Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 403: 403

Xing Tian Xia's whole person flies upside down. In mid air, Xing Tian Xia only feels that his brain is blank and his eyes are dark!

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In an instant, xingtianxia's face has been covered with blood!

All the friars looked at the figure of Xing Tian Xia flying backwards. They all opened their mouths in amazement and could not be closed for a long time!

"This is Do you think you're going to die? "

"Just a memory of brain collapse can tell us about a strong emperor of Wu, and is it a legend that broke through the four realms of the imperial palace to collapse?"

"How powerful is that memory of brain collapse?"


All the friars are looking at Chen Feng's hand which slowly retracts, the finger shape also maintains the pop-up state!

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In an instant, all the friars felt insane!

"In this world, is there such an attack?"

Such a question appeared in all the monks' hearts!

Just a flick of a finger, can actually fly into a palace of the secret realm of the Emperor Wu great complete, such power is really incredible!

All the friars were shocked and looked at Chen Feng, hoping to worship him!

"The great God of Chen Feng is really a demon!"

"I didn't expect that the great God of Chen Feng had such a fantastic martial art skill!"

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"What's the name of this martial art? What is the point of collapse

"Maybe it's the old endless lost in the world."

"It is said that during the barbarian era, many great powers were able to point to the collapse of mountains, and that kind of martial arts skills may be due to the chance of Chen Feng's great God, and the road may also be under coincidence!"


All friars are in the heart of Chen Feng this powerful one finger speculation!

"You don't know, you didn't see the big God Chen Feng didn't use that move in Jiyuan Pavilion!"

A monk suddenly said.

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"That one?"

All the friars are said by this monk, and they are curious!

The monk saw that all the monks' eyes were focused on him, and a trace of pride flashed on his face!

"Don't be so cynical! Say it

A powerful friar of the Wu Emperor frowned and cheered at the Friar's betrayal.

The monk's pride on his face was stiff, and then he found that he could not see through the accomplishments of the monk who scolded him. He suddenly gave a light cough and said, "well, I saw the great God Chen Feng outside the Jiyuan Pavilion. He even sent out a blow with his nose, which can be compared with the powerful attack of meteorites in the sky!"

"What are you talking about?! Nose poop? "

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"Snuff can be as good as an extraterrestrial meteorite?! You're fucking teasing me

"He didn't tease you. I've heard other friars say this legend, but I always thought it was false. But today I saw the strange attack way of the great God Chen Feng. I think the legend is true."


All the friars were talking about Chen Feng there, but Chen Feng raised a smile of pride, then looked at the Zhuge Pavilion and Zhang Jiuling, who were still lying on the ground, and immediately said, "when are you going to lie down, you fatso?"

Zhuge Ge gave an embarrassed smile and said, "boss, I'm waiting for you to care about me for a while."

Zhang Jiuling let out a curse and immediately said with a smile, "you fatso, don't you want to be good with the boss? Have you ever considered the feelings of sister Xiao Xia and sister Zhen Yun? "

Zhuge Ge Ge's face was suddenly cold, and he said, "what the hell are you talking about? Fat man, am I that kind of gun? "

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