, the old man's sound wave attack collided with the sound ripple of Chen Feng's explosion!

Suddenly in the air, a deafening sound of sonic explosion exploded in the ears of all monks!

As soon as the old man's face changed, his sound wave attack turned into invisible when it hit the sound wave attack from Chen Feng. However, Chen Feng's sound wave attack continued to attack him with ripples!

The rest of our power will not be reduced!

The old man had no way to stop the sound wave attack. He used his powerful and powerful aura to resist the attack!


There was a sudden shock in the space. The old man was actually humming when he touched the ripples of Chen Feng's sound waves, and then went back three steps!

This is the power of Chen Feng's lion roaring skill!

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All the friars on the scene were looking at Chen Feng, and they were shocked!

"What a monster this is! A cold hum can shake off the powerful emperor of Wu! "

"It's so tough!"

"You think, just now Chen Feng roared and blew up a strong man of Emperor Wu. Now he is just a strong one. How can he bear the power of Chen Feng


Listen to this friar say, all friars heart is more shocked!


What Chen Feng is facing now is only a strong man at the rank of Emperor Wu!

Just now, Chen Feng broke the heads of the strong men of Emperor Wu by drinking, and even beat the old powerful men like Zhao Tingyu to the brink of death!

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In this case, Chen Feng is still in charge!

All the friars looked at Chen Feng and felt more awe at him!


Congratulations on the host's harvest of belief points * 462.

- Ding!

Congratulations on the host's harvest of belief points * 462.

- Ding!

Congratulations to the host for obtaining belief points * 462.

current belief points: 2248

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At this moment, Chen Feng actually gained a pile of belief points again!

And belief points have reached 2248!


Congratulations to the host. Belief points have reached the minimum standard for summoning demons!

Call the first demon servant!




Chen Feng didn't expect to be able to summon the first devil so soon. He immediately said with a smile: "yes!"

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