Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 395: 395

"You don't have to give me my name, big fool."

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Zhuge Pavilion looked at Zhang Jiuling, and a smile rose from the corners of his mouth!

Although he was accepting the inheritance of fenglingsheng, he could still hear all the monks' voices outside, especially the voice of Zhang Jiuling.

After all, Zhang Jiuling's voice is roaring out!

Zhuge Ge Ge scratched his ear and said, "you big fool, you can keep your voice down. I can hear mosquitoes ten miles away. Are you trying to make me deaf? "

at this moment, all the monks were shocked and looked at Zhuge Pavilion and Zhang Jiuling!

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Zhuge Pavilion and Zhang Jiuling have been handed down by chance almost at the same time today. What a shocking thing!

Especially the xingtianxia and the seven old men were all gloomy and wanted to drip water at this time!

Looking at Zhuge Pavilion and Zhang Jiuling, the eight of them have sunk to the bottom of the valley at this moment!

Zhang Jiuling and Zhuge Ge Ge are shocked by everything today!

But they are not shocked at all, but full of worry!

Zhuge Pavilion and Zhang Jiuling had a bad relationship with Lingbao Pavilion. Now Zhuge Pavilion and Zhang Jiuling have got a great chance. Isn't this just that they have set up two future enemies for Lingbao Pavilion!

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"Damn it! If we had just killed all of them, would there have been such an accident? "

Among the seven old men, your second brother immediately roared, and the xingtianxia instantly glared in the past and burst into a shout: "are you blaming me?"

Xingtianxia's body suddenly erupted endless killing intention!

The old two suddenly a smart, only feel endless killing opportunity locked himself, immediately is pale face!

”Boss, I don't mean that! "

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the second one knelt down on the ground and did not dare to talk nonsense again!

Other old people have seen that xingtianxia is now extremely angry. His nerves are extremely sensitive. If anyone is wrong, he will be angry like his second brother!

They are all silent, dare not say more!

I saw Xing Tianxia withdraw his eyes from the second brother. The second one felt that the killing opportunity on his body had dissipated, so he dared to stand up. However, his armor was already wet by cold sweat!

Xingtianxia was shocked by the changes in Zhuge Pavilion and Zhang Jiuling. He forgot to attack!

Xingtianxia was furious, and his anger turned into a momentum. He said: "kill all of you! If you don't kill these two animals today, you won't have to live! "

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Xingtianxia's killing opportunity suddenly turned into endless waves and suppressed on every friar of Lingbao Pavilion, which made them feel as if there was a sword hanging on their heads, they could pierce their heads at any time and take away their lives!

Suddenly, all the friars of Lingbao Pavilion were roaring, and endless killing intention broke out on their bodies!

If they attack Zhuge Pavilion and Zhang Jiuling, they may die!

But if they don't kill Zhuge Ge Ge and Zhang Jiuling, they will surely die!

At this moment, all the friars had a fierce desire to kill. On top of their heads, there was a turbulent black air formed by the condensation of endless killing intentions, which showed their determination to kill Zhuge Pavilion and Zhang Jiuling!

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