Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 411: 411

With that, Chen Feng appeared directly in Zhen Yun's boudoir, and Zhen Yun was shocked again!

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"Chen Feng, won't you knock at the door?"

Zhen Yun's way of being angry!

This if she changes clothes in the room, Chen Feng this come in, not want to see her all?

Chen Feng is not in the mood to tease Zhen Yun now. He directly says to Zhen Yun, "I need a lot of treasures now. Can you get them?"

"Treasure? What are you going to do

Zhen Yun immediately doubted.

"Used to enhance strength!"

Chen Feng also has no other words, casually deal with the way.

"Do you need treasures for cultivation?"

Zhen Yun immediately asked, "why haven't I heard of this practice?"

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"Can you get it? I'm going to save people! "

CHEN Feng frowned.

"Are you asking for help?"

Zhen Yun said a little aggrieved, but then he said, "I'll help you find a way, but you have to prepare for Yuanjing. After all, jiyuange is not owned by my family!"

”OK, Yuanjing has a lot of them, but you have to get me all the high-level treasures of Jiyuan Pavilion! "Chen Feng nodded.

Hearing this, Zhen Yun nodded, wondering what magic skills Chen Feng was practicing, but he went directly to help Chen Feng collect treasures!

Chen Feng took advantage of this period of time to sit directly on Zhen Yun's bed, his heart sank into consciousness!

"System, I want to exchange skills!"


What skills does the host need?

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Now that the system has been upgraded, the exchange list can automatically retrieve all the skills that Chen Feng wants, so Chen Feng will ask Zhen Yun to get the treasure to exchange for the exchange point!

"I want to move in a moment!"


Instant movement: the target Aura can be sensed for accurate fixed-point transmission, which can be transmitted by one or more people together!

Exchange points: 600000!

"600000, which is almost the same as a recovery pill of Zhuge Pavilion!"

Chen Feng sighs in the heart, but he is clear that this skill is powerful!

Chen Feng now has the blink skill, but this skill needs to be limited by the sight!

But Wukong - kakarot's instantaneous movement does not have this restriction. As long as it is the Qi that he can sense, he can instantly appear beside the master of his locked Qi!

This skill can definitely be called magic!

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600000 exchange points, Chen Feng also felt able to accept!

At this moment, Zhen Yun pushed the door and entered!

Chen Feng immediately raised his head, just looking at Zhen Yun's hand holding a ring.

Zhen Yun went to Chen Feng and handed him Najie. He said, "this is a part of the treasure of Jiyuan pavilion that has not been sold. It is worth one billion Yuan Jing, a martial arts master."

"Well, give it to me."

Chen Feng took over Najie, and his mental power entered into it in an instant. He saw the treasure like a mountain!

Chen Feng face no change, directly in the heart of the system: "system, convert it into exchange points! "

- Ding!

Start swallowing! Transform!


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Conversion complete!


Get exchange points: 610000.

in a short time, those treasures are swallowed up by the system, and Chen Feng's mouth is slightly raised, which is just enough!

Chen Feng once again ordered the system: "exchange instant transfer!"


Successful exchange!

Chen Feng's mouth slightly Yang, he originally also wanted to have a try, did not expect to really exchange to this magic skill!

Chen Feng immediately laughed!

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