Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 40: 40

Hong Tian looks at Wumei. Although he feels that Wumei is amazing and charming, he is just a little dizzy for a while, and then he recovers!

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But Hong Tian, who has recovered, can't help but exclaim in his heart!

"My God! How could there be such a beautiful woman in such a small mountain village? "

Hong Tian's eyes are full of aggressive looking at the dance charm, hoping to eat the dance charm!

Since he entered qingshanzong. In Nanshan village, they are also well respected. Even their family status has been greatly improved!

Now he wants wind and rain. In Nanshan village, what he wants is nothing he can't get!

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Even the beautiful girls in Nanshan Village don't know how many they played with!

At the moment, when he saw Wu Mei, such a unique woman, the desire in his heart was suddenly that no matter how, he must get this woman into his room!

Almost at the next moment, a plan appeared in his mind,

"hehe, Beishan village, a small village." Hong Tian said with a smile: "Wang man, since they want this cloud pigeon, give it to them."

"Young master..." Wang man didn't want to.

"Give it to them!" Hong Tian eyebrows a horizontal.

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"Yes Young master Wang man frowned and bit his teeth. He ordered the villagers around to get out of the way and said, "hum! Tower, today is your lucky day. Master Hongtian is kind and gives you cloud pigeon to improve your food. Don't you feel grateful for it

"You..." The man in Beishan village is not happy.

"Wang man, I don't mean to be kind. I'm giving a bride price!" Hong Tian shakes the folding fan, the corner of his mouth slightly Yang!

"Betrothal gifts?"

After listening to Hongtian's words, the people in Nanshan Village immediately understood the meaning of Hongtian's words. All of a sudden, they all laughed and looked at Wu Mei with ambiguous expression!

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The men in Beishan village were stunned at first, but in an instant they were ugly!

Dance spirit seems to have no feeling to Hong Tian's words, but Huang Zhen behind her is instantly cold face!

Wu Meiqiao smiles and smiles. She is not angry because of Hong Tian's words. Instead, she smiles even more. Then she comes to Chen Feng and embraces Chen Feng's arm with both hands. Chen Feng only feels a soft feeling on his arm.

"Does a sissy still want to marry this girl? Don't pee and take care of yourself. Unless you can be more handsome than my brother, you won't get the favor of my girl

"Wanton!" Wang man gave a big drink and said, "young master Hongtian is gifted and has even joined the qingshanzong. It's your good fortune to take a fancy to you as a woman. If you don't feel grateful, you dare to speak up and despise my young master! Can't you die? "

Wang man drank furiously and danced angrily, but in a flash, a tiny thing turned into a streamer and shot into Wang man's eyes ~

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the next moment, Wang man covered his eyes, and his blood ran straight. Endless pain made Wang man even more open his mouth and roar!

"Well, not everyone can be disrespectful to my people, especially my women!"

Although Chen Feng's voice is plain, but it is not covered up in the cold!

Hong Tian was shocked by the sudden appearance of this incident, but he reacted in an instant and said, "are you also a martial monk?"

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